Didn't mean to change your mind, just making my point, so sorry if I came off as rude. Didn't mean to insult you by saying you're LSI. Didn't even mean for it to be bad when I said you look like "a know it all", I am one too and introverts are just generally perceived like that. What can one do, uh.

The universe might be all physical to you, 'cause to me it's far from it. Again, here you stating your point as "it is just like that because I know how real things work". Ne is all about exchanging views, it might stick to the same ones but they're hardly ever so ultimate or mechanistic, this just looks like Se .

Of course my agreement with your opinions doesn't make you anything lol, who did you take me for? I just said that such ideas denote a rather Se valuing nature. Bit different.