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Thread: Braingel/Kara’s Enneagram takes.

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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Default Braingel/Kara’s Enneagram takes.

    ​Here I will share thinks I’ve written on Facebook…
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  2. #2
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    —Why Social 4 can Confuse for a 6–

    I feel it is best I break it down, since I wrote such a.. Monstrous post that also turnt into my own life story (always happens)..

    But before you continue any further reading this post, read this:

    People who don’t have an understanding of that triad do not have an understanding of the enneagram whatsoever. That, along with the intelligence centers, are what makes up each type’s core fear. And.. The enneagram bases on the core fear/ego fixation. So if you don’t have an understanding of that concept, you don’t at all understand the enneagram.

    I wanted to talk about how a social 4 may confuse as a 6 by this. I already have written about it, but it is such a big issue, that I feel the need to drill this into the psyches of enneagram enthusiasts.

    An attachment type is reliant on others for their identity. It is the external measure and attachment to societal normalcies when social variation is the focus. A social 6 will be dependent on some religion, group, cultural model.. To determine their identity. It can also extend to a systemic metric like typology, but they will be very impressionable to the opinions others have of them and sway. They will oscillate in their self-view…

    A social 4 does in a way, look for approval and acceptance.. But rather than the direct acceptance for how they measure up to societal standard and attachment values, it is THEIR OWN ideal and image they have created, they are looking for others to value.

    A social 4 as myself will feel worthless if others do not see their self-image.

    This sounds attachment-like, and it is this reason why many ignorant and not as intuitively understanding studiers of the enneagram confuse a social 4 for a 6.

    I cannot emphasize enough that a social 4 doesn’t rely on others to craft their identity.

    I am never looking to be told who I am, attach myself to some crafted label… I constantly look for others who will value the image I’ve made for myself as a broken, spiritually gifted girl.. Who has syntactical giftedness…

    A social 4 shouldn’t be that hard to distinguish from a 6, but many people don’t have a good intuitive understanding, and they learn more mechanically.. And because of this, it takes them longer to study and they thus, don’t have as much time to learn.

    I feel innately worthless without others valuing my talents, experiences, and self-view.

    You can say that a social 4 attaches to others in the sense that they are reliant on others to determine their self-worth. Of others accept/value the self-identity a 4 has created for their own self, the social 4 feels less painful emotion of unworthiness. Whereas no one seeing the social 4.. It makes the social 4 disintegrate more to 2, where they will give to get in hopes to be appreciated for who they are, and may result to manipulative tactics for others to be forced to see their self-identity. I’ve done this through making my profile picture of myself crying… I’ve done it through that manipulative probe question I explained yesterday, which then gives me the opportunity to explain, and thus show my self-identity…

    A 6 disintegrates to the 3, and also will try impress the community. But unlike the 4, I feel it will base more on outer metrics; NOT an internal self-image.
    The unhealthy social 6 would concern with their status in the community, focusing on their reputation so as to not lose the community support…

    Just because a 4 is reliant on others for their self-worth amidst ill health, doesn’t mean they aren’t a 4.. This is actually expected for the social variance of a 4, and the 2 line. And it isn’t in an attachment way. The reliance on others is to accept what has been defined in the inner of a 4. An attachment type doesn’t have an internal, independent definition. A social 4 externalizes their own internality, and an attachment type that is social will INTERNALIZE the externalities, because they DO NOT have an inherent grasp of an internality.

    2 is an image type that cultivates its sense of self-worth from others. They have an image they want meet up to, but they are always looking for others to reinforce their worth through the acceptance of a lovable persona. And so when a 4 hits 2 qualities, it when especially a social variance, will start looking externally for others to see their own identity as a unique and sensitive person as worthy. Helping behaviors and other manipulative tactics are used to lure in others to have a closer look at the 4’s identity, and if the social 4 can, control the person into seeing their own identity.

