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Thread: Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)

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    Default Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)

    This test ranks your creative achievement in comparison to others, which has a decent amount of correlation to your Big 5 Openness trait score.

    Source paper(download)

    Each of the ten sections is a rating of 0 to 7. Choose the highest rating that applies to you in each category. Add them up to get your total score. Rankings along with sample population comparisons at the bottom.

    I got a 9, which puts me in the "Novice Creative" category.

    Don't be surprised if you score low. The median is 0.

    I made up the rankings, so if you don't like them, invent your own thing.

    Test under spoiler:

    Creative Achievement Questionnaire
    Shelley Carson
    Harvard University
    A. Visual Arts (painting, sculpture)
    __ 0. I have no training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have taken lessons in this area.
    __2. People have commented on my talent in this area.
    __3. I have wona prize orprizes atajuried artshow.
    __4. I have had a showing of my work in a gallery.
    __5. I have sold a piece of my work.
    __6. My work has been critiqued in local publications.
    *__7. My work has been critiqued in national publications.
    B. Music
    __0. I have no training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I play one or more musical instruments proficiently.
    __2. I have played with a recognized orchestra or band.
    __3. I have composed an original piece of music.
    __4. My musical talent has been critiqued in a local publication.
    __5. My composition has been recorded.
    __6. Recordings of my composition have been sold publicly.
    *__7. My compositions have been critiqued in a national publication.
    C. Dance
    __0. I have no training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have danced with a recognized dance company.
    __2. I have choreographed an original dance number.
    __3. My choreography has been performed publicly.
    __4. My dance abilities have been critiqued in a local publication.
    __5. I have choreographed dance professionally.
    __6. My choreography has been recognized by a local publication.
    *__7. My choreography has been recognized by a national publication.
    D. Architectural Design
    __0. I do not have training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have designed an original structure.
    __2. A structure designed by me has been constructed.
    __3. I have sold an original architectural design.
    __4. A structure that I have designed and sold has been built professionally.
    __5. My architectural design has won an award or awards.
    __ 6. My architectural design has been recognized in a local publication.
    *__7. My architectural design has been recognized in a national publication.
    E. Creative Writing
    __0. I do not have training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have written an original short work (poem or short story).
    __2. My work has won an award or prize.
    __3. I have written an original long work (epic, novel, or play).
    __4. I have sold my work to a publisher.
    __5. My work has been printed and sold publicly.
    __6. My work has been reviewed in local publications.
    *__7. My work has been reviewed in national publications.
    F. Humor
    __0. I do not have recognized talent in this area.
    __1. People have often commented on my original sense of humor.
    __2. I have created jokes that are now regularly repeated by others.
    __3. I have written jokes for other people.
    __ 4. I have written a joke or cartoon that has been publihed.
    __5. I have worked as a professional comedian.
    __6. I have workedasaprofessional comedy writer.
    __7. My humor has been recognized in a national publication.
    G. Inventions
    __0. I do not have recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I regularly find novel uses for household objects.
    __2. I have sketched out an invention and worked on its design flaws.
    __3. I havecreated original softwarefor a computer.
    __4. I have built a prototype of one of my designed inventions.
    __5. I have sold one of my inventions to people I know.
    *__6. Ihavereceivedapatentforoneofmyinventions.
    *__7. I have sold one of my inventions to a manufacturing firm.
    H. Scientific Discovery
    __0. I do not have training or recognized ability in this field.
    __1. I often think about ways that scientific problems could be solved.
    __2. I have won a prize at a science fair or other local competition.
    __3. I have received a scholarship based on my work in science or medicine.
    __4. I have been author or coauthor of a study published in a scientific journal.
    *__5. I have won a national prize in the field of science or medicine.
    *__6. I have received a grant to pursue my work in science or medicine.
    __7. My work has been cited by other scientists in national publications.
    I. Theater and Film
    __0. I do not have training or recognized ability in this field.
    __1. I have performed in theater or film.
    __2. My acting abilities have been recognized in a local publication.
    __3. I have directed or produced a theater or film production.
    __4. I have won an award or prize for acting in theater or film.
    __5. I have been paid to act in theater or film.
    __6. I have been paid to direct a theater or film production.
    *__7. My theatrical work has been recognized in a national publication.
    J. Culinary Arts
    __0. I do not have training or experience in this field.
    __1. I often experiment with recipes.
    __2. My recipes have been published in a local cookook.
    __3. My recipes have been used in restaurants or other public venues.
    __4. I have been asked to prepare food for celebrities or dignitaries.
    __5. My recipes have won a prize or award.
    __6. I have received a degree in culinary arts.
    *__7. My recipes have been published nationally.


