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Thread: Triple Doubter

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    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Default Triple Doubter

    Saw lack of The Seeker tritype (469/496/649/694/946/964) thread here, so decided to start one. Starting with Katherine Fauvre's video on this tritype as it is spot-on imo:

    Then, a few descriptions I have seen on internet which seemed accurate enough:


    469 Seeker Archetype


    If you are 469, you are intuitive, inquisitive and accepting. You want to be original, certain and peaceful. You are a very sensitive and can experience intense feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. As a result you need multiple sources of confirmation. You want to be individualistic but can fear being separate from others.

    Your life mission is to raise the questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others. A true seeker, you are happiest when you feel you can answer the question of who you are.

    You can be so focused on your feelings, insecurities and doubts that you can feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision and of being misled or duped.

    The 469 is a seeker with a lot of self doubt. There is always more to learn when you are this tritype but the desire is to develop a philosophy. the 6 and 4 have the most self doubt along with the 9. The 4 doubts their feelings, the 6 their thoughts. 6s want reassurance, 4s want praise to offset their natural tendency to be shame sensitive. The 4 leading is more concerned with the Who am I question and hopes to 'someday' have that answered through constant introspection and referencing their own feelings. I can only speak from my own lens and say that the 6 leading is less identity focused. Who Am I doesn't enter the picture like the 4, and less reliance on needing to set themselves apart to resolve the philosophical dilemma.

    ...the 6 will stereotypically give 469 some sort of orientation around associations to ease anxiety...469 will have more of a push-pull reaction pattern with authority in staving off inner anxiety.

    The 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.

    The sx 469s want the security of that comes with a trusted relationship. Grief can feel overwhelming and many have shared feeling flooded. They also report that grief brings up fear.

    Both the 469 and 269 tend to be passive. The 269 is more engraciating. The 469 is more aloof.

    The 468 reacts and rings the alarm to prevent making a mistake to calm down and the 469 doubts and procrastinates to avoid making a mistake.... To calm down.

    The 469 is very gentle unless threatened.They are very out of touch with their gut! The struggle is with doubt and inaction.

    9s fear being in conflict. 479 vs 469. Look at the level of confidence and optimism. The 7 brings a light touch with magical thinking, hoping for the best. In contrast, the 6 brings support and loyalty. Both are highly intuitive but the 469 has more doubts - The 479 is more future oriented, focusing on the possibilities. The 469 is more dutiful with a heavier heart, fearing that they can't make enough of a difference.
    ‎469s report a fear of making ten wrong decision and then having feelings of painful self consciousness and shame for having done so.... But also for not making a decision.

    If 6 is dominant in the 469 tritype, there are more obvious fears and concerns. However, 946 and 469 are equally troubled by insecurities.
    All 3 types have a little paralysis through analysis. And all 3 hate conflict. ) The 469 experiences extreme self doubt and hesitates more than other 4s. It is a shy 4 but they do have their own opinions...they are just reluctant to voice them. The 649 has the greatest difficulty trusting their own thoughts and tends to seek multiple confirmations before making decisions. The 964 is plagued with indecision too and can look like a 6 but they are not as inclined to seek opinions from others. They just avoid the conflict hoping it will resolve itself.

    The 469 is the most doubting tritype regardless which type is in charge. It is also the tritype that most struggles with a constant sense of self. They can also be somewhat passive. The only tritype more passive is the 269. The 269 is happier in presentation.

    Regarding doubt for the 469: I think Katherine said that the 4 has self-doubt, the 6 doubts themselves and others and the 9 has the believer/doubter dichotomy.

    the 649 (or 469 964) want peace harmony and gentleness. They are sensitive and doesn't know what to trust and in particular doesn't know what to trust in themselves. She stated that the 6 is more often than not phobic and needs multiple sources of confirmation and information. They don't feel they can rebound from emotional pain so they tend to avoid it through the questioning process and end up finding more questions.

    469 is going to have more difficulty being separate from others. More shame and anxiety about being different. There would be more checking in with others.

    (4)-6-9 - The Normative 4
    4-(6)-9 - The Withdrawn 6
    4-6-(9) - The Reactive 9

    This tritype has many self-confidence problems. They may often feel as though they need help from others, but that they are unable to get it. They fight between needing others and striving for seclusion.

    Accepting and intuitive, most emotional and passive, can think they are a 2 or a sexual subtype. Most doubting 6.

