Ignore my last question. I've realised that it was actually a little stupid. Instead, I've got a really pressing question for you.

Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
ISTjs will intentionally infringe upon you and feel that they have to push people around because no one cares about them; they will be verbally and physically abusive for little or no reason. They have a tendency to come off as idiotic and ignorant bigots and tend to suffer from a large degree of paranoia and skitophrenic tendencies. They will do what ever it takes to get the upper hand and will resort to pushing and shoving or bully tactics to get what they need. They run their life with military type organization and treat those close to them with the love of a marine core boot sargent, demanding that they follow orders and will infringe upon the personal space of others. ISTjs are typically people you do not want to have close to you or as a family member, otherwise they tend to make alot of money and are good providers.
That doesn't describe me. Yet, in that same topic, someone mentioned a polite and reserved ISTj who had "got his act together" and someone on this topic mentioned that there are two types of ISTj. Could someone please fill me in on these details about the two types of ISTj?