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Thread: I will VI Anybody!

  1. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    If you type Bertrand and I as his duals then it's inconsistent for you to use intertype relationships in any context.
    Not really. People can have issues with their Duals when their values don't align; especially if they are Fi valuing.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

  2. #202
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    maybe adam strange's dick can sort it out

    do you want to fuck me adam?

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    i just spit out my coffee

  4. #204
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    I guess this is Bertrand's official coming-out.
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  5. #205
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    its just so mind blowingly asinine that medusa puts more faith in that than the mountain of evidence over here to the contrary. its like really, how stupid. aren't you supposed to be an Ni dom. the probability of all that being true at once is vanishingly small, but I guess that just my tiny sensor brain getting confused again

    brb posting long conceptual analyses meanwhile you two post pictures and give dick tests

    lol and the comeback, ur gay. fuck you what if I am? did you have an actual point in there or just making noise again

  6. #206
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    The funny thing is, I wasn't even being really serious when I said ESI. I just put it out there to amuse myself and see what sticks and how you guys react.

    And now, you are running into some of the stereotypes of that type, which is amusing.

    Anyway, I don't have any particular opinion on Bertrand's type actually, but at this point LIE is rather off the table, imo.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
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  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Not really. People can have issues with their Duals when their values don't align; especially if they are Fi valuing.
    Is duality the exception to intertype relations?
    BTW your stance on this - especially when you make jokes about Adam and I bickering like a couple, or talk about how fi-ESIs want to be aggressively chased down - implicitly encourages him to continue violating the boundaries I have unsuccessfully been trying to set with him, which is why I take such issue with it.

  8. #208
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    Because stupidity is not type related..

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Is duality the exception to intertype relations?
    BTW your stance on this - especially when you make jokes about Adam and I bickering like a couple, or talk about how fi-ESIs want to be aggressively chased down - implicitly encourages him to continue violating the boundaries I have unsuccessfully been trying to set with him, which is why I take such issue with it.
    The last time I said you were bickering like a couple... was maybe a month ago? Or more?

    Anyway, in no shape or form am I suggesting that you two "should be together" or whatever, if that's what you are worried about.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
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  10. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post

    The funny thing is, I wasn't even being really serious when I said ESI. I just put it out there to amuse myself and see what sticks and how you guys react.

    And now, you are running into some of the stereotypes of that type, which is amusing.

    Anyway, I don't have any particular opinion on Bertrand's type actually, but at this point LIE is rather off the table, imo.
    yeah its almost like the stereotypes arent true and the issue is with you perpetuating false ones and now youre just doubling down on them contrary to all reason decency and evidence

    also that last line, actually the entire post

    T e P o l r

    The last time I said you were bickering like a couple... was maybe a month ago? Or more?

    Anyway, in no shape or form am I suggesting that you two "should be together" or whatever, if that's what you are worried about.
    I love how you think of yourself as an Ni ego, adam as well, but trace the conceptual development of ideas and their implications through time like a goldfish, both of you

    inb4 haha I was just playin guyz

  11. #211
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    Haha man, you totally fell into that trap.

    Another thread, derailed.

    What if this was all planned, huh.
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  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybris theory View Post
    Attachment 11043
    these are some of the test I took in the last 2 years, I did more but the results never varied from this... I tried twice now to take the test but it doesn't process, ugh. I usually get straight IEE in there, irrational subtype.

    Damn, @hubris theory. Before you deleted your original post, I was going to go through your four pics one by one and say which type each one reminded me of. I remember that the fourth one seemed IEE to me. No way to prove that I had that idea before you mentioned it, but I did.

    How about the test on Or consider this: Most people who are fairly well-adjusted are attracted to their duals. Not everyone, not all the time, but it is a trend. I have an IEE bookkeeper, and I showed her a pic of my SLI father, and she said, "What a handsome man." which is more her opinion than mine, but whatever.

    She had taken the test at and had gotten ESE as a result. I showed her a picture of an LII that I work with, a great guy, and she said "No. That guy is gross." And talking with her at length, I'm pretty sure she is IEE. Certainly, she is Delta.

    Have you considered getting at your type by looking at pics of your possible dual's types?