    0-5 - No/Beginning Creative Achievement - 29.19% of population. 0+% are below you in creative achievement.

    6-11 - Novice Creative - 23.92% of population. 29.19% are below you in creative achievement.

    12-16 - Maker - 17.94% of population. 53.11% are below you in creative achievement.

    17-22 - Creative - 8.97% of population. 71.05% are below you in creative achievement.

    23-27 - Innovator - 5.98% of population. 80.02% are below you in creative achievement.

    28-32 - Originator - 4.55% of population. 86.00% are below you in creative achievement.

    33-38 - Hephaestian - 2.99% of population. 90.55% are below you in creative achievement.

    39-43 - Da Vincian - 3.59% of population. 93.54% are below you in creative achievement.

    44-47 - Teslan - 1.2% of population. 97.13% are below you in creative achievement.

    49-58 - Blakean - 1.2% of population. 98.33% are below you in creative achievement.

    59+ - Promethean - 0.48% of population. 99.52% are below you in creative achivement.

    Last edited by ouronis; 06-11-2017 at 01:33 AM.

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    (my "experimenting with recipes" is mostly just like, switching out or adding one or two things so idk)

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    17-22 - Creative - 8.97% of population. 71.05% are below you in creative achievement.

    ...I can do better than this. I want to be Promethean. Minus the part with eagles pecking out your liver, but you win some and you lose some.

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    Anyways, how is the median 0 if there are no negative points? It gets exponentially harder as you go up, but 0 is like you've never done anything someone hasn't told you to do in your whole life. The paper probably says, but it's broken...

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    Anyways, how is the median 0 if there are no negative points? It gets exponentially harder as you go up, but 0 is like you've never done anything someone hasn't told you to do in your whole life. The paper probably says, but it's broken...
    Hmm, seems to have broken in the time I put it up (I updated the link to a download of the paper). But yes, basically, 0 is indicative of very little creative achievement. I've been thinking about it, and I think I picked up my "achievement" in the course of schooling, and had it drop off afterwards, because I sort of dropped out of the career I could have had and nobody was encouraging me to pursue it after high school. For those who were never creative in school, which, if you think about it, is a lot of them (at least by the standards of this questionnaire), do not score anything on this. And during their life, they are likely not to be called on to do anything creative either. So unless they have some sort of special person or group they are a part of they won't be involved in expressing their creativity in goal-oriented ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    Hmm, seems to have broken in the time I put it up (I updated the link to a download of the paper). But yes, basically, 0 is indicative of very little creative achievement. I've been thinking about it, and I think I picked up my "achievement" in the course of schooling, and had it drop off. For those who were never creative in school, which, if you think about it, is a lot of them (at least by the standards of this questionnaire), do not score anything on this. And during their life, they are likely not to be called on to do anything creative either. So unless they have some sort of special person or group they are a part of they won't be involved in expressing their creativity in goal-oriented ways.
    So most people don't add a pinch more of spice to a recipe here and there, or make jokes that other people sometimes repeat, or write a rhyming couplet, or use a butter knife as a lever, or daydream about science, or take a drawing class, not in the course of a whole long life. They go from the arms of their Father to their Fatherland to their Father God without even taking a single step on their own, and might as well have never have lived. To be pushed along is to never walk, don't you understand? You don't understand, can't understand, Sons of the Silent Age! #6w7Sp/So

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    3, I feel kind of depressed now.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    Anyways, how is the median 0 if there are no negative points? It gets exponentially harder as you go up, but 0 is like you've never done anything someone hasn't told you to do in your whole life. The paper probably says, but it's broken...
    For me my zero score has a lot do with my very strong distaste for formal schooling, both the social aspects and the book work aspects. I'm usually only interested in things that invigorate me through combat/action (virtual and real life) or that involve learning about the extraordinary. I suppose technically I could score 1 or 2 points for humor and thinking about science related things but that would be lenient.

