Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
I find it interesting to note that all longterm Benefit marriages I have known or observed were with a female Benefactor (and usually matching subtypes). It's typically women who've had negative experiences in the past, and/or who feel more comfortable being with a guy who's unlikely going to leave them because of the asymmetric dynamic. Often it is said that the one who cares more has the power, and that is certainly the case with the Benefactor; the Beneficiary cares more, so the Benefactor has more power. I am assuming that when a guy is the Benefactor, he's more likely going to tire of it and his eyes will wander, and that's why there aren't too many long-term Benefit relationships with a male Benefactor.

Anyhow, I do think that Benefit marriages can and do work. It typically requires a female Benefactor, matching subtypes, and being able to accept and overlook the Beneficiary's shortcomings.
This is a really good point I hadn't thought of before. The only long-term romantic benefit relationship I know is a female EII with male SEI. I wonder if kind of the inverse is true. Since on average, women tend to like long-term things more than men do, and men tend to like short-term things more than women do, such that men have more market power in the marriage market while women have more market power in the casual fling market, maybe male benefactor-female beneficiary is more common for flings.