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Thread: Cash me ousside, how bow dat?

  1. #121
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    I was more reactive and knee jerk about feminism like 2 - 3 years ago as an unhealthy reaction to constant trolling from a handful of people. I guess it stuck in your head and now you can't separate that behavior from who I am generally. Thanks for finally explaining what the deal is. I still think feminism is legit though, so I'm sure you'll dislike me regardless.

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    Haha, I remember reading the OP's post before people replied thinking it would make someone angry, but it exceeded my expectations. Anyways, I don't think the OP is a creepy pedo, but rather someone that made a distasteful joke without realizing it. He doesn't deserve the harsh condemnation he is getting because it was a joke, but if he was dead serious then obviously that would be a different story.

    /2 cents
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  3. #123
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    Even if he is serious why is it so bad? He isn't a pedophile, the girl has gone through or is in the middle of puberty and looks mature, has tits etc.

  4. #124
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    Can yall who liked strangelings post point out where I said op was sexist or even had an upset reaction towards him?

  5. #125
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    I want to show my mom this girl the next time she brings up what a horrible teen I was. It could have been so much worse.

    I can actually see little bits of myself in her but a way toned down, polite version. I was more calculating than she is. She is just reactive and doesn't seem to think through the consequences first. I knew the consequences and could weigh if the risk was worth the reward.

    She is troubled, so was I, but the expressions are very different. I knew how to behave in different situations and with different people. I only cursed in front of my friends but not even much then. I did curse at my mom a few times and she did not take it well. She does not adjust herself to the situation/people like I did. I would hide the monster in me from most people. Only those close to me got to see it. I was more focused on my overall image at that age. I was shy around strangers so it made it hard for therapists to see what my mom had to deal with or what I was really dealing with in my own family. I think my my aunt, my mom and I are were all equally contributing to to my rebellious behavior and it is not any one person's fault.

    I would say adults outside my family were more likely to be swayed into seeing me more as a victim. I didn't consider myself a victim but I knew how to use that to my advantage to get out of trouble. This girl is seen more as a monster. So yeah, I even feel like I would want to punch her in the face but I wouldn't. It is just a feeling. I have no doubt some people wanted to punch me in the face too, a few times, when I was a teen. Especially my mom. I only took her on physically once and she put me down. After that I just threw things rather than go after her. I wasn't stupid and knew my physical limitation.

    I tried to see if there was any other type I could see in her besides Se ego by comparing to myself and I can't see it. I especially cannot see an introverted type. As bad as I was I still was inside myself most of the time. I rarely insulted people and I had more compassion even if I didn't talk about it. She is not inside herself one bit. I could reflect on my own behavior and learn. She doesn't seem to have that ability and it would take a lot more work for her to do it. I was able to learn and change based on how I saw myself affecting others. I just see a lack of self awareness in her that is real. I still had plenty of self awareness and empathy, even for my aunt and mom.

    SEE, sx first, for this girl is not a bad typing. Not all SEE are going to be healthy like the girl posted in the other video.

    *deleted* due to those who take things so literal they apply it across the board. pm me if interested in what I said.
    Last edited by Aylen; 07-04-2017 at 11:04 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Can yall who liked strangelings post point out where I said op was sexist or even had an upset reaction towards him?
    No? OK. I guess having a civilized debate arguing that age of consent laws are justified is considered rabid sjw-ism by a certain kind of person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strangeling View Post
    Oh, for fuck's sake. The girl is attractive for her age and he made a joke off that. That has zero to do with sexism. If anything, the only thing he seems to be guilty of is being too honest about his attraction because she's underage and that might bother some people. But no your feminism doesn't somehow make this sexism or even justify your reaction. I've seen you state this before when you moralize what isn't even there and justify it with feminism. It's extremely vexing and yeah, this is why I don't like you. I don't know why you can't just state your dissatisfaction without having to make it into a feminist or moralizing crusade.
    It's counter-productive to chastise someone for chastising someone else when you lack the necessary context to do so, but don't worry, I'll provide context. I think lungs made her stance clear on the first page of this thread when she agreed with kalinoche's stance. TL;DR OP's comments were distasteful, but the real "culprit" here is the girl's mother. She even kindly disagreed with Chae's stance (which was a feminist stance). It's made even funnier by the fact that I'm pretty sure lungs was just being nice in that post of hers that you quoted, so you're kind of tilting at windmills right now.