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    I got 6.

    This is really eye-opening. I think I have the potential to score as "Creative", or perhaps if really pushed myself, "Innovator".

    When I was little, I showed bunch of potential. I'd draw a lot and fairly well, I played the piano well, I danced ballet, and I wrote a lot.

    However, as I got older, my creativity waned off. Or rather, it became a matter of me not using that muscle enough. Creativity is a bit like a muscle, if you don't train it, it atrophies. With my writing, I'd lack persistence and discipline. For years I have been on-off with writing a novel, I always feel like "Now's not the time" or "This is not good enough" or "No one will want to read this", but when is it ever the time?

    I always feel like I have to get my social needs met first, and that can be disruptive to my creativity. Or, being mentally unhealthy robs me off it, too.

    Anyhow, it was good to see this. Now I have something to work towards.
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    9, most of these things are terribly difficult to accomplish if you work full time in a non-creative "setting"

    I mean, 8 of the 9 points i achieved before, i managed because i didn't have to pay rent. lol.
    Last edited by FDG; 04-22-2017 at 09:19 AM.
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    I scored 1 point for visual arts- taken lessons, but that was required by school so I'm not even sure if I should count that.

    Same with creative writing, 1 point for that because it required for a school assignment to write our own short story.

    The third point is for humor. I do make up my own puns and jokes but it's not like they are worth putting into a joke book or anything like that.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    For me my zero score has a lot do with my very strong distaste for formal schooling, both the social aspects and the book work aspects. I'm usually only interested in things that invigorate me through combat/action (virtual and real life) or that involve learning about the extraordinary. I suppose technically I could score 1 or 2 points for humor and thinking about science related things but that would be lenient.
    "The extraordinary" is very tied up with creativity though. And formal schooling nowadays is just a grinder for stopping people from thinking on their own, telling people "this is how the world works and you can do nothing", which is about as opposite to Prometheus and da Vinci and Blake and all of that as you can get. You sound confused to me.

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    So is it one answer per section or are multiple answers per sections wanted? Cuz that would make a difference between 17 and 42 for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FlooFloo View Post
    So is it one answer per section or are multiple answers per sections wanted? Cuz that would make a difference between 17 and 42 for me.
    Highest in category

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    I don't get the scoring... Should I just count the highest number from every category all everything that applies? Because if I count just the highest numbers my score is 15, but if I count everything that applies it's 33.

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    Got 12.

    With the humour section, I only *very rarely* create jokes that got repeated by others so I kept that one on 0.

    The scientific discovery and creative writing sections are the areas where I actually have had aspirations.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyrd View Post
    So most people don't add a pinch more of spice to a recipe here and there, or make jokes that other people sometimes repeat, or write a rhyming couplet, or use a butter knife as a lever, or daydream about science, or take a drawing class, not in the course of a whole long life. They go from the arms of their Father to their Fatherland to their Father God without even taking a single step on their own, and might as well have never have lived. To be pushed along is to never walk, don't you understand? You don't understand, can't understand, Sons of the Silent Age! #6w7Sp/So

    goes off and does something more useful than vent
    Hm if adding a pinch more of spice to a recipe here and there and making jokes like you describe it counts then I'll modify my score to 14 or something, lol. I was a bit stricter in scoring this for myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    For me my zero score has a lot do with my very strong distaste for formal schooling, both the social aspects and the book work aspects. I'm usually only interested in things that invigorate me through combat/action (virtual and real life) or that involve learning about the extraordinary. I suppose technically I could score 1 or 2 points for humor and thinking about science related things but that would be lenient.
    But you were even stricter than me O_o. Don't keep that on zero if you do think about science related things in terms of ideas about solving scientific questions. That's worth 1 point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
    I don't get the scoring... Should I just count the highest number from every category all everything that applies? Because if I count just the highest numbers my score is 15, but if I count everything that applies it's 33.
    It'll be 15 then for you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    I got 6.

    This is really eye-opening. I think I have the potential to score as "Creative", or perhaps if really pushed myself, "Innovator".

