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Thread: LII, do you agree?

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    Alright, I've been thinking a lot these days, but I haven't reached a conclusion yet. I asked people on other fora, I read a lot about temperaments, dichotomies, functions and descriptions. Days of heavy research, let's say.

    Most people say I'm ILI because see that in some ways I value , , and . But others keep saying I'm a LII, mostly because they see me rational > irrational. In case I'm a true ILI, this dichotomy could be mitigated by my Te subtype (rational).

    Also, one of them showed me how I'm static > dynamic, by explaining me that I always use static information (dates, schemes, classifications).

    I'm clearly a constructivist type. I always start a discussion just for the sake of the discussion itself. I may care of the emotional state of my interlocutor, but it's always of secondary importance compared to the information I'm going to share with him. Secondly, I love to re-watch films, re-read books. Their values are important to me, because they show one of my emotional states in the past.

    I can't decide between merry and serious. I know for sure that I don't like to discuss serious things with people who are distracted/incompetent/non serious. Although, sometimes I mix up moments of fun with moments of seriousness easily.

    Talking about result and process, I think I'm a little bit inclined toward result. When I study for example, at first I tell myself to follow a certain order of things to repeat. After I while I get bored and I start to repeat things at random. This is true also for reading internet pages as well as putting things in order. It's like I lose interest and I try to finish it in another, different way.

    From this point of view I seem to fit the LII more. Thoughts?
    Last edited by User Name; 06-04-2017 at 12:48 PM.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    Alright, I've been thinking a lot these days, but I haven't reached a conclusion yet. I asked people on other fora, I read a lot about temperaments, dichotomies, functions and descriptions. Days of heavy research, let's say.

    Most people say I'm ILI because see that in some ways I value , , and . But others keep saying I'm a LII, mostly because they see me rational > irrational. In case I'm a true ILI, this dichotomy could be mitigated by my Te subtype (rational).

    Also, one of them showed me how I'm static > dynamic, by explaining me that I always use static information (dates, schemes, classifications).

    I'm clearly a constructivist type. I always start a discussion just for the sake of the discussion itself. I may care of the emotional state of my interlocutor, but it's always of secondary importance compared to the information I'm going to share with him. Secondly, I love to re-watch films, re-read books. Their values are important to me, because they show one of my emotional states in the past.

    I can't decide between merry and serious. I know for sure that I don't like to discuss serious things with people who are distracted/incompetent/non serious. Although, sometimes I mix up moments of fun with moments of seriousness easily.

    Talking about result and process, I think I'm a little bit inclined toward result. When I study for example, at first I tell myself to follow a certain order of things to repeat. After I while I get bored and I start to repeat things at random. This is true also for reading internet pages as well as putting things in order. It's like I lose interest and I try to finish it in another, different way.

    From this point of view I seem to fit the LII more. Thoughts?
    I think that you did a good job of assessing yourself to begin with and I think all of this from your first post and the conclusions you drew from it were accurate:

    Quote Originally Posted by User Name
    My first choice has always been LII. I think I have a very strong Ti, developed better than any other function. I like schemes, systems, classifications and I always find myself thinking about something in order to analyze it. For example, when I watch TV advertisements, I like to think about "why did they choose this character to make that certain advertisement" or "why did he say these words instead of saying something else", often trying to find the way I would have done it.

    When sticking to logic (especially in my class), sometimes people call me "cold" or "impassive", but they know I don't want to offend them in any way. It's like I always seek harmony but never expand it to others.

    Talking about Ne, I think school is the primary place where I need to use it. When copying with a long/boring assignment, or preparing for an oral test, you won't find me doing the conventional job (studying any single page), but I'd rather find a new way to face it: invent strange theories, apply systems to the subject, philosophize a lot. The other day, just to give you an idea, I had an Italian oral test. It was about "I Promessi Sposi" ("The Betrothed"), the famous novel. Instead of just telling the story of one chapter, I analyzed Renzo's feelings with the 5 emotions model of "Inside Out", by mixing two or more basic emotions. Due to these crazy ideas, my schoolmate say I'm a bit weird (but in a good way).

    My friends see me as reliable, often asking me about any kind of logical problem. If you ask them, they'd define me "perfectionist", "aloof" or just "smart". I don't have a constant out-of-school relashionship with them, but they kind of understand me and always respect me for my way of thinking.

