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Thread: SOCIONICS TEST iPsyght - Socionics Type Indicator v.3

  1. #81
    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    iPsyght thinks that you are: Ethical Sensory Integrator (ESI)

    I've noticed my test results have been consistently Gamma SF as of recently.

  2. #82
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Is it just me, or were these questions very difficult to answer? I did get my self typing of EII, but it was down to one question on the first two sections.

    Si/Ne vs. Ni/Se

    *1. In a tight situation, I prefer that…
    A. There is always an alternative way I can try that might make things easier.
    B. That things are confronted directly and decisively, getting rid of the problem.

    B. I am definitely more Si/Ne valuing and yet I choose option B. Because if the problem is solved, I can go back to my relaxed state again where there are no problems.

    *2. I like a future where…
    A. Anything is possible and I don’t need to make big decisions.
    B. The path is clear and it decides what will / will not happen.

    A. However, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the idea of *anything* being possible, because this can also include negative possibilities. Still I prefer the freedom to choose my path as I see fit and change it as needed.

    *3. In my surroundings, I need to feel…
    A. A sense of flow, things happening smoothly and conveniently without stress.
    B. Empowered, that I am in control and can decide what will happen.

    B. I like both options, but prefer B, I like being in control, because if I am in control, it will eventually mean less stress. Also I am rational > irrational.

    *4. I prefer it when my actions are…
    A. Drawn to the present moment, with me being able to savour each and every experience.
    B. Connected to a greater purpose, with whatever I am doing leading up to an important outcome.

    B. I’m not as ‘present’ as I could be. I do like being able to lose myself in experiences once in a while but overall I’m thinking more about big picture things, where things are headed. Demonstrative Ni perhaps.

    *5. It is usual for me to…
    A. Accept my reality and make the most of it.
    B. Reject my reality and strive to change it.

    B. Why accept something that isn’t good enough or ‘right’ enough? I like to improve upon reality and make it better.

    *6. I prefer when things are estimated by…
    A. Their potential to one day accomplish amazing things that I haven’t been seen before.
    B. Actual demonstration of their worth based on concrete action and overcoming real challenges.

    A. Easy choice here. Actual demonstration of worth is tedious.

    *7. I prefer the chance to…
    A. Come up with a few ideas and try them out, before changing my mind and doing something else.
    B. Really stop and think about what I want to do, before committing and following it through.

    A. I need some flexibility in my life and the ability to change course as needed.

    *8. I don’t mind it when life is…
    A. Going slowly or even lazily, as long as the experience is relaxing and stress-free.
    B. Harsh and strenuous, as long as it excites me that things are being done.

    A. I like to get things done, but I hate harshness and strenousness. Would prefer a slower more relaxed approach.

    *9. It makes little sense to me when people…
    A. Dedicate their whole lives to some goal and never get a chance to savour the little time they have.
    B. Live a trivial existence of complacent comforts, not making a difference in this world.

    B. This is a very difficult question and it feels like I’m choosing between a false dichotomy. Both options sound rather ‘empty’ alone. In the end though I think I slightly favor B, because I want to improve society, leave something good behind when I pass on.

    *10. I tend to most appreciate those who are…
    A. Open to new perspectives and at peace with their surroundings.
    B. Dedicated to their path and willing to fight tooth and nail for what they want.

    A. I appreciate and admire B as well but fighting tooth and nail may or may not be a good thing depending on the context. Things could potentially get ugly.

    *11. I feel uncomfortable when I have to…
    A. Be blunt and direct with someone, rather than find out about their interesting point of view.
    B. Listen to a range of hypotheticals, despite being able to take action right here, right now.

    B. I feel like neither one really applies though. I’m not necessarily uncomfortable being blunt and direct with people- depends on the situation. Also not everyone’s point of view is interesting unfortunately. I generally don’t mind listening to hypotheticals. I tend to be the kind of person who raises them. It is annoying though when there are so many hypotheticals nothing ever gets done.

    *12. I don’t want to be…
    A. Limited to a linear path in life with no opportunity to deviate and try out other things.
    B. Wandering from one pointless whim to the next with no sense of reaching towards an end goal.

    A. I need my freedom to do as I please when I please, although I don’t like aimlessness either.

    *13. I dislike being…
    A. Hurried and pushed to a state of urgency, when I’d much rather take my time, working at a pace I find comfortable.
    B. Hushed and invited to calm down, when there is an issue that angers me and I want to do something about it.

    A. Another very difficult question. I dislike both equally. A happens more frequently to me in my life though.

    *14. When I feel I have been wronged, I am inclined to…
    A. Forgive the person. Why prolong a conflict?
    B. Remember what they did and hold it against them or cut them off.

