and are the "nosy" functions, more typically though.

"For me a lot of things are considered nosiness. Specially someone who directly asks a question which has nothing to do with their lives, for example a way how some types like to be the first one to know the new events in other people's personal lives, and eagerly share it with others also."

That does sound like a typical Gamma perspective, though I usually see a negative reaction to it more in Gamma SFs who tend to be more defensive (especially ESIs).

"But if someone has been observing me from afar and analyzing my behaviour quietly without telling me or others about it, just for the sake of finding me interesting or trying to learn my motivations then that is surprisingly ok with me. It even makes me feel good about myself to be a subject for research of sorts. "

This is more like so I'm not surprised that it doesn't bother you as much if you are LIE.

It seems to me that all NF types like to pry into people's lives and minds to some degree, and also ESEs. Fe leading types are somewhat pushier about it because of Fi ignoring so they don't really care if they are overstepping relationship boundaries.