    It seems to me like you just picked out an isolated post that fit your biased narrative as a vehicle to publicly vocalize your dislike of a forum member.

  8. #128
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    Fwiw I've been asking them for awhile to come out and say why they don't like me, and I guess this was the opportunity for it, so this is what I've requested and I'm glad it's on the table even if I think their interpretation of this thread is off. But thank you @paranoid I was having a 6 self doubt spiral over this and craving some validation that my mind is straight lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    Fwiw I've been asking them for awhile to come out and say why they don't like me, and I guess this was the opportunity for it, so this is what I've requested and I'm glad it's on the table even if I think their interpretation of this thread is off. But thank you @paranoid I was having a 6 self doubt spiral over this and craving some validation that my mind is straight lol.
    nah, don't worry. you're fine. everyone on this forum should dye their hair red like cash me ousside so we can all finally look as angry as we feel.

  10. #130
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    This forum: angrier than the average Trump discussion

    But I'd like to keep my soul, tyvm

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    I assume you don't condone sex with 2 year olds? People are generally instinctively averse to that because they aren't at all sexually developed. But a toddler might even still initiate sexual contact if they've been abused. It doesn't mean they're actually capable of consent. This is why the concept of consent needs to include more than the simple act of agreement to sexual activity. The issue is more complex than that.
    Obviously, sex with a 2 year old is probably not even possible, and quite possibly physically harmful, because they aren't even sexually mature. (they're fucking 2.)
    Also they probably don't know what sex is. (don't tell me that there are teens who doesn't know what sex is, everybody gets sex ed at the age of 12 or so, nowadays)
    So they, indeed, can't give consent to do something they don't even know what it entails. Teens can, because they do know what sex entails, even if they probably have never done it before.

    My point entailed biologically mature people (most people are biologically capable of having sex without injury at ~13-14 years old)
    They know what sex is.
    They know what it entails.
    So why can't they give ''informed consent''?

    You say it is because they are basically ''less smart than adults'', because their brains haven't developed properly yet.
    Yet they know exactly what sex is, isn't that all there really is to it.

    There are a lot of dumb adults aswel, with decision-making capabilities of teens. Should we forbid them from having sex aswel?

    Should we put on a chastity belt and a cock cage on everybody, only to be unlocked if you fill in an IQ test to prove you are intelligent enough to give ''informed consent''?

    Or is it just enough to be biologically and mentally capable of having safe sex, and knowing what sex entails?
    The age of 18 seems stupid, because even though it correlates with IQ and better decision making capabilities, it really is IQ that matters. (or you can make another test that entails decision-making, to be able to make up who is able to make proper decisions and who isn't.)

    Besides sex really isn't the ''biggest decision of your life'' as you seem to make it out to be, and if it is, then tell me what I'm missing on about

    Also, if teens weren't ''meant to have sex'', then why are their bodies already ready to have sex between 10-14 years old?

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    You're again comparing adults to teenagers. It isn't equivalent.
    Adults also aren't equivalent to other adults.
    Yet (basically) all adults are allowed to have sex, also the ones with their IQ below 100 (meaning they are less capable of making well-informed decisions than the average person)

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    it's good to let children learn from some mistakes, but those mistakes don't have to involve major, life changing, potentially very dangerous adult decisions.
    But since when is having sex a major, life changing potentially very dangerous adult decision?
    It's the most basic thing out there, alongside the fact that everybody eats, takes a shit, breathes and sleeps.
    Can you tell me what's so spectacular about having sex?

