We delt with a problem very differently today

Our daughter developed a flat head due to a neck condition. It is completely cosmetic and does not affect her brain and development in any way.

While we are at the doctors office getting a prescription for a helmet that she will have to wear for three months, 23 hours a day, we start to ask questions and our concerns come out based on our base functions.

My mind travels to the past where I picture my father having a leg brace in the summer, developing a heat rash and getting a big infection and due to poor circulation getting a bad bacteria and I tell the doctor “if my daughter experiences a heat infection I am taking this thing off permanently!”

My husband looks at it logically and aesthetically “we will keep her in an air conditioned room, problem solving “but she should try to wear it so that her teeth are not out of alignment in the future “

At first my husband got upset at me for not wanting her to wear it all the way through but when he understood that I have experienced ptsd from having witnessed my father go through trauma he understand where my emotional concerns were coming from.

I want to protect my loved ones and he wants the best for our daughter and he will find solutions to make that happen even if he has to assume her care.

EII have to try to not let the past determine their words now. We live in our minds so the images that come to us make us experience concerns that are often not communicated clearly to others. We have to try to do that so the other person knows and understands how we feel and what brought that feeling up to the surface