    This will often explain why non 6s that are not self-preserving wonder why they run high anxiety. For example, the 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.

    946: Intuitive and inquisitive 9. Most inclined to hesitate and feel doubt and uncertainty. Most gentle, passive 9. High anxiety.

    When the 4 and 6 are in the tritype there is more negativity as a strategy to prevent making a mistake that will bring shame, blame and criticism. This is most true of the 461 and then 468 and then the 469.

    649 The Seeker. Accepting and intuitive 6. This is the most emotional and accommodating 6. This 6 has the most self-doubt and uncertainty and often seeks multiple sources of confirmation before making a decision. This 6 is very sensitive, and can be mistaken for a 4 or 2.

    The core fears are of fear itself, danger, being alone, cowardice, submitting, deviance, uncertainty, targeted, chaos, conflict, being loveless, complication, discord, being shutout, inharmonious, being inadequate, emotionally cut off, ordinary, commonplace, being abandoned.

    Anxiety and worry increase with the 1 and doubt and uncertainty with the 9. Examine your motivations rather than your behaviors. This is especially difficult for the 6, but more so for the 649 as all 3 types tend to doubt as a defense strategy. This is the Tritype that is most reluctant to take a stand for their "own" opinion until they are angry. The 641 has all 3 types that fear making a mistake and being at risk for having done so. They tend to be more likely to show frustration and to correct and instruct others ( especially for the so 641).

    your descriptions sound more like sp1 in the gut. As a sp6 you have a natural iine of connection to sp9. Research has shown that you move to your wings and lines of connection with the same dominant instinct running the show. When your sp6 moves to sp9 and sp3 it is momentary and adding to you sp6. When you shift in your tritype your sp6 shifts to the 1 for solutions and runs all permutations of the 1 driven by the needs and concerns of the self-pres. The confusion may be that sp1 worries much like a 6 but the focus is on improving. So your instinct may have made it more difficult to land on the 614. Take your time. The 694 is much more hidden and inhibited. The 641 is focused on the perfecting and refining...getting it right.

    Both 4s and 6s can be emotional. The questions is what are you emotional about? In terms of difficult behaviors...
    6s identify a source to prove
    4s identify a source to impress
    649 doubting, insecure

    I'm 649 too...some days 469, and some 964
    My mind automatically scans for rejection, conflict, and inclusion/exclusion, whenever I'm focusing on *me* (for example putting myself 'out there' with my music - which is my absolute heart and soul). Whenever my self and esteem and worth is on the line, whenever I've made a personal *effort* to engage or simply self-express to others, I'm basically a wreck.
    However if attention is not on me, I'm fine...often one with nature, internalizing the world, being receptive and in touch with my inner self, entertaining myself with my mind, desires, fantasy...I can do that in my own privacy and on my own terms and I'm happy to not need others. But I'm too often pulled to find myself in the world (and show myself to it) to stay isolated for long. I can (and often do) get passive and can let a lot of years go by spinning on the same ungroundedness, not really pushing myself out there for fear of rejection and not being what I envision myself to be (wish to be). I have a lot of 'go along' energy that I fall back on when I need emotional and psychic rest.

    I think my tritype is 469. It particularly plays itself out in the social realm via shame, feeling utterly different, feeling hunted when very insecure (with no real external evidence to back the feeling up) and then by succumbing to a desire to merge with the group by lying down and playing 'dead' like a puppy. The merging brings short-term relief until my need to express myself takes over. If I can't I feel sickened by my lack of authenticity, if I can I do which opens me up to feeling exposed and ashamed again so I withdraw to avoid feeling hunted.

    The sx with 4 brings emotional intensity and a need for closeness with desired intimates...and, there is anger if intimacy is thwarted or denied. The 468 is impulsive and highly reactive... the focus is on immediate resolution. The 469 feels a great deal of doubt and in general is not as reactive. There is more of a tendency to hesitate, plan and prepare with more anxiety.

    The 469 is more phobic than the 468.

    The 649 ponders...thinks and rethinks. They are introspective like the 459...just more people oriented. Their shame is in making a mistake...they must get it right like the 461 but do not feel that they can easily say their opinion our loud due to a fear that they might make a mistake.
    As 4 is dominant, in addition to seeing themselves as intuitive and deep with a need for beauty and aesthetics....The 479s see themselves as loving, innovative and gentle, the 468 as intense and iconoclastic and the 469 as thoughtful and introspective.