    I would say the key differences between a social 4 and 6 are:

    -The social 4 externalizes their own created identity, and a 6 internalizes external opinions others have to help them have an identity.. And this is why the 6 oscillates if they get around too many people and environments…

    -A social 4 when unhealthy isn’t basing on external metrics like a 6 down to 3 would. The 6 is trying gain status and prestige, adapt their identity to the supportive group target, so as to not lose that support (which helps combat anxiety, makes them to feel assured)… The social 4 is trying to get others to accept their own formed view of their self, and is NOT adapting their identity and view; it is remaining.

    This all at least is my intuitive understanding…
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Aside from people who are higher in MBTI Ne, the people who are constantly shifting their enneagram, Socionics, and MBTI types very likely have a 6 as their core or second type… Without the presence of a more confident type, like 1, 8, or 4…

    Depending upon the group they’re in, they are attaching to it. So if you have.. A 6 core.. Or say, a 9 with a 6 fix (double doubting) who gets active in numerous servers and has opinions strewn left and right.. They will have utmost uncertainty of self.

    They will likely go with the group majority, but if they read all these different sources, enter all these various communities.. Their self-typing can change as much can the wind.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    I already have posted how this is enneagram related, but for a reminder:

    ID: assertive triad (3, 7, 8 )

    Ego: withdrawn triad (4,5, 9)

    Super ego: compliant (1, 2, 6)

    Ego types test reality…. Which is essentially what I was trying to explain with a social 4 specifically, with the social focus more concerned on if the self-created identity matters to others externally. It isn’t out of character for a social 4 to “test” others to see if their created identity matters (especially if disintegrated to 2, where more manipulative tendencies come about)…

    I feel that a social 5 will probably test how well they understand things… They may try and “compete” in a way, not for status, but just as an opportunity to see if their knowledge is superior to others. They may try and join some intellectual group (especially if a wing 6), just to see it their knowledge is more than enough. A 5 that has a 3 or 4 fix second may try and do it for actual competition..

    A 9 if they go down to 6, I can see being distrustful of others, and trying to test them to see if they disrupt their inner harmony or not.

    9 is an attachment type (and it is the type in the withdrawn triad that disintegrates to an attachment type, which expects given all attachment types integrate and disintegrate into another attachment type)… But these testing behaviors in a 4 or 5 can easily misconstrue as an attachment type if you do not look at their underlying reason behind their behavior.. People may stereotype the social 5 joining a group as being reliant on a support system (a 6 thing).. A social 4 asking probing questions about how others view them (so that they can give the opportunity to show them how they really are, an opportunity to explain) may view as a very 6 thing to do..

    If someone is a shitty typist, they never will get into the essence and motivations that underlie a person.. They will make a superficial judgment based on a behavior or two, and then just insist this evidence for their biased view.

    The 5 isn’t going to be adopting the beliefs and morals of that social group. The 5 is going to remain detached… The behavior is solely done to test if reality aligns with their own inner ego…

    Say if the social 5 joins Mensa, or they join some place where you can practice compete in a sort of group quiz way to test your knowledge level… It isn’t done to have an identity or to be a part of a group.. But it is just for the opportunity to test if their knowledge level is efficient…

    Me as a social 4 with the whole typology thing.. I don’t ask others what they “think about me”, but I ask probing questions to sort of make someone think, and so that they will be forced to contemplate and more likely see my self-created image. It isn’t a matter of doubting self, but done to test how well my self-image is seen by other people.
    The 4 never changes their self-view; it remains consistent and is already made up/certain on prior to the probing.

    A 6 core would join that Mensa group that you may find a social 5 in, to have some sort of “belonging”. As a sort of support system, and place that gives them a sense of identity.. And a 6 who probes questions would do it to attach to the opinion of others and test if their own self-view is right or not… Their mind isn’t made up and will oscillate.

    A social 6 will be apart of that group to try and gain supportive contacts to have in a means of crisis they can call upon. They give to the group to guarantee patronage.. They attach to the group as a defense to ascertain support… They subconsciously feel if they are too unlike the others, they will lose that supportive resource. Things that threaten the group (say a competitor to Mensa) would be strictly attacked be tried to take down.

    When they get unhealthy and go more down to 3, they would try and get status and prestige by that group’s definition, to elk that they will be kept in that group and not lose that support.