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    It's not about whether they'll regret it. It's about the fact that they're unable to give informed consent.
    Who is to decide who is informed or not? Lots of people vote in elections without giving a fuck, or reading up on anything that's really happening.
    Also, does the public really know what's going on behind the scenes in political games?
    Does that mean that nobody gets to vote anymore? Apparently not. Even though we consider voting to be a ''major, life changing, potentially very dangerous adult decision'', which probably has way more impact than getting it on with some older guy or girl.

    Maybe we should instate IQ-tests as the decision maker for being able to give ''informed consent'', instead of age. Because there are a lot of informed teens and a lot more uninformed adults. Yes, age correlates with IQ, but why not take IQ as a baseline to begin with, then? Why age?

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    "Live and let live" definitely doesn't apply to children for obvious reasons. We don't let 5 year olds eat an entire box of ice cream in one sitting and we try not to let teenagers have sex with adults until they're 18. Because we have common sense and we're not savages.
    ''Because we have common sense and we're not savages.'' is not an argument.

    Also: Eating an entire box of ice cream is unhealthy.
    Having sex as a biologically mature teen is not. Not even with an adult. And if it is, please tell me about it what is, I wanna know.

    Quote Originally Posted by lungs View Post
    I don't know about Down Syndrome, but there are laws about whether people who are severely mentally impaired are able to give consent, even when they are adults.
    Fair enough

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Maybe we should instate IQ-tests as the decision maker for being able to give ''informed consent'', instead of age. Because there are a lot of informed teens and a lot more uninformed adults. Yes, age correlates with IQ, but why not take IQ as a baseline to begin with, then? Why age?

    You wouldn't really like that actually.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Who is to decide who is informed or not? Lots of people vote in elections without giving a fuck, or reading up on anything that's really happening.
    Also, does the public really know what's going on behind the scenes in political games?
    Does that mean that nobody gets to vote anymore? Apparently not. Even though we consider voting to be a ''major, life changing, potentially very dangerous adult decision'', which probably has way more impact than getting it on with some older guy or girl.
    Except teenagers cannot vote you stupid ass. What is your point? They cannot vote. And lucky for us, because why the FUCK would we want our society steered by teenagers? You want our entire society to be steered by the teenagers who have never even been part of the adult world, most have never even had a job and don't even know what taxes are? Great idea, really good.
    And people voting stupidly - this is why we have a republic instead of a full democracy; precisely because voters are stupid. Yes, it literally means we don't want stupid people voting. Do you want stupid people voting? An informed voter base is essential to democracy. This is why we have the law 'teenagers cannot vote'.... This is why we created the electoral college. This is why we have the house of representatives. This is why we have freedom of the press... And so on...

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    blah blah blah I'm a whore and proud
    Listen you fucking whore - there should be some psychological connection between the people. Sex is part of bonding. It is part of relationships. People need that, it is important for their development. Teens need that. Without that, you have a disconnect and a lack of empathy, which might be at the core of most mental problems. Teens need to be having sex with one another, because they share a common experience, in order to bond and move forward - they don't need you. What do you have to bond with a 14 year old over? Your CD collection? Do you plan on staying with them? Are you going to be clearing it with their parents first or are you going to be sneaking around and doing it? Why do you need to bond with teens rather than adults? Are you not capable of bonding with adults? It's because you're a loser and you don't fit into the adult power structure... you have to manipulate teenage girls into sex because you can't get it from women your age. You fit the psychological profile of a rapist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    But since when is having sex a major, life changing potentially very dangerous adult decision?
    It's the most basic thing out there, alongside the fact that everybody eats, takes a shit, breathes and sleeps.
    Can you tell me what's so spectacular about having sex?
    Well because sex is part of bonding. What, you don't think sex is linked to bonding? Of course it is, nature designed it that way. What, you think you can simply decide to go against millions of years of evolution? I don't think so. Your bullshit attitude can say one thing but this is just not the reality.
    Why does it matter? You want healthy relationships don't you? Society has a strong interest in raising teens to form stable, healthy relationships. That's essential for maintaining the family unit which is a great contribution to a functioning society and produces future functional adults (not like yourself).
    Have you ever seen a failed relationship? It's a massive waste of time, is very emotionally draining... afterwards you never even feel the same about future relationships. Of course it's a life altering decision. You could have been doing something else, right? You chose to stay in the relationship, and then it failed - you could have chosen to do something else with that time. Well why did it fail? Maybe because the sex sucked because you fucked too many people and now you are ambivalent about sex and don't really bond on the level you should.
    Not everyone wants to live this solo boner lifestyle resulting in internet masturbation, nihilistic depression and apathy which you live (or will end up living). Why would we want teens to follow that route in life? You're a dysfunctional failure.