    Enneagram Tritype 469 - The Seeker

    469 Seeker Archetype

    If you are 469, you are intuitive, inquisitive and accepting. You want to be original, certain and peaceful. You are a very sensitive and can experience intense feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. As a result you need multiple sources of confirmation. You want to be individualistic but can fear being separate from others.

    Your life mission is to raise the questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others. A true seeker, you are happiest when you feel you can answer the question of who you are.

    You can be so focused on your feelings, insecurities and doubts that you can feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision and of being misled or duped.

    The 469 is a seeker with a lot of self doubt. There is always more to learn when you are this tritype but the desire is to develop a philosophy. the 6 and 4 have the most self doubt along with the 9. The 4 doubts their feelings, the 6 their thoughts. 6s want reassurance, 4s want praise to offset their natural tendency to be shame sensitive. The 4 leading is more concerned with the Who am I question and hopes to ‘someday’ have that answered through constant introspection and referencing their own feelings. I can only speak from my own lens and say that the 6 leading is less identity focused. Who Am I doesn’t enter the picture like the 4, and less reliance on needing to set themselves apart to resolve the philosophical dilemma.

    …the 6 will stereotypically give 469 some sort of orientation around associations to ease anxiety…469 will have more of a push-pull reaction pattern with authority in staving off inner anxiety.

    The 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.

    The sx 469s want the security of that comes with a trusted relationship. Grief can feel overwhelming and many have shared feeling flooded. They also report that grief brings up fear.

    Both the 469 and 269 tend to be passive. The 269 is more engraciating. The 469 is more aloof.

    The 468 reacts and rings the alarm to prevent making a mistake to calm down and the 469 doubts and procrastinates to avoid making a mistake…. To calm down.

    The 469 is very gentle unless threatened.They are very out of touch with their gut! The struggle is with doubt and inaction.

    9s fear being in conflict. 479 vs 469. Look at the level of confidence and optimism. The 7 brings a light touch with magical thinking, hoping for the best. In contrast, the 6 brings support and loyalty. Both are highly intuitive but the 469 has more doubts - The 479 is more future oriented, focusing on the possibilities. The 469 is more dutiful with a heavier heart, fearing that they can’t make enough of a difference.
    ‎469s report a fear of making ten wrong decision and then having feelings of painful self consciousness and shame for having done so…. But also for not making a decision.

    If 6 is dominant in the 469 tritype, there are more obvious fears and concerns. However, 946 and 469 are equally troubled by insecurities.
    All 3 types have a little paralysis through analysis. And all 3 hate conflict. ) The 469 experiences extreme self doubt and hesitates more than other 4s. It is a shy 4 but they do have their own opinions…they are just reluctant to voice them. The 649 has the greatest difficulty trusting their own thoughts and tends to seek multiple confirmations before making decisions. The 964 is plagued with indecision too and can look like a 6 but they are not as inclined to seek opinions from others. They just avoid the conflict hoping it will resolve itself.

    The 469 is the most doubting tritype regardless which type is in charge. It is also the tritype that most struggles with a constant sense of self. They can also be somewhat passive. The only tritype more passive is the 269. The 269 is happier in presentation.

    Regarding doubt for the 469: I think Katherine said that the 4 has self-doubt, the 6 doubts themselves and others and the 9 has the believer/doubter dichotomy.

    the 649 (or 469 964) want peace harmony and gentleness. They are sensitive and doesn’t know what to trust and in particular doesn’t know what to trust in themselves. She stated that the 6 is more often than not phobic and needs multiple sources of confirmation and information. They don’t feel they can rebound from emotional pain so they tend to avoid it through the questioning process and end up finding more questions.

    469 is going to have more difficulty being separate from others. More shame and anxiety about being different. There would be more checking in with others.

    (4)-6-9 - The Normative 4
    4-(6)-9 - The Withdrawn 6
    4-6-(9) - The Reactive 9

    This tritype has many self-confidence problems. They may often feel as though they need help from others, but that they are unable to get it. They fight between needing others and striving for seclusion.

    Accepting and intuitive, most emotional and passive, can think they are a 2 or a sexual subtype. Most doubting 6.

    This will often explain why non 6s that are not self-preserving wonder why they run high anxiety. For example, the 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.