    The greatest struggle was to find my point on the j/p (rational/irrational) dichotomy. I think I am a j. I'm organized, prepared (even though I love improvising) and not that adaptable in changing situations. I don't see myself moving to another country in just a few days. Also, I'm very punctual and early-starting. I always try to give my 100%, at times using strategies to increas my income with less effort.
    In other words, yes, Ti and Ne, rational>irrational. All your original conclusions were solid, and I don't see a good reason to second-guess them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    Alright, I've been thinking a lot these days, but I haven't reached a conclusion yet. I asked people on other fora, I read a lot about temperaments, dichotomies, functions and descriptions. Days of heavy research, let's say.

    Most people say I'm ILI because see that in some ways I value , , and . But others keep saying I'm a LII, mostly because they see me rational > irrational. In case I'm a true ILI, this dichotomy could be mitigated by my Te subtype (rational).

    Also, one of them showed me how I'm static > dynamic, by explaining me that I always use static information (dates, schemes, classifications).

    I'm clearly a constructivist type. I always start a discussion just for the sake of the discussion itself. I may care of the emotional state of my interlocutor, but it's always of secondary importance compared to the information I'm going to share with him. Secondly, I love to re-watch films, re-read books. Their values are important to me, because they show one of my emotional states in the past.

    I can't decide between merry and serious. I know for sure that I don't like to discuss serious things with people who are distracted/incompetent/non serious. Although, sometimes I mix up moments of fun with moments of seriousness easily.

    Talking about result and process, I think I'm a little bit inclined toward result. When I study for example, at first I tell myself to follow a certain order of things to repeat. After I while I get bored and I start to repeat things at random. This is true also for reading internet pages as well as putting things in order. It's like I lose interest and I try to finish it in another, different way.

    From this point of view I seem to fit the LII more. Thoughts?
    Reinin dichotomies are not a reliable way to type. Stick to Model A.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Reinin dichotomies are not a reliable way to type. Stick to Model A.
    Make this a forum rule tbh

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    Sorry, but I still can't really figure out how 7th and 8th functions work. I think that their descriptions are too general. So, in case I'm INTp, how would my Ne and Ti, practically speaking, influence my Model A?

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    Ok, call me obsessive, but I have a new hypothesis. I just cannot have such a highly valued (and evident) as my demonstrative function. Also, I don't really feel that I'm leading . @Syynth I read about inert and contact subtypes and my conclusion was: I'm a LII-.

    Since this is the inert subtype of the INTj, its inert functions (, , and ) would be more visible than its contact functions (, , , ).
    This is enough to explain:
    - Why @thehotelambush at first typed me LSI (more developed );
    - Why my is so poorly developed;
    - Why @Chae spotted high ;
    - Why, if I'm really an LII, my creative is less developed than my leading .

    What do you think?

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    What do you think?
    I think you're right. The Ti subtype can be difficult to "diagnose" for several reasons:
    -They are the least childlike of the childlike types
    -They are the most serious of the Alphas
    -Inert subtypes seem to be more rare than contact subtypes, which gives the impression that they are a different type

    If you still have doubts, I believe that the best way to type yourself is to figure out how you relate to the other types. There is a thread where you fill out a ven diagram describing how you feel about the other types (annoying, stressful, etc). Fill that out and it should become more clear what quadra you are in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    I think you should fill out a questionnaire. I'm not saying I'll read it but you would have a better chance of being accurately typed that way.
    I like your honesty

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    However, there are recurring Se themes here too:

    "I am very dutiful. “Work first, then play” is one of my mottos."
    I usually relate this to Si not Se, Si with Te to be more specific, so why do you relate it to Se?

  10. #50
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    Finally, I seem to have a conclusion (unless my indecisiveness strikes again). I'm an ILI, not a LII.

    First of all, just now I truly understand that my dominant function is . If it's mainly about living in your head, a trait that I had associated with , then I can confirm that it's very strong in my thought process. The only thing that I cannot explain is: why don't I like that much? As an ILI, I should seek it. But I'm not energized when someone tries to engage me in activities, especially social ones. Also, my classmates usually throw things (pencils, pens, rubbers) and have fights. They do it just for fun, but I HATE it. I don't know if all this has something to do with , but that's the way I percieve it. Also, I notice that my behaviour with familiar people is completely different than how I behave with strangers. For example, If I feel that one of my family members is treating me bad, I don't have problems to rebel and show my . But if I'm with less familiar people, I'm scared to do so. What does these traits mean?

    I've read the decription of the ILI-Te. It's not completely true of me. Why I'm saying this is because I relate more to the ILI-Ni description. But can an ILI-Ni be so rational compared to the average?

