Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
I find Deltas to be quite literal in their communication.
They say exactly and only what they mean (except for IEE).
I am dramatic and use of a lot of figure of speech and Fe language. I probably don't say what I mean a lot of the time.
I tend to be quite literal even though I am an intuitive type. I tend to take what people say literally because after all I am literal in my communication with others. For that reason, I tend to have trouble with people who use alot of hyperbole and are overly dramatic in their speech. I tend to start pancking, thinking things are worse than they really are. Like for example, "I hate X with the passion of a thousand burning suns", I'm thinking to myself, why are showing such intense hatred towards something I'm perceiving as relatively minor? I get you dislike it, but is it necessary to show it with such intensity?

I find that I do not like misleading other people. So I am often qualifying my statements. Even though I think alot about possibilities and the abstract, I make it clear that this is just speculation, not reality, this is just my interpretation.

I do appreciate and enjoy figurative speech when just reading something for pleasure. I enjoy all kinds of wordplay, puns, etc. But if I have to seriously communicate with people, I far prefer a more literal approach.

Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
I have an EII friend who I was a little stern with while driving.
I thought she was being careless about something regarding her tire and communicated that she should slow down.
She got very upset and said "your words are stressing me out" and could not focus on driving. She couldn't handle my Fe warning without taking it so seriously.

Do you think Alphas are more literal? I have never known any Alphas to be literal (especially LII and ILE). Who are the more literal types?
I would be just like your EII friend. I cannot stand sternness in peoples' speech. I need everything to be calm. I know that's not always possible though, sometimes you have to be stern to avoid a car accident from happening. I know when I was learning to drive it was hell, I couldn't tolerate being yelled at for my mistakes although it was probably necessary at times to avoid accidents.

I think LII and ILE can be quite literal when it comes to stating their conceptual ideas precisely, but they also do alot of wordplay for fun. LII is probably more literal than ILE due to the leading Ti which seeks more precision.

Quote Originally Posted by MaviTilki View Post
I can second that.. One of my biggest dramas was with an IEE dude who completely didn't get what I said and when/why I said it.. like he didn't understand the implications and situation at all, took everything I say literally, so he didn't understand I said certain things about people in a moment of anger (which dramatises things) or to help someone out/ make him feel better.. he then told people what I 'said' about them -> making it sound like I really hated them/ talked badly about them.. which caused me a shit ton of stress and drama.. he seemed a bit retarded in not getting situations/implications.. I really couldn't wrap my head around how someone could (we had something like a fight) still make it sound like I said many things in such a literal way.. like I was out to get people or something. It was the weirdest thing ever to me.

Didn't have that problem with other Deltas so far though..

I have another IEE friend who let himself be talked over by one of these people who want you to donate money to their organisation and thus emotionally pressure you with the oh-so-poor kids and that 1 euro a day isn't a lot of money.. and that is why I was mostly focused on that this person just wants us do something (donate money to something we didn't have the money for, doing the typical thing these NGO people do, etc.), thus trying to take control over the situation and get us out of it, because I was really annoyed at the show he pulled.
My IEE friend instead atcually worried about being a bad human being and felt horrible for not being able to donate.. I thought to myself "how can you take this so seriously?"

But yeah Delta is basically serious about everything they do/say. And I would usually say they are rather literal yes. Betas like me might use a lot of harsh words, but they shouldn't necessarily be taken for what they are.. like it is mostly play or emotional display at a specific moment. I personally don't mean everything I say as harsh as it sounds.. though I would call myself very honest in general and so are most SLES I met. We are rather blunt and harsh.. I would describe Delta as being very sensitive towards words and how you express them. So thus they might be very cautious with the words they use.. because they don't want them to tarnslate literally.. since they take many things literally.
I am like the IEE here in your example. I tend to take other peoples' harsh and blunt statements to heart, assuming they mean it exactly as its said. I've always been hypersensitive to words and how they are expressed and I choose my words very carefully assuming others are like me.

Quote Originally Posted by Delilah View Post
Interesting. I'd say Delta ST more literal than Beta St; in that it makes sense that the EII the OP describes would be expecting something literal. Personally I'd choose "taking someone on their word" rather than expecting 'literal' speech fwiw.

A lot of Fe does have the effect of stressing me out and when the Fe person is in a mood it can be even scary. It happened just recently with my landlady where she threatened to terminate my contract (ESE). I took it to heart and started looking for a new place. Several people told me she's likely just threatening and won't actually do it. Turned out she was just threatening, which i did suspect but couldn't be safe in that knowledge so did call up a few places. A very stressful situation.
Yes! Peoples' bad moods can be very scary for me. I take threatening speech seriously, and I would likely be looking for a new place too if I was in that situation. It also doesn't help that I have Se PoLR, I don't always accurately assess what's truly threatening and what isn't.