    469 The Seeker

    The 469 is one of the most insecure tritypes. This type is known as the Seeker because it is the overarching theme of their lives. 4 seeks to find its most authentic expression within the person to quell feelings of shame, while 6 and 9 both seek reassurance from the world to calm fears and outrage. 469 must work constantly to not get caught up in these insecurities so much that they are paralyzed from acting on their authentic truths.


    The Seeker

    – who am I? Search for meaning.
    – peace and harmony
    – security

    – raise questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others

    – intuitive
    – inquisitive
    – accepting
    – original
    – certain
    – peaceful
    – sensitive
    – individualistic
    – doubtful
    – aloof
    – passive
    – procrastinating
    – gentle
    – loyal
    – dutiful
    – avoidant
    – paranoid
    – not too confident
    – emotional
    – hesitant
    – anxious
    – accommodating
    – private
    – preparing
    – thoughtful

    Blind spot:
    – so focused on feelings, insecurities and doubt -> feel paralyzed by fear of making the wrong decision, being misled or duped

    – being separate from others
    – insecurity
    – making the wrong decision
    – conflict

    And lastly: http://personalityprofilinghell.tumb...les-the-seeker

    Tritype Profiles: The Seeker

    Shared Trait: Triple Self-doubting

    Fixes: 4, 6, 9 (in any order)

    General Profile:
    This is one of the most vulnerable and soft-mannered tritypes. They often struggle with issues of identity and where they fit in. They are highly sensitive to the reactions and behavior of others which may make them difficult to get close to, but usually also makes them highly considerate of where others are coming from. They can have difficulty standing up for themselves without dramatic or passive aggressive behavior, though they are quick to support others in a gentle and loving way when those others are mistreated. They tend to have a whimsical and innocent air about them which belies a deep gravity inside of them - the weight of the never-ending search for truth. Many of these individuals have difficulty expressing themselves in a direct or pragmatic way, preferring to use imagery and abstract concepts. This tritype is over-represented among poets.

    If Core 4:
    The most friendly 4. Due to the double Attachment fixations, they lack the aloofness of many 4s. They are still reserved, but are more responsive to others’ needs and less lost in their heads. They have more of a desire to share their inner life and to have it validated. They are still moody, but they have more of a sense of humor about themselves and their lives. Their creative work, while raw, is also welcoming.
    Likeliest instinctual variant: so/sp

    If Core 6:
    The most reserved 6. Their quirky behavior may mask their conscientiousness, but not their anxiety. They can be described as “squirrely.” They seek belonging as much as any other 6, but it may be in more unusual spaces and among more reserved people - groups of “misfits”, as it were. They may dismay that they desire more solidarity than their compatriots. Their convictions can be easily disrupted by disapproval from outside sources, triggering a moral crisis. They openly seek protection from such instances by aligning with like-minded, like-experienced groups. Likeliest instinctual variant: sp/so

    If Core 9:
    The most emotional 9. They are less outwardly calm, but nonetheless make their desire for a secure and harmonious environment known. They often experience or express a disconnect between the self and the emotions, portraying them in more indirect ways - it is catharsis rather than the expression of something stable. Like Type 4, they use their imaginative faculties to form and maintain a sense of self. Like many 9s, they are spiritual, but they may find spiritual inspiration in unconventional and unexpected venues such as literature. Likeliest instinctual

    Likely MBTI:

    Putting them in spoilers bc you can never know when a page might be deleted and I would like to keep the info on this subtype alive.

    Also fun fact, last profile says so/sx as most likely variant for core 9 of this tritype and also counts INTP as a likely MBTI type (which is funny bc only high Ti/Te type in that system listed in that list), they all fit lmao I am /mostly/ sold on this being my tritype at this point welp

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Some famous splendid ladies of this tritype:

    Eva Green
    Lana Del Rey
    Winona Ryder
    Kristen Stewart
    Lea Seydoux
    Keira Knightley
    Joan Baez
    Dakota Johnson
    Lily Collins
    Lisa Bonet
    Michelle Williams
    Naomi Watts
    Marion Cotillard
    Audrey Tautou

    As for the males, didn't find too many:

    Johnny Depp
    Bob Dylan
    Bruce Springsteen
    Phil Collins

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    Thanks, this information was really helpful. I'm seriously considering this tritype for myself.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Thanks, this information was really helpful. I'm seriously considering this tritype for myself.
    I can certainly see a 69x type for you, though not as certain about heart type. I haven't sense any 1-fix or 8-fix from you, so. For the 694, I would say that a general rule of thumb with this tritype seems to be "constant search for self", "focus starting at Who I am? and Who are you? What does this all mean?", as well as despite being a tritype with 4, being pretty worried of making same mistakes and being hurt again/also the shame doing same mistake would bring.

