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Thread: Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)

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    Default Creative Achievement Questionnaire (CAQ)

    This test ranks your creative achievement in comparison to others, which has a decent amount of correlation to your Big 5 Openness trait score.

    Source paper(download)

    Each of the ten sections is a rating of 0 to 7. Choose the highest rating that applies to you in each category. Add them up to get your total score. Rankings along with sample population comparisons at the bottom.

    I got a 9, which puts me in the "Novice Creative" category.

    Don't be surprised if you score low. The median is 0.

    I made up the rankings, so if you don't like them, invent your own thing.

    Test under spoiler:

    Creative Achievement Questionnaire
    Shelley Carson
    Harvard University
    A. Visual Arts (painting, sculpture)
    __ 0. I have no training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have taken lessons in this area.
    __2. People have commented on my talent in this area.
    __3. I have wona prize orprizes atajuried artshow.
    __4. I have had a showing of my work in a gallery.
    __5. I have sold a piece of my work.
    __6. My work has been critiqued in local publications.
    *__7. My work has been critiqued in national publications.
    B. Music
    __0. I have no training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I play one or more musical instruments proficiently.
    __2. I have played with a recognized orchestra or band.
    __3. I have composed an original piece of music.
    __4. My musical talent has been critiqued in a local publication.
    __5. My composition has been recorded.
    __6. Recordings of my composition have been sold publicly.
    *__7. My compositions have been critiqued in a national publication.
    C. Dance
    __0. I have no training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have danced with a recognized dance company.
    __2. I have choreographed an original dance number.
    __3. My choreography has been performed publicly.
    __4. My dance abilities have been critiqued in a local publication.
    __5. I have choreographed dance professionally.
    __6. My choreography has been recognized by a local publication.
    *__7. My choreography has been recognized by a national publication.
    D. Architectural Design
    __0. I do not have training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have designed an original structure.
    __2. A structure designed by me has been constructed.
    __3. I have sold an original architectural design.
    __4. A structure that I have designed and sold has been built professionally.
    __5. My architectural design has won an award or awards.
    __ 6. My architectural design has been recognized in a local publication.
    *__7. My architectural design has been recognized in a national publication.
    E. Creative Writing
    __0. I do not have training or recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I have written an original short work (poem or short story).
    __2. My work has won an award or prize.
    __3. I have written an original long work (epic, novel, or play).
    __4. I have sold my work to a publisher.
    __5. My work has been printed and sold publicly.
    __6. My work has been reviewed in local publications.
    *__7. My work has been reviewed in national publications.
    F. Humor
    __0. I do not have recognized talent in this area.
    __1. People have often commented on my original sense of humor.
    __2. I have created jokes that are now regularly repeated by others.
    __3. I have written jokes for other people.
    __ 4. I have written a joke or cartoon that has been publihed.
    __5. I have worked as a professional comedian.
    __6. I have workedasaprofessional comedy writer.
    __7. My humor has been recognized in a national publication.
    G. Inventions
    __0. I do not have recognized talent in this area.
    __1. I regularly find novel uses for household objects.
    __2. I have sketched out an invention and worked on its design flaws.
    __3. I havecreated original softwarefor a computer.
    __4. I have built a prototype of one of my designed inventions.
    __5. I have sold one of my inventions to people I know.
    *__6. Ihavereceivedapatentforoneofmyinventions.
    *__7. I have sold one of my inventions to a manufacturing firm.
    H. Scientific Discovery
    __0. I do not have training or recognized ability in this field.
    __1. I often think about ways that scientific problems could be solved.
    __2. I have won a prize at a science fair or other local competition.
    __3. I have received a scholarship based on my work in science or medicine.
    __4. I have been author or coauthor of a study published in a scientific journal.
    *__5. I have won a national prize in the field of science or medicine.
    *__6. I have received a grant to pursue my work in science or medicine.
    __7. My work has been cited by other scientists in national publications.
    I. Theater and Film
    __0. I do not have training or recognized ability in this field.
    __1. I have performed in theater or film.
    __2. My acting abilities have been recognized in a local publication.
    __3. I have directed or produced a theater or film production.
    __4. I have won an award or prize for acting in theater or film.
    __5. I have been paid to act in theater or film.
    __6. I have been paid to direct a theater or film production.
    *__7. My theatrical work has been recognized in a national publication.
    J. Culinary Arts
    __0. I do not have training or experience in this field.
    __1. I often experiment with recipes.
    __2. My recipes have been published in a local cookook.
    __3. My recipes have been used in restaurants or other public venues.
    __4. I have been asked to prepare food for celebrities or dignitaries.
    __5. My recipes have won a prize or award.
    __6. I have received a degree in culinary arts.
    *__7. My recipes have been published nationally.


    0-5 - No/Beginning Creative Achievement - 29.19% of population. 0+% are below you in creative achievement.

    6-11 - Novice Creative - 23.92% of population. 29.19% are below you in creative achievement.

    12-16 - Maker - 17.94% of population. 53.11% are below you in creative achievement.

    17-22 - Creative - 8.97% of population. 71.05% are below you in creative achievement.

    23-27 - Innovator - 5.98% of population. 80.02% are below you in creative achievement.

    28-32 - Originator - 4.55% of population. 86.00% are below you in creative achievement.

    33-38 - Hephaestian - 2.99% of population. 90.55% are below you in creative achievement.

    39-43 - Da Vincian - 3.59% of population. 93.54% are below you in creative achievement.

    44-47 - Teslan - 1.2% of population. 97.13% are below you in creative achievement.

    49-58 - Blakean - 1.2% of population. 98.33% are below you in creative achievement.

    59+ - Promethean - 0.48% of population. 99.52% are below you in creative achivement.

    Last edited by ouronis; 06-11-2017 at 01:33 AM.

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