    Doesn't produce good families or functional adults, not good for teenagers.
    They should be fucking one another, not old perv Number 9 who never grew into adulthood. And they agree with me and they don't even want you, so that's great.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-06-2017 at 05:43 PM.

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post

    You wouldn't really like that actually.

    That's my point

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    Except teenagers cannot vote you stupid ass. What is your point? They cannot vote. And lucky for us, because why the FUCK would we want our society steered by teenagers? You want our entire society to be steered by the teenagers who have never even been part of the adult world, most have never even had a job and don't even know what taxes are? Great idea, really good.
    And people voting stupidly - this is why we have a republic instead of a full democracy; precisely because voters are stupid. Yes, it literally means we don't want stupid people voting. Do you want stupid people voting? An informed voter base is essential to democracy. This is why we have other laws, such as 'teenagers cannot vote'. This is why we created the electoral college. This is why we have the house of representatives. This is why we have freedom of the press... And so on...

    Listen you fucking whore - there should be some psychological connection between the people. Sex is part of bonding. It is part of relationships. People need that, it is important for their development. Teens need that. Without that, you have a disconnect and a lack of empathy, which might be at the core of most mental problems. Teens need to be having sex with one another, because they share a common experience, in order to bond and move forward - they don't need you. What do you have to bond with a 14 year old over? Your CD collection? Do you plan on staying with them? Are you going to be clearing it with their parents first or are you going to be sneaking around and doing it? Why do you need to bond with teens rather than adults? Are you not capable of bonding with adults? It's because you're a loser and you don't fit into the adult power structure... you have to manipulate teenage girls into sex because you can't get it from women your age. You fit the psychological profile of a rapist.

    Well because sex is part of bonding. What, you don't think sex is linked to bonding? Of course it is, nature designed it that way. What, you think you can simply decide to go against millions of years of evolution? I don't think so. Your bullshit attitude can say one thing but this is just not the reality.
    Why does it matter? You want healthy relationships don't you? Society has a strong interest in raising teens to form stable, healthy relationships. That's essential for maintaining the family unit which is a great contribution to a functioning society and produces future functional adults (not like yourself).
    Have you ever seen a failed relationship? It's a massive waste of time, is very emotionally draining... afterwards you never even feel the same about future relationships. Of course it's a life altering decision. You could have been doing something else, right? You chose to stay in the relationship, and then it failed - you could have chosen to do something else with that time. Well why did it fail? Maybe because the sex sucked because you fucked too many people and now you are ambivalent about sex and don't really bond on the level you should.
    Not everyone wants to live this solo boner lifestyle resulting in internet masturbation, nihilistic depression and apathy which you live (or will end up living). Why would we want teens to follow that route in life? You're a dysfunctional failure.

    Doesn't produce good families or functional adults, not good for teenagers.
    They should be fucking one another, not old perv Number 9 who never grew into adulthood. And they agree with me and they don't even want you, so that's great.

  16. #136
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    @Number 9 large: you're apparently missing a lot of social context behind @lungs' argument. Here's a(n admittedly opinionated) summary of one side of the coin, written by someone whose long-time job is to advise and assist teenagers:

    More long-winded explanation of factors to consider if one is a teen in a relationship with a non-teenager:

    So your initial comment may have come across as a bit awkward and light-hearted, but *in the context mentioned above* that comment and your subsequent reactions to lungs' argument come across as self-centered and frankly a bit blind.