  13. #213
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    oh look a goldfish

    Before you deleted your original post, I was going to go through your four pics one by one and say which type each one reminded me of
    its almost like you're trying to use Si creatively to provide a Te product

  14. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Or consider this: Most people who are fairly well-adjusted are attracted to their duals.
    Well adjusted people don't accuse anyone who tries to set boundaries with them of being crazy. You're a sick person.

  15. #215
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    How are you doing, lungs?

  16. #216
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    @hybris theory, I have not seen any pics of yours, but based on how you acted in the chat I find LII plausible.
    But that's just an idea, I am not set on any typing for you. EII-Ne might be an alternative typing. I'd rule out IEE, personally.
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    *********** 21-04-19:
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  17. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    How are you doing, lungs?
    I must be doing awful - I'm a neurotic mess. It's the only possible reason I wouldn't like you. If I could only give duality a chance regardless of my discomfort with the other person, I could be cured. Alas, because I am a human with free will and my own likes and dislikes I am doomed to be unhappy forever.

  18. #218
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    Im sure a creepy massage from adam would hit the spot

    why are you such a bitch lungs

    cant you see what your Ni overlords have dictated [1] is good for you?

    open up that Ni receptive pea brain of yours, and you know what else

    why don't you let him buy you some meaningless trinket, you gold-digging whore. we all know its what you want. youll feel better. trust him, he's old

    [1] no pun intended

  19. #219
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    Actually being away from the forum as a I have been for the last few days is usually a sign that I'm doing exceptionally well lol.

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    i think the issue lies in adam continuously invading women's boundaries under the false pretense that these women are his dual (ESI) therefore his "creepy" behavior is justified. lungs is bothered by the fact that she's verbalized her discomfort wrt adam's "creepy" behavior on more than one occasion, but you regularly disregard them in favor of playing cupid between a "creepy" interested man and an uncomfortable, disinterested woman, which in turn enables adam's "creepy" behavior, whether or not that's your intention. i feel like adam probably thinks he's just teasing lungs but i don't think she views it that way, therefore lung's opinion > adam's opinion since the matter at hand is lung's boundaries, not adam's boundaries, the former of which neither you nor adam has any right to determine for lungs. this issue extends far beyond a pseudoscientific personality theory. it's basic human decency.

    it's like witnessing a guy slide his hand up a random girl's skirt, she says "no" x10, and your response is, "lighten up, he's just teasing you"

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    Im sure a creepy massage from adam would hit the spot

    why are you such a bitch lungs

    cant you see what your Ni overlords have dictated [1] is good for you?

    open up that Ni receptive pea brain of yours, and you know what else

    why don't you let him buy you some meaningless trinket, you gold-digging whore. we all know its what you want. youll feel better. trust him, he's old

    [1] no pun intended
    Oh my goddddddddd

  22. #222
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    I don't wanna be typed by that girl tbh lol

    thanks, I have a problem with my duals actually (LSEs), I seem to be more attracted by Se types. Always get in relationship with them, although we split. I don't value much physical looks, I like the vibes people send, confidence, kindness.. hm. You could try post your pics I'd tell you if I find you attractive.
    Bertrand very hot ; )

    ps. yeah on sociotype I get EIIs like always.. never took a screenshot though and today doesn't work.

  23. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    i think the issue lies in adam continuously invading women's boundaries under the false pretense that these women are his dual (ESI) therefore his "creepy" behavior is justified. lungs is bothered by the fact that she's verbalized her discomfort wrt adam's "creepy" behavior on more than one occasion, but you regularly disregard them in favor of playing cupid between a "creepy" interested man and an uncomfortable, disinterested woman, which in turn enables adam's "creepy" behavior, whether or not that's your intention. i feel like adam probably thinks he's just teasing lungs but i don't think she views it that way, therefore lung's opinion > adam's opinion since the matter at hand is lung's boundaries, not adam's boundaries, the former of which neither you nor adam has any right to determine for lungs. this issue extends far beyond a pseudoscientific personality theory. it's basic human decency.

    it's like witnessing a guy slide his hand up a random girl's skirt, she says "no" x10, and your response is, "lighten up, he's just teasing you"
    Wtf, when did I ever encourage Adam to act like a "creep" and make sexual advances or comments at lungs?

