How do quadra affiliations play out among us? Like in the threads we are all mixed up but how do we intertwine behind the scenes, in private messages and other contact methods? Yeah I'm far too nosey with this. But you know that "Curiosity killed the cat" actually goes on with "but satisfaction brought it back".

So here we go. I could be mistaken, yet! I got a feeling that @Vespertine got stuff perfectly figured out just by the very nature of . Without being as annoying or intrusive as me about it idk.

Disclaimer: If it's too personal, don't bother participating, give only superficial information, or ask me to close the thread, that's not a problem okay.
You should keep information anonymous unless both parties are like yup, we can mention this Also remember the question is about quadric interplay only.

My input:

Measurement of affiliation: defined through how long and intense contact is taking place.

The trend in my affiliations: massive tendency going toward aristocratic quadras. Our Alpha members are the rarest interactions I have: no long nor frequent exchange Temperament-wise, I talk(ed) to both Ej and Ip people a lot but it could be because they are overrepresented here. Either way, Ij talks subside more quickly, Ip is definitely sustained the longest, SLI happens to be the best, followed by EIE/SLE and ILI. Delta is quite a lively interaction pool, but so is Beta. From Gamma, people stick around for medium time of interactions, SF shorter but more intense than NTs who are best at prolonged interaction here and there.