Hi to all the celebrity typers here!

I'd like to present a project I'm working on to you (with the permission of mu4). First i'll give you some context:

I've always enjoyed typing people around me. Actively doing this is part of learning typology - recognizing the functions in real life can enable a more deep understanding of what they really are! Typing people in a group is even more interesting. So why not do it online, with people we all know - celebrities. This is of course what's happening in this forum section.

Recently I've been working on a website that streamlines this process of community driven celebrity typing. You can find the site at www.TypologyDB.com. It allows you to create Polls and vote for the type of celebrities you're interested in, as well as reddit-style nested discussions on each celebrity page. Users can vote on eachother's messages as well, and down the line I hope to enhance this to a more refined reputation system.

The website is really new and came online very recently. If you have feedback on the site's functionality, or would like to get involved adding celebrities and descriptions for them and/or otherwise getting this off the ground, please let me know! If you'd like to have a chat, you can also find us on discord at https://discord.gg/gUMCwBV

Hope you like the site,