    Thank you.
    Last edited by User Name; 06-22-2017 at 08:34 PM.

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    Sorry, but I have another question.

    It's just that I don't put much faith in my conclusions alone. Although I'm pretty independent, I'm always afraid to be missing the point, so I need the opinion of someone who understands Socionics better than I do. In fact, if you have noticed, I have never posted on other threads because I know I won't be able to write something constructive.

    By the way, recently I tried to type myself in terms of DCNH subtype. I found it quite useful. Since I often test as slightly rational and static, I'd easily fall into the Distancing-Terminating-Ignoring AKA Balanced-Stable (IJ) temperament AKA Normalizing subtype AKA INTp-Ti. I think this was the easiest thing to discover. But, as an ILI-Te, shouldn't I be the Dominant subtype (with more developed Te)?

    Also, is there someone able to type people in terms of static/dynamic from one's writing style. If so, what should I write about? Thanks again.

  12. #52
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    I’ve completed the last part of the questionnaire:

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I dislike my indecisiveness. Others don’t say I’m indecisive, maybe because they can’t read my mind.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    Playing my own musical composition at my middle school final exam. It’s a rondo for two violins. I was really proud of myself that day (23/06/2015). I have a strong bond with that piece of music. I remember to have composed it during the Christmas holidays of the previous year. Teachers just couldn’t believe it. One of them was very skeptical. But I wasn’t supposed to care.

    What is something you regret?

    Nothing, so far. But I’d like to go in the past and change some of my decisions to see what will happen.

    What’s been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

    I finished school about one month ago with excellent grades. I don’t know why but every year I’m always afraid that the following year will be a disaster, maybe due to some lack of attention/will during one of the terms. Yes, because I don’t study in its proper sense (I do the important things only) and some day I could be caught unprepared. What if this will happen in university. I don’t want to think about it. I hope that the future will bring some good opportunities (such as a good job). I know it’s up to me to get it and that’s why I’m so afraid. Others have very high expectations on me and I don’t want to fail.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of buisness would it be?

    I actually don’t know. Anyway if I were to start a business, I’m sure that I would be the “boss”. Although I don’t seek leadership positions, I’m skeptical of others’ work and I need to have all the stuff under my control. And since I take everything seriously, I wouldn’t stand to see my business fail in the hands of someone else.

    Where did you go on the most recent vacation? Why did you get there? How did you like it and why?
    I stayed at home. I don’t like going to the sea or in the mountains. Sometimes I do, but I don’t have fun. I find it boring to relax and it’s irritating to get there and have no possibility to play my instruments. At home I’ve all I need. Call me lazy, but that’s my ideal lifestyle.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    My granparents have told me several times that I was a very smart kid. I started to speak and to write at a very early age compared to the average. People in our village were surprised by my ability to memorize their car’s license plate, or to tell their car’s model and color. I was very curious and, for this reason, my grandfather tought me a lot of things: by the age of four, I was intrested in astronomy, geography and I was able to play card games and to beat my opponent. I can’t forget those hundreds of afternoons spent to start “projects” (home-made books, let’s say) where I used to draw traffic signs, flags or random stuff. None of that project would have been finished though, because I was easily bored by repetitivity.
    I’m reading an old school report, and it says: “He’s introverted and prefers individual rather than group activities. Sometimes he acts aggressively and does not accept his friends’ opinion. His mood is variable and he behaves in a submissive manner. Often, he needs to be encouraged to do any activity. He’s easily hurt and is likely to cry.”

    What was your high school experience like?

    I’m in high school and I’m not liking it that much. As already said, my grades are usually As and I have no kind of problem with studying. It’s the social part that it’s a disaster. At school, I think that others know my name. I’m into maths competitions (even though I don’t care about it), several projects and every teacher has a good word for me, so it’s likely that other students know that I exist. But my attitude towards them is always negative. I never look someone in his eyes, I avoid crowds and I hate it if I have to walk through a lot of people that I don’t know. I feel observed, it’s a terrible sensation. My classmates like me and always respect my opinion. When it’s my turn to speak, they’re all silent. I appreciate it a lot. Of course, me and my friends have a different concept of “fun”. I find boring what they consider interesting and vice versa. They have completely different interests, such as TV-series, shopping, sports or just hanging out with no point. Also, I can’t stand some of them smoking or taking drugs: they do it just to feel “adult”, but they demonstrate the exact contrary.

    Talk about a significant event in your life.

