I hope this question isn't too morbid, it's just something I'm curious about. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suicidal or depressed, I generally love life and would like to prolong my life span as long as possible. However, I can think of situations that if I had to endure it for an extended amount of time with no hope of improvement, I would seriously contemplate suicide.

For example, if I had a terrible disease where I was in excruciating pain constantly and no medications helped. Or if I had severe dementia and I had to depend on others to do even the most basic tasks and I could no longer make independent decisions on my own. Or maybe if I was imprisoned for the rest of my life with no chance of parole or ever escaping, after awhile I'd likely go crazy and just want to end things.

As a kid, I used to think, that I would want to prolong my life as long as possible, regardless of the situation. Living is living. Now that I'm older, it's more important to live with dignity and to have a sense of hope. If I am missing these things I do not want to live.

For you, are there situations where death would be preferable to enduring life? What are these situations?

Once again, sorry if I offended people by asking such a morbid question. I am curious.