    Seriously, haha, where are you guys getting this.

    When I said the "old couple comment" a long time ago, I was just clueless about what was really going on. I knew nothing about their history, whatever.
    But a considerable amount of time has passed since then, and I have changed my attitude completely. I am not encouraging anything.
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  24. #224
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    It's not explicitly sexual nor are you explicitly encouraging it. If you're not being disingenuous then I really do wonder how Ni would miss this (implicit processes). I've wondered similarly about Adam.

  25. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoid View Post
    i think the issue lies in adam continuously invading women's boundaries under the false pretense that these women are his dual (ESI) therefore his "creepy" behavior is justified. lungs is bothered by the fact that she's verbalized her discomfort wrt adam's "creepy" behavior on more than one occasion, but you regularly disregard them in favor of playing cupid between a "creepy" interested man and an uncomfortable, disinterested woman, which in turn enables adam's "creepy" behavior, whether or not that's your intention. i feel like adam probably thinks he's just teasing lungs but i don't think she views it that way, therefore lung's opinion > adam's opinion since the matter at hand is lung's boundaries, not adam's boundaries, the former of which neither you nor adam has any right to determine for lungs. this issue extends far beyond a pseudoscientific personality theory. it's basic human decency.

    it's like witnessing a guy slide his hand up a random girl's skirt, she says "no" x10, and your response is, "lighten up, he's just teasing you"

    I would also like to add to this, that from my point of view, Adam brings almost nothing to the discussion but in being this way actively drives people away who could contribute thus he's a net drain on the system and after repeated attempts to warn him and enlighten him all of which have proven futile, and even garnered support from people likewise interesting in corrupting the informational integrity of the forum, which is its entire purpose for being-- he needs to go and gets no mercy because its, if nothing else, straight up bad business keeping his bitch ass around

    if nothing else the way nanooka and who knows how many other good posters have been run off because of undesirables is evidence of this

    also maybe medusa will grow up if she cant rationalize her behavior on the grounds some random old man validates it

  26. #226
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    I guess you guys think I am "against" lungs because I am not "against" Adam? Is that it?

    And no, I am not "against" anyone on this forum, so...
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  27. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    I guess you guys think I am "against" lungs because I am not "against" Adam? Is that it?

    And no, I am not "against" anyone on this forum, so...

    It's best if lungs and Adam don't mess with each other.
    No, that's not it. I don't think you're doing anything on purpose. But I appreciate what you're saying here. I don't have hard feelings towards you on a personal core level even if I get frustrated.

  28. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Wtf, when did I ever encourage Adam to act like a "creep" and make sexual advances or comments at lungs?

    Seriously, haha, where are you guys getting this.

    When I said the "old couple comment" a long time ago, I was just clueless about what was really going on. I knew nothing about their history, whatever.
    But a considerable amount of time has passed since then, and I have changed my attitude completely. I am not encouraging anything.
    Medusa, what you are seeing is called "projection". It happens a lot. Strawman arguments, where someone puts words in your mouth that you never said, and then accuses you of advocating that view, also happens. Just look at the paper trail.

  29. #229
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    I am still trying to understand what is Ni about Adam and how we are duals. But as said earlier, duals are not supposed to get connected so yeah, awesome.

  30. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Medusa, what you are seeing is called "projection". It happens a lot. Strawman arguments, where someone puts words in your mouth that you never said, and then accuses you of advocating that view, also happens. Just look at the paper trail.
    Self reflection is for suckers, am I right?

  31. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybris theory View Post
    I don't wanna be typed by that girl tbh lol

    thanks, I have a problem with my duals actually (LSEs), I seem to be more attracted by Se types. Always get in relationship with them, although we split. I don't value much physical looks, I like the vibes people send, confidence, kindness.. hm. You could try post your pics I'd tell you if I find you attractive.
    Bertrand very hot ; )

    ps. yeah on sociotype I get EIIs like always.. never took a screenshot though and today doesn't work.
    tests are just a starting point anyway. I think the whole premise of psychology is that words mean different things to different people so how could one and the same test type everyone accurately all under one umbrella? I think you just hang around and your type will become clearer over time, its really not worth trying to nail down %100 at the onset because its probably going to change anyway. If you can tolerate adam you're probably IEE, if you think he's disgusting (this may take a while since a lot of it is the over time "lingering" Te part of it) then its more ESI

