Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
What I mean by ethical problems is similar to what has been written in Stratiyevsky's LIE ESI duality description. "LIE in the maze of relations" and such.
What do you mean by vulgar in an unamusing way?
yeah I get that, I just know nothing about it; since the LIEs I do know seem to keep it to themselves and outwardly don't suffer--and ethical types do often have drama just as bad or worse, or so it seems. so it seems to me LIE is not that bad off, although I'm sure a lot of that is just perception. It does seem funny to me the implication that ethicals may not suffer in the same "maze of ethical relations"--maybe they don't feel the same sense of "lostness" but outwardly they seem just as caught up in conflict and pain as any other person so it feels like it isn't much of an advantage. I'd even go so far as to say many logicals seem to have things sorted out better and more to their liking than many ethicals even in regards to what supposedly is the ethical wheelhouse. again, perhaps I'm just not seeing everything. I don't feel lost in ethics, but I do worry sometimes about the Te consequences I'm bringing down on myself by doing the "right thing"--mainly because I don't trust people to understand or to rise above their petty personal ambitions and the willingness to do anything to achieve them. I feel like its the flip side of Fi bewilderment which would be a kind of Te anxiety about Fi choices, whereas I imagine LIE suffers more from Fi anxiety about Te choices, etc etc

I think LIE has a tendency to miscalculate how some of their jokes will be received or even the ethical implications of what they're saying, so they come off as gross, not just in your standard way, but sometimes in an "ethical" way, like it may not be Si gross but they can definitely be Fi gross sometimes

sometimes LIEs I really like will say stuff I'm just like "ugh man, why..?" and theyll have a big shit eating grin about it. its probably funny to someone. most the time they're legit funny and not gross though, so I don't want to give anyone a complex