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Thread: What are your goals?

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  1. #11
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    SLE-Ti 8w7 so/sp
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    Update: I hit all my goals on Saturday with some caveats [I've hit these same goals day after day for awhile now I can call it a routine]. I woke up at 9:00 a.m. instead. So I lost an hour at work for that day but kept on track with everything else. I runs a tight ship so I don't like losses. I made the hour up today. In war-time, I'm usually up at 5:00. In wartime, I don't fuck around. I was in bed by 10/11 every night, up at five...already had the back of the morning broken over my knee by 8:00 am.

    [Lesson one, be all in but flexible enough to take opportunities when they come. A small example, there's one machine for a particular shoulder exercise and about twenty barbells for another. I'm on the first set of the one with the twenty barbells and the one machine is currently unoccupied. I'm gonna jump on that one machine right away because I know that I can go back to the exercise with twenty barbells afterwards, but if I wait the two sets, there's a good chance somebody will have already taken it. Opportunism is a key ingredient.

    Willpower and willfulness are the two most important assets. Willfulness means you're exercising willpower day in and day out. Willpower initiates. Willfulness does over and over. So its the willpower of a giant plus the willfulness of a pitbull...its said that the pitbull has a locked jaw such that when it gets a hold of something with its teeth, it doesn't let go.

    Improvisation is often required. Last March, I had to book a last minute business trip out to Ft. Lauderdale to meet with a key contact/asset in regards to one of my more lucrative plans hehehe. I flew out actually at the tail-end of that Si Polr thread....I arrived on Tuesday Afternoon, check in, and then on Wednesday meet with the contacts and then fly back Wednesday night. but when I was in Florida my flight back got cancelled. By time I found it was cancelled Tuesday night and got on the phone with the operator all the good flights were booked up and the hotel I was at didn't have any availabilities. Either I could stay there a extra few days or leave on the red-eye the next day. I'm on business, I'm not here for pleasure. Book me on the red-eye, I says. And then I got to find another hotel, called up this one and that one, got a hotel closer to the airport, a swanked holiday inn with only one elevator up and down and under construction. You have to be at the airport a few hours before. Got my cab arriving at 3:00 am, boom. I doesn't do Ubers. Throw my cabbie a five dollar tip. Pick up three or four newspapers to read for the flight back. I'm a matter of fact I remember the headliner articles of each was about all that controversy with the Trump campaign using information it mined from personality tests on Facebook. It was a good example of Trump's Ti-creative's emphasis on data collection.]

    As I first left on Saturday yesterday, I sensed it would rain later on.

    For breakfast, I does the blueberry muffin instead of chocolate chip. There were no parking spots in front, so I parked on the side (plan b). As I left the bakery, I took out the CD and pulled out my case of CDs. I've got metal, punk and rap CDs. I went with another Wu Tang CD that has like three or four great songs on it. The instrumental on one song Justice For All makes me murderously numb and like the eyes go into the back of my head so I drove a little way up past my business in order to hear the entire song play out. There's one part in the song where it sounds like the guy is just freestyling and then boom he switches up and says "suddenly you realize I'm you." I"m like, woahhhhh....that's fckin' sick, he just totally flipped everything around on me. Gets me every time.

    For lunch, I went with a piece of chicken marsala and a side of cucumber, mozzarella, tomato mix in a tasty balsamic. The SLE-Ti 8w9 sp/so was not at the pool hall, so I couldn't really possess the scene to an extreme...I ended up playing against another guy, a classic IEE-Ne 1w2 sp/so. My 7w8 sp/sx friend across the way (who was playing a SLE-Se 6w7 sx/sp) jokingly said to me, "He said he was hoping you would come in so he could beat you." I laughed. I paid and I got my sticks out. I didn't warm-up, though. I racked them up and went to break. The guy I played said, "you don't want to take some warm-up shots." The 7w8 was paying attention. I self-assuredly said, "nah, no warm-up" like throwing an alley-oop over to the 7w8. "He doesn't even have to warm up," the 7w8 said. My mind immediately had a flashback to a scene from a back to the future movie where a character says 'where we're going, we don't need roads." So seconds later, I replied outloud, in an entertaining manner, "Where I'm from we don't need to warm up." Everybody laughed. Then another guy came up to me and told me that he won a pair of new sneakers in an online raffle. That's when the rains came. You could hear the drops beating hard on the roof. As the 7w8 and 6w7 took a break to go out and smoke cigarettes, the 7w8 teasingly said "He thinks he's better than us now that he's got those rims." I laughed, and then the 7w8 is like, "i got the spray in my car, man. those rims will be shining!" Since I got the rims, he keeps asking me if he can spray them for me with a spray he has for rims.

    It rained and rained. I still ended up weed-whacking but the line on the weedhwacker wasn't catching as it normally does cuz the grass was all wet. I'll do more of it today, but cleaning rims is top priority for the 5:30 to 7:00 slot.
    Last edited by Kill4Me; 08-12-2018 at 05:37 PM.

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