    Well, I think it’s just impossible to choose.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    It depends, but mainly no. Although they may be cute, I hate when they cry or scream. I can’t stand noise, especially when I’m doing something interesting. I’m experiencing this feeling right now: while I’m writing this, my brother is playing videogames and his “speeches” are bothering me.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    Yes, every single school day. But I’m well trained to resist it and to act normally and proficiently. Sometimes I fall in some kind of depression. Anyway, I always find a way not to be influenced by my emotional state. And, after all, I like melancholy. It makes you reflect upon all your life. It works like a time machine that transports you in the past, where you can see and learn from your mistakes.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    In three words: different from me. I always notice that me and my friend are completely distant and I’ve still not met someone like me. In general, compared to me, people are: less serious, less introspective, more social, more childish. Good or bad? You decide. A prevalent social problem is the obsession with social networks, of course. I’m not on Fabebook, Twitter, Instagram because I don’t give a shit about what people are doing and I don’t expect them to be interested in what I do. Also, social networks tend to make us more stupid and less sure about ourselves, always needing someone to like us.

    What do you do if you’re not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    If it depends on me, then I start to think and to see what I can do. After that I start to give my best to get it. If it does not depend on me, I’m usually not that confident to ask the person who can provide it, especially if I don’t know him/her well. So I just wait and see how it evolves.

    Are you comfortable in taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

    I don’t seek it. But I can be a good leader. I know what to do and usually I get annoyed if my team does not follow my tips. I’m open to listen others’ opinion, but if I consider those useless, I have no problem in rejecting them. I think that every member in a group should do the same amount of work. I don’t like when me and my friends meet to work on a project and they start to do other things (e.g. chatting, playing), but sometimes I don’t say anything just not to appear dry and mean. Because I’m dry and mean on the inside, but I try not to show it to others when it’s not really needed.

    How often do you get angry? What kind of things make you angry?

    Well, quite often, if you’re talking about daily little things. But if you mean “angry” in the real sense, then it happens sporadically. I get angry when my parents order me to do things they are able to do by themselves or when someone

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Yesterday night I played with my band in the main square of our village. I love playing live. I like to feel the sound of my bass buzzing inside my stomach, causing me to become kind of hyperactive and eager to do a stage diving at the end of each song. Although I’m the most introverted in the band, I act quite confidently on-stage. I just like the idea that I’m playing in front of 600 people and they’re dancing to my music. I feel so powerful. And yesterday it went exactly like that.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

    I share my room with my 9 years old brother. My sleep is light and sensible. I don’t know why, but my brother wakes up every 2 hours. He blows his nose, drinks water and turns in bed, causing me not to sleep. I just can’t stand it, because I’m always silent when he sleeps and if I ask him to shut up he just doesn’t give a shit about it.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    I don’t travel a lot. I’ve never crossed the Italian borders. But as said, Italy is so beutiful. And Naples is surely the most interesting city I’ve ever seen. The monument I like the most is the Royal Theatre of Saint Charles, built in 1737. When it’s empty, and it’s only you inside the theatre, you feel so good.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?

    I dress in an overly-ordinary way. My T-shirts are usually solid colour. I usually wear dark colors: grey, dark blue, dark green and black. I wear jeans 7 days a week. My haircut is short and I never use gel. I’m clean and attentive to my hygiene, but I’d never spend money for dresses or shoes. There are more important things in my life.

    Do you like surprises?

    Yes. Also negative ones. Sometimes I feel that routine is killing me and I often say in my mind “I’d like something to happen today. Even something bad. Everything would be better than this”. When it comes to things that I like though, routine plays an important role. For example, in summer I spend all the time in music and research, developing a steady routine. Since I do what I like, that kind of routine doesn’t bother me. But school or work routine is one of the worst things you can experience.

    Is there anything important about you that we should know?

    · I like compliments. I need them, but I feel embarrassed to say “thanks”;
    · I prefer spending time with adults rather than with people my age;
    · I go to sleep late but I wake up early;
    · I’m not a nerd. I have no interest in sci-fi, computers programming or weird hobbies. Also, I think to be far away from the stereotypical nerd overall;
    · I’m always polite with everyone.

    Please, if you can, express your opinion. I think I’m ILI but I’m unsure about the subtype.

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    Alright, I'm going to close this thread as no one gives a shit about my typing. I understand it, but instead of keeping me waiting for a month, one of you could just have said "Hey boy, I have no time for you". I would have appreciated his honesty.

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