    I think what would differ it from 692 and 693 would be, 693 would have a pretty chill time with their type- they might question who they are when they stop for a moment, but still would tend to feel comfortable with taking a role society would approve/would feel more comfortable in it? In my case as 964, opposite was always true. You do feel uncomfortable with "what is expected/thought as valuable in society" while also wanting to bond with others. 692 would most likely have an easier time with figuring their heart type, since they already focus their attention on needs of others first and define themselves with that- though as last one in tritype, it wouldn't be as a major thing.

    So it would boil down to heart types and how you relate to them, I think? If my 9-fix observation is correct, at least. (I would say 4 or 3 would be more likely.)

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    Being a 694 tri-type is both a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because you discover hidden truths that are not well known in general and usually rejected by society. You are also able to see both sides of an issue and understand where each side is coming from indiscriminately and objectively.

    However, it is a curse because you can get carried away exploring controversial ideas that only hold a fraction of truth. Sometimes people are mistaken and think you accept them when you are merely exploring them. If there's anything I learned, the most outlandish and controversial ideas can have an aspect of truth and the most sound ideas can have falsedoms.

    To discover the complete truth of an issue, you need to be able to simultaneously accept and reject all sides of an issue. The 694 tri-type is adept at doing this, but can get lost at times immersing themselves in falsedoms ironically in the search for the truth. One thing the 694 knows above all else is that real truth is almost always a shade of grey, it is almost never black or white.
    Last edited by Raver; 05-07-2017 at 04:32 PM.
    “We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.” Randy Pausch

    6w7 sp/sx

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    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Yes! And one of the things that stood out to me from the video was: "There is an aesthetic appreciation and it always doesn't have to be visually. It can be word choices, it can be the way things are stated, the way they do things. They want to put their own trademark on things as long as it won't bring conflict."

    Because, it reminds me this question from Socionics Questionnare and my reply there:

    What is beauty? What is love?

    It depends? It depends to who you are asking this under what kind of circumstances, but I suppose for me, beauty is... something pure? Something warm. When I look at something- be it a picture or person, something often visual- if it makes me feel warm and mushy or I simply can't take my eyes off, then this is beauty. At least, physical beauty. There are tons of different ways things are beautiful, as cheesy as it sounds, some stories and songs are beautiful in their own way. Sometimes it is a line in a story, a line so fitting and summarizes whole character and situation they are in, often end of a story with everyone lives happily ever after and they are most likely chilling in livingroom and talking about everything they went through with a light humor and fondness- To me, beauty and love are pretty connected and they both give a vibe of tenderness. Though, love is also taking care of that said person. Paying attention to their emotional well being (as well as physical?) and trying your best to be there for them, seeing them as a true equal to yourself and wishing best for them even if one day you become someone not "good" in their life. Love is something universal but personal and beautiful in it is own way- And I mean any kind of love by that. Mostly between friends in those instances, though.
    There is a certain 9-6 wanting to connect others with an appreciation of beauty of 4. Of course, this comes from a 9w1 so/sx core view, so bonds with others takes a primary spot here.

    I would also have to agree with @Raver about the constant questioning quality- though it can also leads to an interesting strenght? A few days ago, there was a presentation in which there was a person that was practically worshipped by anyone in translation studies in my country, and I found that I simply did not believe she should be as idolized before seeing what kind of person she is and what her thought process works like. So, during a break, when my friends were being insecure about going and talking with her, I found that since they all made such a fuss about her and she actually was not an egoistical asshole but most likely an LIE or ILE with a 2-fix, I simply found the courage to go talk with her to see if I would actually respect her myself. It was proven true that she is really worthy of respect and I do respect her, as well as would like to hear more from her to gain some interesting insights, but the 6w7 "mobilizing under pressure/when others are in doubt as well" seems a main thing going on there?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post
    I can certainly see a 69x type for you, though not as certain about heart type. I haven't sense any 1-fix or 8-fix from you, so. For the 694, I would say that a general rule of thumb with this tritype seems to be "constant search for self", "focus starting at Who I am? and Who are you? What does this all mean?", as well as despite being a tritype with 4, being pretty worried of making same mistakes and being hurt again/also the shame doing same mistake would bring.

