Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
I have found that j-types will plan a task in detail but when actually doing it, they undergo a certain amount of trial and error and subsequent plan repair; while p-types don't seem to plan but like to be prepared for ever eventuality so will practice or study with no particular objective in mind other than to be personally prepared in general. J-types seem to focus on the destination and plan a trip to get there whereas p-types are more concerned with how to get there given an objective, a subtle but significant distinction. P-types don't really seem to be as insecure as j-types when seeing beyond the horizon is impossible; they usually seem to be more trusting of their abilities to react to unknown circumstances. J-types seem to prefer preplanning that will prevent unforeseen circumstances from happening so they won't have to react. Now, there are many insecure people who won't do anything one way or the other regardless of type. I see the distinction between p-types and j-types to simply be their focus on input versus output processes respectively.......
Hmm seems like the usual issue of putting disparate things together too much under one concept.

So like, for me how it works is, I don't plan tasks in detail especially when I don't even have all the details on them, how could I?!

And, I'm trusting in my ability to react to upcoming unknown circumstances.

OK, where I'm "j" after all: I do have to have some draft of a plan of main steps at least. But that's often not detailed beyond. If very familiar with the stuff then yes, there'll be a detailed version. But I noticed that the more detailed I get with the plan, the more inflexible I become too, and then if shit gets in the way or if I just have to change the plan for some other reason, I get pissed off way too much. I get so strongly committed that's not proportional to the significance of that detail / step. Or I just get to stand there for a few seconds not able to react immediately to the change before reorienting myself. So the fully detailed approach is only really good for tasks where I can have control over everything because it's that kind of task for some reason.

And, I actually do relate to how I have to do plan repairs, yes, more that than just being prepared in general without a particular objective in mind. That approach is truly foreign to me. Do you find that's often true for Se base types too, not just Ne?

Otoh, I don't preplan to prevent too many unforeseen circumstances. Would require too much preparation/thinking, I can be a bit more impatient mentally and physically than that. This might tie into how I'm perfectly fine with reacting if it doesn't affect a planned step.

All in all, hard to say if I prefer having the commitment to the (detailed!) steps of the plan or reacting in the moment to stuff. I can be fine with both... My only real "j" preference here is that I do at least have main steps of a draft of a plan. And I do prefer to go by that, I can't exist without that.

J-types seem to focus on the destination and plan a trip to get there whereas p-types are more concerned with how to get there given an objective, a subtle but significant distinction.
Isn't the destination the objective?