    Relevant quotes from the second source:

    There are a number of studies out there regarding relationships with large age differences that have drawn some not-so-positive conclusions. According to studies by the Guttmacher Institute, women under 18 with older male romantic partners are more likely to engage in sexual activities and less likely to use contraception when doing so, putting them at greater risk for both STIs and pregnancies. We know that with “teen” pregnancies, more often than not, while the mother is a teen, the father is often an older teen or a legal adult. Today, about half of the births to teen mothers involve men ages 20-24, and an additional one-sixth are over age 25.

    In 1999, a study about young women in the United States concluded that “[a]lthough the proportion of 15-17-year-old women who have a much older partner is small, these adolescents are of concern because of their low rate of contraceptive use and their relatively high rates of pregnancy and birth.” A recent study found that 6.7 percent of women aged 15-17 have partners six or more years older. The pregnancy rate for this group is 3.7 times as high as the rate for those whose partners are no more than two years older (Planned Parenthood 2004; Darroch et al., 1999) Another study in 2002 determined that “[y]oung adolescent females with substantially older partners are much more likely than their peers to have sex with their partner.”

    ETR Associates also reminds us, via more data from AGI, that a substantial percentage of younger teens who have had sex have been forced. "Some 74% of women who had intercourse before age 14 and 60% of those who had sex before age 15 report having had sex involuntarily," as do 40% of those who had sex by 15, and 25% by 16 also reported, the Guttmacher Institute said. "Sex among young adolescents is often involuntary; it frequently involves a man who is substantially older than the woman, which may make it hard for the young woman to resist his approaches and even more difficult for her to insist that contraceptives be used to prevent STDs and pregnancy" (Alan Guttmacher Institute 1994, pp. 28, 73-74).
    If you really want a real partner -- not a parent or a teacher -- then you're going to want to be sure that you and the person you're dating both like one another for more than just your age. And as a young person in the world who has to deal with all manner of age discrimination, you probably also want to be with someone who respects you for who you are, rather than sees you as someone they can easily impress or manipulate to make themselves feel important or powerful.

    Most people don’t want to be controlled- it can be difficult to accept that someone may be with you because they believe that you’d be easier to control, but not everyone has, consciously or no, an completely innocent intent when it comes to relationships.
    Reason is a whore.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    I always spot discrepancies between rules, laws and statements. (I mean look at the cash me ousside thread). I like playing the devil's advocate, because I know I'm right when I spot logical discrepancy, and what I am really searching for is someone to truly prove me wrong and say; no, the law is right because this and this and this, but usually nobody can do it.
    Lol, because you seem to be overestimating your arguments here - I didn't reply yesterday because I didn't feel it would be intellectually stimulating to do so, not because I conceded. What I see in the above post:

    1. A rehashing of the ideas that I've already addressed. If you still think that a teenager is on the same footing as a low iq adult you should directly refute what I've said about it or provide some evidence of your own instead of continuing to state your opinion over and over.
    2. Ridiculous and easy to disprove arguments such as questioning the potential risk inherent in sex. I'm sure you know how stds are circulated and where babies come from. And
    3. Completely illogical constructions such as "if something entails responsibility than you must think that nobody should be allowed to do it at all." This doesn't follow or even make any sense.

    There's nothing for me to learn from or challenge myself with here.

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    It's the same reason why having sex with people who are drunk, who are unconscious or otherwise under the influence of something, is considered to be rape... They're not considered to be mentally sound and aware enough to able to make proper informed consent.

    But that's not necessarily the only factor. Both parties have to be on equal grounds to be able to make proper informed consent. A boss having sex with a subordinate is often considered to be inappropriate, and it could be filed as sexual harassment or power harassment. The boss is in the position of power for him to be able to coerce his subordinate into doing things that he/she doesn't want to do. In the same manner, an adult has much more power and advantage over the child or the teenager in all physical, mental and social spheres. An adult can easily coerce a child or a teenager into doing something that he/she doesn't want to do, or are not properly informed enough to be able to understand its consequences.