    I think what would differ it from 692 and 693 would be, 693 would have a pretty chill time with their type- they might question who they are when they stop for a moment, but still would tend to feel comfortable with taking a role society would approve/would feel more comfortable in it? In my case as 964, opposite was always true. You do feel uncomfortable with "what is expected/thought as valuable in society" while also wanting to bond with others. 692 would most likely have an easier time with figuring their heart type, since they already focus their attention on needs of others first and define themselves with that- though as last one in tritype, it wouldn't be as a major thing.

    So it would boil down to heart types and how you relate to them, I think? If my 9-fix observation is correct, at least. (I would say 4 or 3 would be more likely.)

    I'm definitely not an 8 fix, but I still go back and forth between 9 and 1 fix. I hate conflict and mostly I am easygoing but then if something is going against my principles or is 'wrong' I will sometimes confront and bring on conflict to right some perceived injustice.

    The heart fix has always been a struggle to figure out for myself. I would say 2 is somewhat less likely but not impossible. 3 - I care about my image and being seen as successful by others, but I'm not aggressively self-promoting myself and I am not really good at putting on an act. I really want to stay true to myself and be authentic like a 4. I want to be unique and stand out in a good way but I don't want to be seen as an outcast or a freak either.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    I'm definitely not an 8 fix, but I still go back and forth between 9 and 1 fix. I hate conflict and mostly I am easygoing but then if something is going against my principles or is 'wrong' I will sometimes confront and bring on conflict to right some perceived injustice.

    The heart fix has always been a struggle to figure out for myself. I would say 2 is somewhat less likely but not impossible. 3 - I care about my image and being seen as successful by others, but I'm not aggressively self-promoting myself and I am not really good at putting on an act. I really want to stay true to myself and be authentic like a 4. I want to be unique and stand out in a good way but I don't want to be seen as an outcast or a freak either.
    A really late reply since I could swear I replied to this---

    I would say 9w1 than 1w9 in that case, as there seems to be some / relation to it? I might be a Nine myself and have really hard time actually getting into a conflict knowingly, but when it comes to principles, people did say I get scary/really pissed off? I would say difference would be if there is a constant monitoring of self for if what you are doing is "wrong" or "right" and actually only caring when a line is crossed? That's my guess, at least. You are the one to figure it out for certain, if you still want to or if you haven't yet, after all.

    Hmm can't really comment on heart-fix much for you, as you generally give a vibe of mostly a more of gentle and nice person with some typical LII zany-ness, but nothing extreme either? So not sure about that.

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    Yes yes yes, except...that I don't have a problem making an initial connection with someone, I'm just not good at maintaining it, doing the upkeep, etc.
    oh, and except for the part about not wanting to be perceived as wrong...I don't share most of my thoughts cuz I'm still questioning the heck out of them.

    edited to add: I'm still going over the op and video. I'm not liking the phrasing about feeling shame over being wrong, or being seen as wrong. The way she says it gives a sense of worrying about others' opinions, like i'm feeling shame over how someone else is perceiving me or what I said. I think it's more like I'm ashamed of myself for getting something wrong, that I didn't analyze it enough, or that I missed something important. I'll kick myself over and over for things like that. If you're going to tell me I'm wrong, then I need you to provide me with more info, show me what I missed, or else I can't trust what you're saying, either. And if I can't trust what you're saying, why would I care what you think of me for saying something you don't agree with? ((Does this make sense?))
    Last edited by anndelise; 07-25-2017 at 12:57 AM.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  10. #10
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    I've seen John Lennon typed as this tritype.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Some famous splendid ladies of this tritype:

    Eva Green
    Lana Del Rey
    Winona Ryder
    Kristen Stewart
    Lea Seydoux
    Keira Knightley
    Joan Baez
    Dakota Johnson
    Lily Collins
    Lisa Bonet
    Michelle Williams
    Naomi Watts
    Marion Cotillard
    Audrey Tautou

    As for the males, didn't find too many:

    Johnny Depp
    Bob Dylan
    Bruce Springsteen
    Phil Collins
    Lana del Rey is the archetype of 469. But her lyrics have a splash of 7ness because her stacking so/sx, still manages to make everything sound depressing as hell though.

