Quote Originally Posted by Tallmo View Post
I don't think that experience shows that SLI is good in extreme situations. Is this statement inspired by MBTI? Anyway, Si base is pretty useless in extreme situations, so wouldn't trust a SLI then. I've looked a little into people who go into extreme situations and I would say that certain SLEs and LSI are very good here. Also SEE, if it's more on the social side. Also some NT types can be good in extreme situations when cold novel thinking is needed.
no, it's not inspired by MBTI. I should've clarified. replace "extreme" with stressful. it's not a matter of tackling the situation head-on through sheer force of will and kicking down any and all obstacles with ease (exaggeration, of course). what I'm describing here is more psychological and internally-driven. so it's not what they can do to impact the situation itself, but rather an internal calmness that makes them sort of impervious to losing composure. they'll casually exit a situation if it's intense and doesn't yield any useful results, which is a strength in and of itself. it described a very specific kind of situation which rang true for what I've observed in the type. if I find it again, I'll post it here. it was very interesting.

this feels like a derail tho