
MOTIV info
Materialistic 60% 54%
Offbeat 66% 48%
Thinking 43% 51%
Interpersonal 46% 56%
Vital 23% 54%
Easygoing 33% 52%
Sectarian 46% 51%motiv type - MOHRX
motiv+ type - moHw|D|rg JUNG info
Extroverted 43% 49%
Introverted 52% 52%
Intuitive 56% 53%
Sensing 44% 52%
Thinking 45% 47%
Feeling 46% 52%
Judging 44% 53%
Percieving 49% 49%jung type - INFP Personality Disorder info
Paranoid 65% 50%
Schizoid 56% 40%
Schizotypal 64% 56%
Antisocial 55% 46%
Borderline 71% 45%
Histrionic 61% 52%
Narcissistic 58% 40%
Avoidant 73% 48%
Dependent 64% 44%
Obsessive-Compulsive 47% 45% Enneagram info
Type 1 48% 51%
Type 2 46% 49%
Type 3 60% 52%
Type 4 66% 51%
Type 5 55% 53%
Type 6 44% 50%
Type 7 59% 49%
Type 8 62% 51%
Type 9 33% 53%
*scores in gray are the average scores of other people who have taken this test

careers that might interest someone with your personality...
philosopher, freelance writer, novelist, author, astronomer, book editor, freelance artist, scholar, bookstore owner, bookseller, screenwriter, philosophy professor, poet, cinematographer, artist, playwright, librarian, comic book artist, art historian, publisher, archeologist, scientist, composer, video game designer, egyptologist, museum curator, researcher, paleontologist, anthropologist, musician, genetics researcher, historian, theologian, research psychologist, art director, research scientist, songwriter, history professor, linguist, computer animator, professor of english, illustrator, painter, assassin, cartoonist, library assistant, travel writer, curator, film critic, environmental scientist, filmmaker, journalist, english professor, aerospace engineer, political scientist, computer scientist, art curator, audio engineer, archivist, art education, college professor, academic, technical writer, webmaster, animator, psychoanalyst, music journalist, geneticist, astronaut, research assistant, software developer, website designer, movie director, web developer, film editor, copywriter, digital artist, editor music therapist, geologist, web designer, biologist, biochemist, mercenary