    People have to be properly informed in order to be able to make consent. That's why frauds and scams are often considered to be illegal. Or even if it's not, there's a "cooling-off" period should the person change his/her mind later. In some countries, a person can "change his/her mind" and say that the sex was not consensual, and in fact it was rape. The law only protects people to be on equal footings.

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    I get the feeling that, aside from @Number 9 large playing devil's advocate, he is also still in his teens, or very close to it, therefore is still closer to the mindset of a teen than an adult. I wouldn't be surprised if his opinions change as he moves into his 20s. I am speaking from personal experience so I can't know for sure what is going on here but I find it hard to find anyone under 25 attractive in a sexualized way. Like an 18 year old boy still looks more like a child, physically, to me. Even those who have more of a manly body do not spark any feelings of "hot". I just think they are objectively pretty, beautiful or cute kids and that's that.

    I mean I look at the images some younger members post of themselves when they were even younger, in their early teens, and I don't see any sexual attractiveness in their pics. I notice though that some forum members do. I guess even those forum members get a bit creeped out when they realize they are not looking at the adult version of the forum member.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    I get the feeling that, aside from @Number 9 large playing devil's advocate, he is also still in his teens, or very close to it, therefore is still closer to the mindset of a teen than an adult.
    Yeah ftr I don't think it's really unusual or depraved for a guy in his early 20s to be attracted to a teenage girl even if I think it's wrong to act on it.

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    No, 20-25 and 14 is sufficiently wrong and unacceptable. And you can be charged for that, which is good.
    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    What a surprise, it's another "who cares - not me" ploy. Forgot what you were saying already? It's all just a facade to come off as cool and apathetic while spreading your fail attitude... phony little manipulative prick.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-06-2017 at 04:33 PM.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Also, if teens weren't ''meant to have sex'', then why are their bodies already ready to have sex between 10-14 years old?
    Biological maturity used to happen a lot later. In really rare cases, young children (as in 5 year olds, even younger) will start going through puberty and they are generally put on drugs to try to delay that. The age for girls used to average about 16 years old. This is what people should be freaking out about rather than global warming and all that nonsense.

    But since when is having sex a major, life changing potentially very dangerous adult decision?
    It's the most basic thing out there, alongside the fact that everybody eats, takes a shit, breathes and sleeps.
    Can you tell me what's so spectacular about having sex?
    I'd second this. It's mostly just how the culture views it that makes it weird. By the time people know how to have sex, they also know how to use protection or just not do dangerous things (although a lot of this depends on what people consider to fall under sex in the first place). Aren't most people having sex with each other at 14 years old nowadays anyways? Shaming: not the best protection after all.

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    The conversation is adults having sex with 14 year olds, not 14 year olds having sex in general. They can have sex with one another, that's great, I encourage that... infact they're probably forced to wait too long in most cases.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-06-2017 at 06:00 PM.

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    It's not easy for males to abstain... extremely difficult. Far more difficult than for women I think

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    It's not easy for males to abstain... extremely difficult. Far more difficult than for women I think
    No. Women are just socialized not to be allowed to have a sex drive.

    As for the topic, my niece is 14 and to think someone in their 20s would want to sleep with her makes me violently ill. A 14-year-old can't consent and that's the end of it. Keep your tingly dick to yourself. Sorry.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    No. Women are just socialized not to be allowed to have a sex drive.
    No, it's harder for males to abstain... this is undeniable and there are evolutionary reasons for it: 20 percent of women don't masturbate, 0.1 percent of men don't masturbate. It's just the way the sexes are wired - men glean an evolutionary advantage from spreading their seed to as many partners as possible, and have a very strong urge to do so... women are more selective. This is just 101 biology... And why do you think society has come to operate in the manner it has? Society is a natural structure that formed alongside biological drives and many other things.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-07-2017 at 06:23 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    If you payed any attention, I have argued very strongly against adults sleeping with 14 year olds... pay attention and watch your mouth for once.
    And where did I say you didn't?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    No. Women are just socialized not to be allowed to have a sex drive.