    Jennifer Lawrence
    Matthew Perry

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    Bumping this thread. I’m feeling sad today but Lana Del Rey has a new album, so hurray. Hello fellow triple doubters. Crazy, beautiful ones

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    The most liberating thing I ever read about being this tritype (don’t even know where I read it, maybe a random comment somewhere) was that sometimes we can be seen to express ourselves in a vague way, ha. I mean, not that I particularly want to be vague but I’ve always been so super self-conscious of it. And it’s hard to improve something if you’re too aware of it. Realising that it was just a part of my tritype personality, which seems to have a lot of other good qualities, made me not care so much about this.

    Edit: Also, I’m pretty sure I read that although we can be vague, we also can be very perceptive. It’s more like we see the simple truths, rather than being vague. If I find the source for this, I’ll post.
    Last edited by Bethanyclaire; 04-05-2021 at 05:53 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Some famous splendid ladies of this tritype:

    Eva Green
    Lana Del Rey
    Winona Ryder
    Kristen Stewart
    Lea Seydoux
    Keira Knightley
    Joan Baez
    Dakota Johnson
    Lily Collins
    Lisa Bonet
    Michelle Williams
    Naomi Watts
    Marion Cotillard
    Audrey Tautou

    As for the males, didn't find too many:

    Johnny Depp
    Bob Dylan
    Bruce Springsteen
    Phil Collins
    good list..

  15. #15
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    If you are 469, you are intuitive, inquisitive and accepting. You want to be original, certain and peaceful. You are a very sensitive and can experience intense feelings of self-doubt and uncertainty. As a result you need multiple sources of confirmation. You want to be individualistic but can fear being separate from others.
    I am not too sure about the "being separate from others" but the rest fits

    Your life mission is to raise the questions pertaining to the mysteries of life and share your findings with others. A true seeker, you are happiest when you feel you can answer the question of who you are.
    I have been wondering recently if these questions are best answered when you don't actively seek out the answers

    You can be so focused on your feelings, insecurities and doubts that you can feel paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong decision and of being misled or duped.
    "paralyzed by the fear of making wrong decision" - little extreme but I relate to it in essence, not so much the misled or duped

    The 469 is a seeker with a lot of self doubt. There is always more to learn when you are this tritype but the desire is to develop a philosophy. the 6 and 4 have the most self doubt along with the 9. The 4 doubts their feelings, the 6 their thoughts. 6s want reassurance, 4s want praise to offset their natural tendency to be shame sensitive. The 4 leading is more concerned with the Who am I question and hopes to 'someday' have that answered through constant introspection and referencing their own feelings.
    okay, true

    ...the 6 will stereotypically give 469 some sort of orientation around associations to ease anxiety...469 will have more of a push-pull reaction pattern with authority in staving off inner anxiety.
    push-pull more so with feeling certain in one's own thoughts and/or seeking reassurance, I am not sure about the authority thing

    The 9 or 4 with the 469 tritype has the 3 types that feel doubt. Doubt breeds insecurity which increases anxiety. The gift of this tritype is the ability to search for meaning. What begins as doubt ultimates brings a great deal of knowledge that can lead to greater understanding.
    I see

    The sx 469s want the security of that comes with a trusted relationship. Grief can feel overwhelming and many have shared feeling flooded. They also report that grief brings up fear.
    does feeling flooded mean being overwhelmed by emotion (as it pertains to romantic relationship/attraction in general)? then yes; very true for the first bit

    The 468 reacts and rings the alarm to prevent making a mistake to calm down and the 469 doubts and procrastinates to avoid making a mistake.... To calm down.

    The 469 is very gentle unless threatened.They are very out of touch with their gut! The struggle is with doubt and inaction.
    very true

    The 469 experiences extreme self doubt and hesitates more than other 4s. It is a shy 4 but they do have their own opinions...they are just reluctant to voice them.
    that might make sense

    This tritype has many self-confidence problems. They may often feel as though they need help from others, but that they are unable to get it. They fight between needing others and striving for seclusion.
    quite true

    The core fears are of fear itself, danger, being alone, cowardice, submitting, deviance, uncertainty, targeted, chaos, conflict, being loveless, complication, discord, being shutout, inharmonious, being inadequate, emotionally cut off, ordinary, commonplace, being abandoned.
    relate to the bolded most

    The sx with 4 brings emotional intensity and a need for closeness with desired intimates...and, there is anger if intimacy is thwarted or denied.
    more like hurt/pain and ensuing intense emotions

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