    B. I definitely need to work on forgiving people more and letting things go.

    *15. I do not tend to appreciate those who are…
    A. Aggressively pushy and closed to new points of view.
    B. Soft or cowardly and unreliable with fulfilling their commitments.

    A. I am a bit of a softy and a coward myself, so I’m rather sympathetic to others who are. However, I can’t stand it when people are not reliable.

    8 for Si/Ne and 7 for Se/Ni. I’m surprised by how close it was. I definitely see myself as more Si/Ne valuing.

    Ti/Fe vs. Te/Fi

    *1. In conversation, I prefer it when people…
    A. Give a bit of a show, emotively keeping the topic entertaining.
    B. Stick to the facts, providing accurate information that is useful.

    B. Depends on the conversation really. If the conversation is just chatting for its own sake, I prefer A and I want the conversation to be entertaining. If I am conversing with the purpose of gaining information I prefer B. I hesistated on this but ended up choosing B because I’m not sure I like the idea of a ‘bit of show’. Seems like you’re just trying to impress and put on some image.

    *2. I feel a greater satisfaction when I have…
    A. Been welcomed into a circle of people with whom I truly belong.
    B. Grown close to a friend on whom I can fully trust and depend on.

    A. Can I say both? Perhaps A a bit more than B, because if I fit in to a circle of people, I have more potential people to have a closer relationship with.

    *3. My belief in something is more confident when…
    A. The things I have learned all fit together as a consistent, clear whole.
    B. I have obtained as much relevant data as possible to inform my opinion.

    A. Again I can see both for myself, maybe A a little more than B, because if it all makes sense to me and all the parts fit, I may not necessarily see the need to gather more data.

    *4. Knowing what is right and wrong…
    A. Comes from an ideology I have accepted, with my actions consistent with its stated principles.
    B. Originates in my personal attitudes, how I feel about the goodness or badness of a situation.

    A. Again I want to say both (see a trend here?) but I’m going with ideology, which has a sense of goodness and badness incorporated in it.

    *5. I tend to be more satisfied in an environment where…
    A. People are working together in sync and are on the same page about what we are doing.
    B. I am able to work independently, without interference from other people.

    B. Generally I prefer to work independently, but if we must work together, of course I’ll want us all in sync.

    *6. A good speech is one where…
    A. I could not look away due to how dynamic the speaker’s performance was.
    B. I think I learned a lot from the speaker after taking care to listen and remember what was said.

    B. I like dynamic speakers, but I’m listening to a speech with the hopes of gathering new information that I can apply to myself.

    *7. It feels more natural to me when I…
    A. Share the emotions I am feeling openly with friendly people around me.
    B. Keep my sentiments to myself, or otherwise impart select feelings to certain people I feel close to.

    B. I generally do more of B than A, but I would *prefer* to feel free to share emotions around me, I don’t always trust that I can though.

    *8. I find it easier to learn when I am given a…
    A. Clearly structured model that breaks down the concept into inter-related points.
    B. Loose stream of factual information I can look through and see the benefit of knowing.

    A. Having the information organized in a model, makes it easier and more efficient for me to learn if I can see how all the points are connected to each other.

    *9. I tend to prefer the company of people who…
    A. Are on the same page as me, with a way of viewing the world that makes sense.
    B. I feel are good people and the sort I can depend on to be trustworthy and reliable.

    B. Tough question because I really like both options. I suppose in the end what matters the most is that the person is trustworthy and reliable. Initially, I’m probably more attracted to the first option, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I can have a good relationship if they are not trustworthy.

    *10. I am the sort of person who prefers it when…
    A. People around me share their thoughts and opinions so we can all understand.
    B. Each person keeps to their own business and confides in those they wish to confide in.

    A. Generally the first option, although I don’t always think it’s appropriate to share everything to everyone. I’m all for free sharing as long as people are accepting of each other and people aren’t being too offensive.

    *11. I do not enjoy talking to people who…
    A. Speak dryly and monotonously, boring me and losing my attention.
    B. Hype up their story with exaggeration, making me disbelieve what they are telling me.

    B. Boring people are annoying but dishonest people are even worse.

    *12. I am less likely to be…
    A. Judgemental of another’s character, as if there is something bad or wrong about them as a person.
    B. Expectant of emotional reciprocation, getting frustrated when people do not feel the same way I do.

    B. If I must choose, but neither option really applies here. I find I can be quite judgemental of peoples’ character, although I try to keep this inside. I guess in spite of my initial judgements, I try to see some good and hope my initial impression was ‘wrong’ somehow. I also expect emotional reciprocation. I don’t expect everyone to always feel the way I do all the time, but I expect that all of my emotions are validated.

    *13. I feel greater discontent when having to…
    A. Regularly change how I do things, incorporating new findings that do not make any sense with what I already know.
    B. Adhere to a system that is inefficient, complying when I could function better by breaking some regulations.

