I took the test twice. The first results were:

124 Masculine, 85 Feminine.

Adam's Open Sex Role Inventory Test Result - reduced.jpg

In an effort to stress the test and to see how it responds to variant inputs, I took it a second time and answered the questions by ignoring outlier cases. For example, I ignored the one or two times I was really sick and kept the heat down to save money and wrapped myself in a blanket, or the fact that I sometimes jump up and down in excitement (I bounce when I walk, maybe it's the same thing?), or "I use lotion on my hands", because cleaning parts in kerosene dries out the skin and lotion replaces the lost oils, but I don't do it otherwise.
With fewer outliers, I got

130 Masculine, 84 Feminine. Two standard deviations toward masculine, one away from feminine. Highly deviant, but I've been called that before. (jk)

I'm thinking about this, and I just can't believe I'm that masculine. It doesn't feel like I am. I just feel.....normal. For example, I don't engage in testosterone-fueled male contests, I'm not a Navy Seal, I'm not James Bond. A lot of the time I feel really wimpy and wish I could be more assertive. The only thing I can point to, is the fact that women have told me I'm very aggressive, but in a quiet, non-demonstrative way. Whatever that means.