Even the way you ask questions is ISTJ . Also, you're ansers to male21's questions seem to point towars a stong Se and strong Ti. That would be an ISTJ.

Quote Originally Posted by five
I don't exhibit all ISTj characteristics. Perhaps I'm approaching Socionics in the wrong manner and trying to be too exact, but I don't feel convinced about my type.
I think it would take an ISTJ longer than any other type to actually be convinced of their type... it's just their nature. And don't get too tied up with all the ISTJ characteristics. Everything written about an ISTJ will not fit you, they are just generalizations for people in that type. I've stressed before that a type is not a personality. Your type has to do more with how you think, how you approach the world, how you react in diffrent situations and so on. I have read that your type only makes up about %60 of who you are. The rest is genetics and nurturing.

Quote Originally Posted by five
give me an opportunity to ask questions until I'm satisfied beyond reasonable doubt
That's an ISTJ state of mind, too. :wink: