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Thread: Why Trump is Terrifying

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    You're pretentious trash who rehashes syllables in her head and calls it wisdom. If you gave enough a shit about the state of the world as you must think you do to waste our time with this sophomoric whining, you'd have offed yourself already. Piss in some other sandbox, we're full.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    why, does that hit too close to home for you?

    seems to, since that's all you seem to have gleaned from my posts, which have had more substance than just that.
    Substance which you can only allude to...

    Every post of yours is just like this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    I agree with most of what you said. dt has been like this his entire life, so I don't think it can be attributed to dementia. Incompetence yeah maybe that's part of it.
    I think he does hold Putin as a role model, so it wouldn't surprise me if he tries to emulate him. Putin IS a lot smarter than him though. Also, DT's narcissism make him not realize how a lot of his actions end up coming across, which is also what drives his narc rage at every critique and exposition given by "the media", as he refers to it.
    Stupid, narcissist, incompetent, impersonator...
    Where is the substance? I don't see it. Please, show me.

    If you're going to come in here and run your mouth about politics than make an attempt at being semi-reasonable and intelligent, this is just worthless garbage. I don't care if you have different political views... I want to see a some substance in your statements.
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-03-2017 at 05:50 AM.

  3. #203

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    God damn, why is everything about this culture so goddamn phony?!?!

    *unintelligible Germanic screaming*

  4. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    God damn, why is everything about this culture so goddamn phony?!?!

    *unintelligible Germanic screaming*
    Ein erstes Zeichen beginnender Erkenntnis ist der Wunsch zu trollen. Ist das gut genug für dich? Das sollte nicht gut genug sein, aber du kannst gar nichts Wichtiges verstehen. Denkst du wirklich, dass ich „die Kultur‟ meine? Ich meine doch diese Seite. „Die ganze Welt‟ gibt's nicht. Es tut mir Leid, aber ich habe keinen Grund, Selbstmord zu begehen.

    Man weißt, dass eine Seite gar nicht gut ist, wenn Maritsa sie verlasst. Und du nimmst sie so ernst?

    P.S. Sei vorsichtig mit deinen Wünschen.

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    So you've basically confirmed my suspicions that you're sitting on the other side of your monitor cackling like a maniac about how Socratic and rational you think you are? No one here is trolling but you. Make no mistake, I am insulting you.

    You've completely bypassed the exchange of information. When confronted on your assumptions you simply deny what you are told and restate your beliefs instead of actually addressing their criticism. "The internet's like the special olympics; you're still retarded; wakka wakka wakka - " yet you still feel the need to have the last word, despite placing no value in the act of debate, taking nothing from your critics. Hey jackass. No one wants to hear you monologue. It's like the "opinion" of a Naruto fan kiddie crying about the use of the atom bomb. It's angsty, it's scripted, and it's mostly things we already know, with a couple bogus assumptions and incorrect "facts" thrown in the mix.

    "The whole world" absolutely exists, because all of "the world" consists of human life, which is subject to the same few basic principles. Oh and you're probably "on" "this side" anyway, since you probably live in a satellite to my own state if not it itself.

    If Maritsa is sad because a couple Somali children die she can see how long she lasts in Somalia. There have been death and disillusionment since the beginning of time. No side has ever been "right," none can ever claim to be. We simply claimed our own nations were righteous back in periods of wartime, because society overall was more collectivized. But now even the "Nation" is considered a politically incorrect source of pride because it can be used to justify apartheid or some shit. And we wonder why we're seeing backlashes like legitimate fascists in modern political discourse.

    There is no substitute for "this side." There is only war. Nature makes live brutish and limited by default. You want to be on the side that has the wealth and technology even if that means dumping depleted uranium on some shithole on the other side of the globe. Yes, it's "evil" and psychopathic. Life is psychopathic. Might makes right, and if any side "survives" or at least endures for as long as possible, I'd hope it's the one with the greater technology. The only substitute would be killing children with spears instead.

    But you can ignore me. You can run off to Afghanistan and draw mystical fucking shaman runes in the dirt hoping they'll solve our global problems. You can even tell yourself it's helping, but it won't, and "our" side will only consume more and more of the smelly peasants that defy us until it finally collapses and some other vulture comes along to set up its own hegemony. But even then, you won't see an end to empires. You never will. Not until the extinction of mankind.

    You can live in any country in the West and insult its government without consequence. Insult the government in Afghanistan and they'll crush your nads with pliers and hang you from a tree.

  6. #206
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    Substance which you can only allude to...

    Every post of yours is just like this:

    Stupid, narcissist, incompetent, impersonator...
    Where is the substance? I don't see it. Please, show me.

    If you're going to come in here and run your mouth about politics than make an attempt at being semi-reasonable and intelligent, this is just worthless garbage. I don't care if you have different political views... I want to see a some substance in your statements.

    wasn't my only post in this thread.
    I have a right to share whatever opinions and insights i have at any given moment to any given post. That happened to be my reply to that post.

    Incidentally commenting on the nitty gritty of politics is irrelevant imo, if we're headed for totalitarianism.
    I'm not too interested in dissecting fine details of DT's policy (if he even has any). Why are you coercing me into that discussion.

    If you dont find value in my posts, ignore them. I ignore most of your posts, and I wasn't even responding to you there.
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  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Governments and corporations are just a front behind who's really controlling the world. The two work hand in hand though as a team almost. Government influences corporations by creating laws to benefit corporations to increase profit and corporations influences the government through lobbying to get what they want.

    I'm not going to pretend to know what really goes behind the scenes because I don't, but there are theories floating around online. All I know is that it's definitely not the president of the U.S. as he has some power, but not as much as you would think. This is why changing political parties and/or presidents is not going to do anything when they're both controlled by the same entity behind the scenes IMO.
    Bringing this one back. The right and the left wing belong to the same bird ~~~~ThE PrOfit EAglE~~~~

    What I find interesting is that that a corporate person is now no longer behind the scenes but in charge, no surprise this was able to get into motion. I just wonder whether the exchange between the two collaborators was now altered.

  8. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alioth View Post
    So you've basically confirmed my suspicions that you're sitting on the other side of your monitor cackling like a maniac about how Socratic and rational you think you are? No one here is trolling but you. Make no mistake, I am insulting you.

    You've completely bypassed the exchange of information. When confronted on your assumptions you simply deny what you are told and restate your beliefs instead of actually addressing their criticism. "The internet's like the special olympics; you're still retarded; wakka wakka wakka - " yet you still feel the need to have the last word, despite placing no value in the act of debate, taking nothing from your critics. Hey jackass. No one wants to hear you monologue. It's like the "opinion" of a Naruto fan kiddie crying about the use of the atom bomb. It's angsty, it's scripted, and it's mostly things we already know, with a couple bogus assumptions and incorrect "facts" thrown in the mix.

    "The whole world" absolutely exists, because all of "the world" consists of human life, which is subject to the same few basic principles. Oh and you're probably "on" "this side" anyway, since you probably live in a satellite to my own state if not it itself.

    If Maritsa is sad because a couple Somali children die she can see how long she lasts in Somalia. There have been death and disillusionment since the beginning of time. No side has ever been "right," none can ever claim to be. We simply claimed our own nations were righteous back in periods of wartime, because society overall was more collectivized. But now even the "Nation" is considered a politically incorrect source of pride because it can be used to justify apartheid or some shit. And we wonder why we're seeing backlashes like legitimate fascists in modern political discourse.

    There is no substitute for "this side." There is only war. Nature makes live brutish and limited by default. You want to be on the side that has the wealth and technology even if that means dumping depleted uranium on some shithole on the other side of the globe. Yes, it's "evil" and psychopathic. Life is psychopathic. Might makes right, and if any side "survives" or at least endures for as long as possible, I'd hope it's the one with the greater technology. The only substitute would be killing children with spears instead.

    But you can ignore me. You can run off to Afghanistan and draw mystical fucking shaman runes in the dirt hoping they'll solve our global problems. You can even tell yourself it's helping, but it won't, and "our" side will only consume more and more of the smelly peasants that defy us until it finally collapses and some other vulture comes along to set up its own hegemony. But even then, you won't see an end to empires. You never will. Not until the extinction of mankind.

    You can live in any country in the West and insult its government without consequence. Insult the government in Afghanistan and they'll crush your nads with pliers and hang you from a tree.
    ...Was zum Teufel. „Seite‟ = Webseite...

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Bringing this one back. The right and the left wing belong to the same bird ~~~~ThE PrOfit EAglE~~~~
    To the Romans, the eagle was the vulture. The vulture only eats those who are already dead. If you're complaining, you're screwed.

    I think the answer is to stop complaining and therefore stop being screwed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    wasn't my only post in this thread.
    I have a right to share whatever opinions and insights i have at any given moment to any given post. That happened to be my reply to that post.

    Incidentally commenting on the nitty gritty of politics is irrelevant imo, if we're headed for totalitarianism.
    I'm not too interested in dissecting fine details of DT's policy (if he even has any). Why are you coercing me into that discussion.

    If you dont find value in my posts, ignore them. I ignore most of your posts, and I wasn't even responding to you there.
    Every one of your posts is that level quality. It's always "he's a narcissist, she's a narcissist, he's pathological, he's dumb, he's a narcissistic megalomaniac, blah blah blah".
    Details aren't irrelevant - knowing details is being informed; that's called knowing what you're talking about. You should have some idea what you're talking about. I'm not asking for much, just some semblance of a thought - the beginnings of a thought. You usually don't even have the beginnings of a thought.

    The closest you occasionally come to having a thought is with cliche passing statements like "we're headed for totalitarianism" - I don't believe you even know what totalitarianism is (and we're actually not, we're in a pre civil war phase at the moment)... but let's elaborate on that - what is totalitarianism? Do you know? Is the government centralizing power - does it plan to? Where, how, why? (Let's see if you have any idea what you're talking about)
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-04-2017 at 04:23 AM.

  11. #211
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  12. #212
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    I'm sure Trump has a neurodegenerative disease, is under enough stress to cause lower levels of cognitive impairment in otherwise completely healthy people, and is probably also perpetually hyped up on some stimulant or another to try to keep him going (which can cause general physical and therefore brain problems in excess). All his humor and bullshitting is probably because he's aware of how impaired he is, but can't really do anything, so he tries to brush it off with jokes like people often do when they're uncomfortable (look up Trump when he was younger. He didn't seem like an idiot at all). Being aware that you're impaired would just increase the levels of distress more, so maybe he'll just die of a heart attack or something else by accident from all that.

    The problem with impeaching him like everyone supposedly wants is, though: who is there to take his place that'd actually be an improvement? We'd just end up impeaching the whole federal government until we ended up on the state governments or something. Maybe it was an attempt to make Kasich President all along...

  13. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    I'm sure Trump has a neurodegenerative disease, is under enough stress to cause lower levels of cognitive impairment in otherwise completely healthy people, and is probably also perpetually hyped up on some stimulant or another to try to keep him going (which can cause general physical and therefore brain problems in excess). All his humor and bullshitting is probably because he's aware of how impaired he is, but can't really do anything, so he tries to brush it off with jokes like people often do when they're uncomfortable (look up Trump when he was younger. He didn't seem like an idiot at all). Being aware that you're impaired would just increase the levels of distress more, so maybe he'll just die of a heart attack or something else by accident from all that.

    The problem with impeaching him like everyone supposedly wants is, though: who is there to take his place that'd actually be an improvement? We'd just end up impeaching the whole federal government until we ended up on the state governments or something. Maybe it was an attempt to make Kasich President all along...
    Very possible. Here is an opinion on Trump's speech patterns:

    My mother is going into Alzheimer's, and her sentences go on normally until they get to an arbitrary point, and then they end suddenly when she runs out of pattern, and she switches immediately to whatever associated memory is connected to that sentence. Her speech sounds a lot like Trump's.

    As for impeaching everyone, that is not really practical. Our best bet is to have a general populist reaction to the established rich in the next elections. Maybe then we can increase taxes on the rich and increase the educational levels of women, which will have long term, lasting effects.

  14. #214
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    I just posted the article you did, along with a way worse sample of his speech that led me to conclude the other things besides just Trump almost certainly having some brain disease.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    As for impeaching everyone, that is not really practical. Our best bet is to have a general populist reaction to the established rich in the next elections. Maybe then we can increase taxes on the rich and increase the educational levels of women, which will have long term, lasting effects.
    I know, that's kind of the point of why I phrased things the way I did. A lot of people want to impeach Trump, but anyone after that seems pretty awful to me, like jumping off a building to dodge a bullet. No matter what you do or don't do, there's no guaranteed gain or loss, just some varying level of bad for an outcome.

