With established LSE/EII couples I see a lot of "helpmate" stuff. LSE is out working, but will call home at lunch hour just to see what's going on. Might end the phone conversation with a simple "I love you".

EII defers to LSE on many decisions (that the EII orchestrated behind the scenes) as though they are LSE idea. "Well what about this (consideration)?" "Or that?" Or that?" Or this?" (note the Ne here) LSE feels useful and EII gets real support, which lets them feel safe. Safe EII feel comfortable being silly in a playful sense, but can turn that off quickly for 'business'. EII notice small unconsidered details and feels useful in return, with reminding LSE. LSE drops the stress associated with time frames and feels reassured someone is "watching the home fires", even if that person still doesn't know how to light said fire (1d Te). "I know hun I'm can't figure out how to do it, but I'm trying to be perfect for you." LSE self esteem gets a boost hearing this. "I will do it for you."

Several "Home Improvement" shows on HGTV portray this couple dynamic.