    As for the topic, my niece is 14 and to think someone in their 20s would want to sleep with her makes me violently ill. A 14-year-old can't consent and that's the end of it. Keep your tingly dick to yourself. Sorry.
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    If you payed any attention, I have argued very strongly against adults sleeping with 14 year olds... pay attention and think before you speak, for once.
    And it's harder for males to abstain. It's just a fact... 20 percent of women don't masturbate, 0.1 percent of men don't masturbate. You wouldn't know much about that though... Try again
    Holy shit, why the hell do you always have to be so fucking unpleasant??? I did not address you when I mentioned my niece: "as for the topic."

    The only reason fewer women masturbate is because it's a taboo. They don't talk about it. Not because of sex drive. How many women have you talked to about masturbating?
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    PLEASE post AFTER you edit.

    I AGREED WITH YOU! Does that get into your ragey MRA head, yes???
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    Should I cry "sexist" like some sad, wounded victim? No, I'd rather not be that weak... But the hypocrisy that permeates everything you constantly talk about is pretty funny.
    If you payed any attention, I have done nothing but argue strongly against adults sleeping with 14 year olds in this thread... pay attention and think before you speak, for once.
    It's harder for males to abstain... this is undeniable and there are evolutionary reasons for it: 20 percent of women don't masturbate, 0.1 percent of men don't masturbate. You wouldn't know much about that though... Try again
    I wasn't talking about YOUR dick! For fuck's sake.
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    Yeah I realized that. I'm just so used to you being a cunt, Kim. But you weren't being one, which is great, thank you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    Yeah I realized that. I'm just so used to you being a cunt, Kim.
    Get over it. Bitch.
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    There goes your penis envy again, failing to act ladylike...

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    I maintain that more women would masturbate if female orgasms actually mattered in public discourse.
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    There goes your penis envy again.
    There are few things I am sure about in life, but not having penis envy is one of them. Don't project your twisted view of women onto me.
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    You absolutely have penis envy... lol. Have you ever noticed how driven by your own delusional moral superiority you tend to be? It is a telltale sign.. you want - need... to be the one with the cock.
    It's so difficult for you to accept that I have the balls and you don't.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    You absolutely have penis envy... lol. Have you ever noticed how driven by your own delusional moral superiority you tend to be? It is a telltale sign.. you want - need... to be the one with the cock.
    It's so difficult for you to accept that I have the balls and you don't.
    If you need to believe that, fine.
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    Even right now you're wishing you had a penis. But you don't, Kim... accept it. Be ladylike... be submissive. Accept the cock.
    Denials of simple reality are always a telltale sign, for those who want to know how to spot it.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-07-2017 at 03:55 PM.

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    Ok ladies now let's get information! /slaytastic 3 dancing/

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    It's not easy for males to abstain... extremely difficult. Far more difficult than for women I think
    No. Women are just socialized not to be allowed to have a sex drive.
    This I agree with. I'm pretty sure women have roughly the same amounts of sex drive as men, but society has been so twisted as to mindfuck them into thinking they should basically not have sex because it's a sin. It's a christian thing, and it is still very much so prevalent in our society.

    There's a reason we have the term ''slut-shaming''.
    But we don't really have this for guys, now do we?

    If a guy sleeps with a lot of women, he's a champ.
    If a girl sleeps with a lot of men, she's a slut.

    This is the reason why women are so anxious about displaying their sexuality out in the open.
    This is probably also the reason why women don't allow themselves to masturbate regularly.
    They're conditioned to feel better about themselves if they didn't do it.
    Because for some reason, holy mother mary the virgin is still the unconscious female role model when it comes to values regarding females in our society.

    For guys, the worst thing that can happen is to look incompetent, afraid, to show emotional weakness, to cry, to have failed your career.
    For women, the worst thing that can happen is to look sexually promiscuous, easy, slutty.

    Because according to our society's traditional values that are still very much so prevalent today (Why is still beyond me, maybe because nobody ever dares to question the status quo so things stay the same forever) men should be strong and providing, and women should be pure and caregiving.

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