I'm laughing so much

thanks Adam for explaining me how duals work, I'm still dumb with them~ I could even be a mistyped ESI but I really doubt I just find my duals attractive, proof is in my life I have no dual or even semi-dual around, and kind of sure I never dated one, so much for ESI.
I've spent years and still trying to type myself correctly, but at the core I'm the very much stereotyped dreamy girl with her head in the clouds, that's how I feel and how people tell me they perceive me too, even my psychologist said that lol, and he always complimented my self-lucidity... although it doesn't help me to take action and move on from my dreamy comfort zone, I'm good at analyzing, not applying : ) So much for Se.

I'm just bothered because I was hoping someone would say I looked like an SLE, fuck u all >=(