    When I was little, I showed bunch of potential. I'd draw a lot and fairly well, I played the piano well, I danced ballet, and I wrote a lot.

    However, as I got older, my creativity waned off. Or rather, it became a matter of me not using that muscle enough. Creativity is a bit like a muscle, if you don't train it, it atrophies. With my writing, I'd lack persistence and discipline. For years I have been on-off with writing a novel, I always feel like "Now's not the time" or "This is not good enough" or "No one will want to read this", but when is it ever the time?

    I always feel like I have to get my social needs met first, and that can be disruptive to my creativity. Or, being mentally unhealthy robs me off it, too.

    Anyhow, it was good to see this. Now I have something to work towards.
    Use your creativity and stop using enneagram as an excuse. I also don't think creativity is like a muscle, since if you don't use it for painting, ballet, science, or whatever, you end up using it for philosophy and jokes at least. Creativity seems more like some sort of drive than a muscle to me. Creativity also makes you mentally healthier to use since it's involved in the narratives people make for their lives and that's a lot of what determines health.

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    I like to think f*ck recognition so I like to keep everything private and put things on hiatus. No skillz in music [yes, I have done few parodies – mainly lyrical twists], visual arts or muscle control related stuff.
    Got some points (maker after revision).
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    Interesting thing. While it does measure some real level of achievement and how creative a person is, it does not measure success in real world terms. I scored a 21 on the highest category and a 71 overall. I wonder if there is some other thing that correlates real world success with creativity. And I also wonder if it really matters.

    Some people are wildly successful in one area of creativity by repeating the same thing over and over again and it brings them tonnes of monetary success; whereas others create some fantastic things, but never really make anything from it as far as money goes. For example, I know one artist who does the same type of drawings over and over again, and she makes tonnes of money doing this (over 6 figures annually), and is able to work no more than a regular 40 hour week, if even that much. Yes, her work is really good at ONE thing. But it's not that creative. It kind of gets boring after a while, I think. And I know another who works 60+ hours a week just to make ends meet, and he has some of the most interesting and creative work I've ever seen. But it's not popular, partially because it's weird, and partially because he is so off the mainstream in what he does. Yet, he truly is the most creative and inventive person I've ever known. Both of these people would score higher than I did in the one domain, for certain, having been criticized in national or international publications. Yet, there is a huge difference in their real-world achievements and actual creativity level.

    Food for thought...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Johanus View Post
    Interesting thing. While it does measure some real level of achievement and how creative a person is, it does not measure success in real world terms. I scored a 21 on the highest category and a 71 overall. I wonder if there is some other thing that correlates real world success with creativity. And I also wonder if it really matters.

    Some people are wildly successful in one area of creativity by repeating the same thing over and over again and it brings them tonnes of monetary success; whereas others create some fantastic things, but never really make anything from it as far as money goes. For example, I know one artist who does the same type of drawings over and over again, and she makes tonnes of money doing this (over 6 figures annually), and is able to work no more than a regular 40 hour week, if even that much. Yes, her work is really good at ONE thing. But it's not that creative. It kind of gets boring after a while, I think. And I know another who works 60+ hours a week just to make ends meet, and he has some of the most interesting and creative work I've ever seen. But it's not popular, partially because it's weird, and partially because he is so off the mainstream in what he does. Yet, he truly is the most creative and inventive person I've ever known. Both of these people would score higher than I did in the one domain, for certain, having been criticized in national or international publications. Yet, there is a huge difference in their real-world achievements and actual creativity level.

    Food for thought...
    This is old, but those numbers aren't possible with the scoring system. You choose the highest rating in each category. If you added them up, the scale wouldn't make any sense. You scored a 6 in the highest category and 25 or 26 overall. The highest score possible is 70, although I guess some people could turn it up to 71 if they want to get creative with their addition.

    I feel like this thread needs a fake Einstein quote about doing the same thing over and over and expecting the same results because it works but it not being as good as people think now. Creativity is related to create, so the people who are selling more are creating more in some way, which is probably why it's "creative achievement questionnaire" and not "creative ability questionnaire". I kind of like that in a way, because I think creativity needs to be made useful, but being a hack who has "creative achievment" shouldn't count either.

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