    I'm not sure either of those are a solution. I just posted an article on how education in America is basically indoctrination (especially at universities), and taxing the rich only helps if 1. the money is actually used towards a goal (it never is nowadays) and 2. actually brings them down within the range of the non-rich (with all the "all the wealth in the world is owned by enough people to fit in one room!" it won't).

  15. #215
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    alzheimers must not be that bad if every potential replacement is worse

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    alzheimers must not be that bad if every potential replacement is worse
    Not necessarily worse. You can often survive jumping off a building, and you often don't survive getting hit by a bullet (movies are very misleading). It's more Pick Your Poison than anything.

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    its true, one must pay the piper regardless if one decides to turn back, after making a sufficiently poor decision. still, the implication that it may be better to do nothing sits poorly with me because on a long enough timeline you can't set the precedent that surrounding yourself with enough terrible people means you're inoculated against removal, because it just encourages the use of an essentially bad faith strong arm strategy... better to suffer the consequences and send the message those kind of tactics wont be tolerated

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    Trump is doing God's work.

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    He's doing his best ... I wouldn't go so far as to say he is doing Gods work. In many ways he is. In some ways, such as with the climate... possibly not. He's definitely started preaching more since he got elected.... he knows that's essential to keep society together.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    He's doing his best ... I wouldn't go so far as to say he is doing Gods work. In many ways he is. In some ways, such as with the climate... possibly not. He's definitely started preaching more since he got elected.... he knows that's essential to keep society his base together.
    Fixed it for you.
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    Nietzsche (who is also an atheist) very convincingly argues the contrary in his famous work "beyond good and evil", it's pretty much iconic philosophy and the basis of nihilism... It doesn't look to me like you have even begun wrapping your mind around the topic.. you're actually just throwing a mini tantrum internally, which is all you ever seem to do. Next
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-12-2017 at 01:03 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    Note to self: move to the center of a dense, highly-populated city, to ensure promptness of death

  24. #224
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat1776 View Post
    Nietzsche (who is also an atheist) very convincingly argues the contrary in his famous work "beyond good and evil", it's pretty much iconic philosophy and the basis of nihilism... It doesn't look to me like you have even begun wrapping your mind around the topic.. you're actually just throwing a mini tantrum internally, which is all you ever seem to do. Next
    ...This sounds exactly like Trumpspeak. We might have Trump on our very forums!

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    Not interested in off topic forum whoremongering, I truly don't care about your approval (or the rest of the forums for that matter)... you're mostly lifeless, semi-autistic trash... why would I care about your approval?
    if you say something than have it be on topic...
    Last edited by rat200Turbo; 07-13-2017 at 08:39 PM.

  26. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by Transkaar View Post
    Trump is great.

    What's funny is all these predictions pre and post election about him destroying democracy, destroying America, destroying this and that, will nuke the world, stripping rights away from everyone.....none of it has come to pass. All the hysteria and paranoia from the far left has actually made them look even more ridiculous, coupled with the fact the the whole Russia collusion thing turned out to be false. Really the media are the ones pinning America against each other. Trump is not an idealist, more likely a pragmatist who would work with both sides. Problem is that far left Democrats instilled scare tactics into people, want to continue to push establishment politics, etc. and failed. Now they failed at all the special elections as well.

    Tis a pity.
    The Dems Scream Death as OCare dies!!
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 07-21-2017 at 04:15 PM.

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    Great job... Ahmeeeeeeeeeeeericaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Spending 54% of the budget on military... that's going on North Korean level of militarism.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    I'm sure Trump has a neurodegenerative disease, is under enough stress to cause lower levels of cognitive impairment in otherwise completely healthy people, and is probably also perpetually hyped up on some stimulant or another to try to keep him going (which can cause general physical and therefore brain problems in excess). All his humor and bullshitting is probably because he's aware of how impaired he is, but can't really do anything, so he tries to brush it off with jokes like people often do when they're uncomfortable (look up Trump when he was younger. He didn't seem like an idiot at all). Being aware that you're impaired would just increase the levels of distress more, so maybe he'll just die of a heart attack or something else by accident from all that.