  32. #232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Medusa, what you are seeing is called "projection". It happens a lot. Strawman arguments, where someone puts words in your mouth that you never said, and then accuses you of advocating that view, also happens. Just look at the paper trail.
    yeah i dont believe in anything I cant visibly see explicitly stated and printed on a piece of paper

    thats what Ni is, yeah

    you two are the like the living manifestation of using typology to justify bad behavior and complete lack of self development or reflection all wrapped up in the stereotypical concrete literalism that gives other sensors a bad name

  33. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yeah i dont believe in anything I cant visibly see explicitly stated and printed on a piece of paper

    thats what Ni is, yeah

    you two are the like the living manifestation of using typology to justify bad behavior
    You are using awfully lots of Fi for a type with 1D Fi. So, you are not the best person to evaluate us
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  34. #234
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    I would also like to add to this, that from my point of view, Adam brings almost nothing to the discussion but in being this way actively drives people away who could contribute thus he's a net drain on the system and after repeated attempts to warn him and enlighten him all of which have proven futile, and even garnered support from people likewise interesting in corrupting the informational integrity of the forum, which is its entire purpose for being-- he needs to go and gets no mercy because its, if nothing else, straight up bad business keeping his bitch ass around

    if nothing else the way nanooka and who knows how many other good posters have been run off because of undesirables is evidence of this

    also maybe medusa will grow up if she cant rationalize her behavior on the grounds some random old man validates it
    So much anger. Bertrand, I think you are ILE.

    What else could explain your reactions to me, since I have said almost nothing to or about you on this forum?

    Here is what Smilingeyes said about ENTp's:

    Creative Ti, cheerful, compliant, creation-creating.

    ENTps are most commonly seen through Ne characteristics and likewise ESTps are usually seen through the characteristics of Se. I want to talk about their Ti. But I still need to start with the origins.. the experience of concrete accepting Ne.

    When the ENTp feels Ne what's important to realise is that the feeling of brilliance and great success is retrospective. The ENTp pumps himself up by showing people ideas he's had in his mind. It's not about happiness at trying to find ideas it's about happiness with masturbating with ideas the ENTp has already had. It's about "proven" success. It's about self-assuredness of being correct. Now... Like most people who feel really big do, the ENTp errs often in his self-assuredness. His ideas aren't half as original or half as succesful as he thought. This is a realisation that doesn't go well with the ENTp. He didn't feel like manipulated his data when he found the idea, so he really should be correct, he must be correct! He will go over and over the material and go over and over his own thought process to assure himself of the power the idea is supposed to give him. Yet the environment never agrees with the ENTps powerfantasy. To continue the fantasy of masterdom over his environment the ENTp requires a constant stream of new ideas, corrections and exceptions to complement his original idea and yet he is still constantly frustrated by the environment. He will use all his brain power to try to fix his idea and it will not be enough.

    There will be a tipping point and after that the idea, the theory and the dream will essentially die and remain only as a memory, after this, what remains is the concrete Ti fantasy of being persecuted. It was the environment, the others, who killed the dream. He will try to repel and destroy the attempts of others to make nice with him, his bitterness and pain will not be extinguished. He has no friends, for his dream was destroyed and everybody is to blame. He tried his best yet he was denied, now everyone else must suffer too.

    This is the thought that will eventually be purged in a storm of Se.

    Now where's the lie in all this? Obviously it's in the attribution of the failure of your own expectations to the actions of others. It's mostly a lie to oneself. Yet the end result is also a willingness to lie to others because the others are unworthy of the truth, only of the pain. These lies are usually simple, powerful lies, often targetting first and foremost the perceived enemy, the originator of the opposition to the dream. A healthy process of Ti failure will be quick, develop into the storm of aggression and breeze by.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hybris theory View Post
    I don't wanna be typed by that girl tbh lol
    haha there's a downloadable excel spreadsheet. there are 100 terms which you rank from 0-4 (0=lowest, 4=highest) based on how relatable they are.

