Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
Gender wise this probably worked out nicely for the the folks you know, but even with EII female and LSE male this isn't like the consistent norm. How this would work out with genders flipped who knows. I'm sure many female LSEs marry LSIs. I'm pretty confident on that one. Especially since Si in the US has been trained to look at handy skills and such to signify whether a man is a man, and most LSI probably are some hard workers and can naturally be handymen, that plus the introversion being different enough to be interesting and the ST commonalities, yea, most LSE women are married to LSI men. Most EII men are probably married to EIE women, since they literally try and take on the task of an EII therapist and trying to fully understand EII.
I wouldn’t be surprised you are absolutely right. My grandparents are an example of such a union and their marriage was not a pleasant one when they were younger, but for NTR reasons they didn’t separate or divorce. Over the years they mellowed and are now living together like a couple of old friends, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing all things considered. The other female LSEs I know are also married to IxTx types such as LII or SLI, assuming I typed them all correctly.

I do know one unmistakable male EII female ESE couple and they are doing quite well, married for over 10 years with children.