    The problem with impeaching him like everyone supposedly wants is, though: who is there to take his place that'd actually be an improvement? We'd just end up impeaching the whole federal government until we ended up on the state governments or something. Maybe it was an attempt to make Kasich President all along...
    Agreed, when you look at Donald Trump of the past and compare him to today, he's almost like a different person. Back in the eighties, he talked and sounded like an articulate person with a calmer demeanor, which is the complete opposite of what he is now. At first I thought his persona was an act, but when it continued after the campaign then I realized that it wasn't. Donald Trump going through the early stages of dementia/alzheimer's disease would explain a lot. Notice how his views back then were similar to today, but just said in a more articulate manner:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Transkaar
    rump is great.

    What's funny is all these predictions pre and post election about him destroying democracy, destroying America, destroying this and that, will nuke the world, stripping rights away from everyone.....none of it has come to pass. All the hysteria and paranoia from the far left has actually made them look even more ridiculous, coupled with the fact the the whole Russia collusion thing turned out to be false.
    these things don't happen in a matter of months. Those of us worried about that are still worried about that. He is behaving just as I had anticipated he would. Not reassuring at all.

    My hope is that our government's checks and balances will stop his destruction in its tracks... so far our system has kicked in when it has needed to, which has reassured me to some degree.

    Give it years, and then talk.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Agreed, when you look at Donald Trump of the past and compare him to today, he's almost like a different person. I'm not saying he was a genius in the eighties, but at least he talked and sounded like an articulate person with a calmer demeanor, which is the complete opposite of what he is now. At first I thought his persona was an act, but when it continued after the campaign then I realized that it wasn't. Donald Trump going through the early stages of dementia/alzheimer's disease would explain a lot. Notice how his views back then were similar to today, but just said in a more articulate manner:

    IDK. in that last youtube, he sounds exactly the same -- perseverating on the same simple thought, repeating it over and over, and not really saying much of substance.
    I think more likely its that added years have made him more brash, haughty, disinhibited, and cocky. The more he's gotten away with, the more he feels he can get away with. That is the change that I think we are seeing in the present-day him.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    IDK. in that last youtube, he sounds exactly the same -- perseverating on the same simple thought, repeating it over and over, and not really saying much of substance.
    I think more likely its that added years have made him more brash, haughty, disinhibited, and cocky. The more he's gotten away with, the more he feels he can get away with. That is the change that I think we are seeing in the present-day him.
    Well, I wouldn't say he sounds exactly the same, but he certainly hits on the same points he does today. Keep in mind that going through the early stages of alzheimer/dementia is not going to change one's personality completely, but it will certainly make someone more disinhibited like you mentioned. I agree that the way he acts today is certainly of personal volition as well and not just unintentional, you can't discount that as a factor either so it could possibly be a combination of the two factors of cognitive decline and arrogance intertwining to form the caricature of Donald Trump that we know today.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

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  32. #232
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    Anyways, there have been awful Presidents before, so I don't think Donald Trump is the harbinger of the apocalypse or whatever people'd like him to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post

    Anyways, there have been awful Presidents before, so I don't think Donald Trump is the harbinger of the apocalypse or whatever people'd like him to be.
    Let's hope...
    Even though I fear he has potential to do so, I definitely *do not* want him to bring America's apocalypse! A harbinger of that is not something I'd like him to be.
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    Like dealing with grandma, not willing giving up her house to enter a nursing home, we should gently rip the power of the presidency out of Trump's hands and send him to an insane asylum.

  36. #236
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    Young Trump reminds of Scott Disick.

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    start at about 10 minutes in. this is insane

  38. #238
    Spermatozoa's Avatar
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    There are too many cucks in this thread. We need some strength, passion and power.

  39. #239
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    Why Trump is terrifying....

    I type him LIE, so it is the TeNi forward moving machine. Never stops, just more and more.

    It is ok if the person is healthy but if it is only ego then it can be dangerous.

    Btw, Jung warned of the dangers of Te

    Trump needs a life crisis so he can get in touch with his real self. But he might have to create lots of destruction before he gets his life crisis.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  40. #240
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