  36. #236
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    @Medusa I know you are just poking people for fun and working on asserting yourself and your opinions as you have said - and there is nothing wrong with that I even encourage it. And many other people here do that, obviously. But I think it can be more polarizing than it should be or maybe even than you intend it to be without noticing. Saying stuff like "most people on this site are Slytherin" "most people on here are contraflow" etc. and "that is why I can clash with you all" while mostly true just seems to be praising division if anything.

    Calling many people ESI, whether you are serious or not, too, and being a bit more rigid about your ideas regarding who people are... There is nothing wrong with these things alone and I'm not saying you should stop being who you are at all. I just think it can come off as patronizing or kind of like "guys you're all weird and I'm just normal so I know better". Maybe it's just a 4 thing or an Fe thing - I don't know and that part of it doesn't really matter anyways. But I don't mean to be rude saying any of this; I like you a lot and I think you are lighthearted and bring a lot of good discussions here and these are good things.

    I'm just saying that tone matters a lot with assertion - I know many people think that I am assertive and can be kind of a bitch or something but I still never get the kind of responses you do from it I think because I am just more naturally skilled at it. Whereas you are still developing this side of yourself. I just hope you find out how to balance it all because I don't like to see a lot of people going hostile on someone who only means well.

    As for Adam, I have nothing to comment on that part. I'll leave it to lungs (and Bertrand I guess ) since I don't think it really concerns me anyways. But I agree that he should respect lung's wishes for boundaries. I think you miss the point when people say that you encourage him - it's not just sexually or like saying you think they should be a couple or whatever. It's softer and less obvious than that - but it's kind of like saying "oh, he acts this way because he is LIE, of course" or showing a little bit of agreement to things he does/says.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    So much anger. Bertrand, I think you are ILE.
    I love how your reasoning is you have done nothing personally towards me thus you expect that means I won't speak against you if I see you doing something shitty

    wrong (also how fucking juvenile)

    also this is the best evidence Ive seen all day against me being ILE, so thanks. but you're still an asshole even though you've personally helped me

    difficult concept I know, but try printing it out and then looking at it, maybe then it will click


    You are using awfully lots of Fi for a type with 1D Fi. So, you are not the best person to evaluate us
    immediately followed by

    Bertrand, I think you are ILE.
    are you guys going to get your shit straight? the only thing that links you both is your attempt to turn this into a discussion of my type, which doesn't even matter, and furthermore you cant even agree on

    youre both just low N knuckleheads and this is exactly what this looks like

    let me work it out for you: I'm 4d Fi, ESI: you're both still fucked up
    I'm 1d Fi polr ILE: you're both still fucked up

    unfuck yourselves

    i dont even know why we're talking about type descriptions when we've already established your dick is dispositive anyway
    Last edited by Bertrand; 07-29-2017 at 07:23 PM.

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    so uh... does adam wanna fuck bertrand or not? my Ne PoLR capricorn sunrise cp8w1 sx/sp blue eyes white dragon can't keep up

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    well he sort of implied he wouldnt by typing me as ILE, but since I'm pretty sure hes just throwing the kitchen sink out to see what sticks, it caused his dick to deflate, so maybe hell change his mind in a bit when he has more spare bloodflow

  40. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by hybris theory View Post

    thanks, I have a problem with my duals actually (LSEs), I seem to be more attracted by Se types. Always get in relationship with them, although we split. I don't value much physical looks, I like the vibes people send, confidence, kindness.. hm. You could try post your pics I'd tell you if I find you attractive.
    Bertrand very hot ; )

    ps. yeah on sociotype I get EIIs like always.. never took a screenshot though and today doesn't work.
    Well, @hubris theory, a lot of people have trouble with their duals. I work with a wonderful female EII and a skilled male LSE, and she has told me that he can be a "pill" sometimes. (Hard to take, that is. ) Duals do take some getting used to, especially if you don't have experience with one, and you can be put off by them.

    My pictures are on the unofficial pictures thread.

    Don't tell me if you think I'm attractive. I don't want to know. Just use the pics for VI, and be aware that many things can alter your sense of whom you think looks good.

    If you keep breaking up with Se types, maybe it's time to look at another type. Relationships are all about making your already good life even better, mutual support, and personal growth, and you can't do much of that if you keep breaking up.

    I'm sure you'll find someone who is just right for you.

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