Actually, a real life couple I know is this way:

The EII is kind of the 'dominatrix' in the classical sense, of the home. At social events she'll kind of power-pout and the LSE , to be honest, looks kind of whipped and jumps to action. It's kind of funny because she's clearly Se POLR in general. He is the military man, she is the creative writer jk rowling nf fairy hippie trope.

She's slightly socially controlling and he's socially yielding in the family sense, but it works out for them.

Earlier in my life, the same EIi tried to guilt-trip me when I backed out of some plans , "you're going to do that now, after i rearranged my whole day to do this for you/us?!", etc. I didn't conform there, but I have from other people in similar ways before - especially if I am close or respect them. I feel like that kind of Fi pull would generally work on people, and I was actually more Fi-pout whipped in earlier relationships myself.

I think 1d Fi people when they are unsure of themselvs or their morality can be somewhat "overly domesticated" in that sense, differing to any semblance of impropriety. Even, I'd say, this is why sometimes LSE are referred to as being secondarily victim erotic role types.