    A. I have a strong need for everything to make sense in my own mind, that’s a greater need than efficiency.

    *14. I am more inclined to be wary of people who…
    A. Believe in certain worldviews and principles that I think are ridiculous.
    B. Give me a bad feeling, that I should not trust them with information about myself.

    B. I would be wary of their worldviews and principles, sure, but not so much them as a person necessarily. What it comes down to in the end is trust.

    *15. It is more often that I am frustrated with…
    A. A contrary person, who disagrees and takes issue with whatever we are doing.
    B. Inclusive people, who want me to join in and copy what they are doing, rather than just leave me alone.

    A. Both are highly frustrating, but A more than B. Harmony is important for me and being overly contrary goes against that. Inclusive people although annoying when you want to be left alone, seem to have better intentions and are only trying to establish harmony.

    Once again it’s a very close call. 7 in favor of Ti/Fe valuing, 8 in favor of Te/Fi valuing.

    The third and fourth pages were far more straightforward and easy for me to answer. 1A and 4B’s on both sections. Of the 4 delta types, it is clear EII fits the most.

    Since I was so close on part 1 and part 2, here’s what would have happened if I changed one of my answers:
    If alpha, I would be LII
    If beta, I would be IEI
    If gamma, I would be ILI
    It’s clear that I prefer introversion and intuition.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  3. #83

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Exception View Post
    Is it just me, or were these questions very difficult to answer? I did get my self typing of EII, but it was down to one question on the first two sections.


    The third and fourth pages were far more straightforward and easy for me to answer. 1A and 4B’s on both sections. Of the 4 delta types, it is clear EII fits the most.

    Since I was so close on part 1 and part 2, here’s what would have happened if I changed one of my answers:
    If alpha, I would be LII
    If beta, I would be IEI
    If gamma, I would be ILI
    It’s clear that I prefer introversion and intuition.
    Yeah many of the IE based questions (first two pages) are quite bad, lol, a lot of the time it's about Irrationality/Rationality and S/N dichotomy rather than Se/Ni vs Si/Ne specifically.

    Btw you are the most Ti-oriented EII I've ever seen with preferences like

    "A. Comes from an ideology I have accepted, with my actions consistent with its stated principles.
    A. Having the information organized in a model, makes it easier and more efficient for me to learn if I can see how all the points are connected to each other.
    A. I have a strong need for everything to make sense in my own mind, that’s a greater need than efficiency."

    (Disclaimer: idk if you want to talk about type. If not, say so. I just saw you retyped back to EII yet again from LII. )

  4. #84
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    I got IEI

  5. #85
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    I got EII on this test. It was fun to take. It was also hard, though, to force myself not to choose an option because it fit with the type I might have wanted to come out as. The language for the options was pretty overtly associated with certain functions or dichotomies. I just tried to be as honest as I could.

  6. #86
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    Ok here's some things.

    1. On the first page, I relate to A myself but actually respect B more. So Si/Ne I guess.
    2. Fi differs alot from description to description, and this particular one: the idea that Fi is ethics rather than relations, I don't relate to. Esp don't like that Fi is described as being non inclusive when creative Fi is opposite of that. So Fe/Ti here for me.
    3. I actually am more impersonal and emotionally unresponsive than alot of people assume xD So I got T>F

    Yea I always get LII on this test, and alot of other tests. This comes from the idea of being impersonal and analytical which I relate to alot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wasp View Post
    iPsyght thinks that you are: Sensory Ethical Integrator (SEI)
    iPsyght thinks that you are: Sensory Ethical Integrator (SEI)

    I benefit myself for I am a strong and independent Bulgarian woman

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    took it twice changing few answers, got the same result: iPsyght thinks that you are: Intuitive Ethical Energiser (IEE)
    I might try that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    I might try that.
    yeah right, just start planting more potatoes and tomatoes bru

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    yeah right, just start planting more potatoes and tomatoes bru

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    The NeSi method of resource gathering is focused more on cultivation. The original form of this function can most likely be seen in the tendency toward agrarianism. Subtle attention is required to cultivate resources, and the ability to protect cultivated land and crops and other resources from harm by external forces (such as deer, other groups of raiding/roving humans) is necessary.
    cultivate your Ne, plant vegetables

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    Quote Originally Posted by pinoline View Post
    cultivate your Ne, plant vegetables
    Are you kidding? I am the vegetable.

  13. #93
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    *awkward cough*
    *stands up slowly*
    *looks around at class*
    quietly states "I got IEE."
    *sits back down and fiddles with pencil*

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  15. #95
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    got LIE lol. so you think im not an LIE?

  16. #96
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    does someone know where the test has gone?

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