Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
I have a very dear ESE friend and she has said she values my ability to get her to relax and slow down. I don't really try, but apparently this happens just by me being calm myself, and listening to her. When ESE are helpful, they seem to really enjoy watching the beneficial fruits of their labor. So if they give a gift, use it in front of them. If they help you get something done, relish aloud your satisfaction with what you did. If they teach you something, use it and tell them about how you're using it.

They like when they are introduced to new ideas. So talking about random esoteric things can be rewarding for them. Like if you have bits of information you collected, and theories about those bits. Often they'll have their own theories about, well, everything, so they seem to enjoy when you humor them and listen, and add your own input.

They can talk for forever, so sometimes just letting them talk and express themselves is a gift because not many people are that patient, lol.
This is so helpful! Thank you