    The 5 is detached and just wants look competent. They will do everything they can to look more prestigious. And I can see someone also mistaking this as a 6 disintegrated to the 3. But 5, like the 3, is a competency type. If the social 5 is triple competency, this will be made even more true… I would say the triple competency tritype for a 5, is pretty social in nature, especially with 3 as the secondary type.

    There is nothing more painful for a social 4 than having their self-identity criticized or unseen. Their self-identity of a unique, sensitive person, and what they believe makes them that unique, sensitive person…

    It is very painful when others try and say my synesthesia and extra sensory perception is not real. I always know it is real… But the denial of something that makes me who I am, and separates me, is painful and a personal attack of my autonomy. I tend to take a “helpful” approach when in stress, and try and push that person to see spiritually, and the motivation is really to get them to see my own self-identity.

    When others try and deny my self-typing, it is painful for me. I am not attached to the labels, but I know how I am, and when others fail to see it about me, it is painful. I cry over being mistyped, sometimes. Because it is frustrating how much they don’t see how I am in reality… And it feeds into my whole self-narrative and belief that I am a very misunderstood person. I don’t want to ever be understood, but I just want others to see my traits/identity. Even if they view me negatively and they still see it, I could care less. As an example, I would be happy if someone typed me as a 4, even if they disliked 4. I would be happy if someone hated me as a person, but admitted I am a very gifted writer… I would be very happy if someone admitted I’ve suffered more than most other people, but felt I am “too much” and “toxic” to be around.

    As long as the traits I feel separate me from others are acknowledged and valued, I don’t care if I am like or disliked, accepted or rejected. But if these things are rejected, it is the most painful thing for me.

    Someone can think me the worst person in this world, and see me as a gifted writer, spiritually attuned person, a 4 (a sensitive and distinct person, doesn’t need to be a 4 literally they see me as), and I will not be affected.
    Thinking I am awful without seeing my self-identity will bother me as much as if the traits and identity are directly denied.

    I have been misunderstood by many people on Quora. They see me as insensitive (antisocial tendencies) and psychotic.. And this makes me very emotional, because it is completely incongruent with my self-image. There was once a man who was bothered by my content, but at least stated I’m a good writer.. I took it as a complete compliment, with just him alone acknowledging that my ability in written word is distinct.

    These whole writing posts to be “helpful” can even be seen as a 2 line behavior.. I am giving to get others to see my own self-image. It’s a 2w3 behavior specifically, not as much as a 2w1..

    What people don’t understand is that a 6 if they go about probing others, doesn’t have their mind made up at all. They always oscillate in their views, and it will never align to any consistency. Someone probing who doesn’t have this oscillation, is probably an unhealthy 4 with a 5 or 6 second fix, or a 2 core with a 5 or 6 second fix…

    And what people don’t understand, is that non-attachment types can partake in groups. I explained how a social 5 would end up in one..

    In a way, the 6 is a very misunderstood type. I do not believe it as misunderstood as the 4.. I have written about it, but someone hacked into my Facebook and deleted that. I am hoping to bring its remembrance through meditative technique, or to get Facebook to investigate (they don’t have a phone line, so it will take time).

    Here is my brief contrast to summarize these differences—

    5: expands their mind and it isn’t ever really made up, but doesn’t really oscillate in their self-view, and their identity and morals aren’t dependent on some group, system, or concept.. A w6 may infuse some philosophy in there, but it won’t be a reliance of.

    Social 6: reliant on a group, organization, support person, or system for their identity. They take the form of what they are in, much as does water. So if they skip around friends or groups, their identity will completely change. And losing a system threatens their certainty, which begets anxiety.

    Social 4: Knows who they are. Never questions their self-identity. “Reliant” on others to see their self-image. Sense of self-worth is directly intertwined to how many people can see them as a unique, sensitive person.. Is very sensitive to when others deny their own self-identity (example: a writer’s agent denying their work, a self-typing being denied that the 4 feels symbolizes their sensitivity or uniqueness.. More common in a 6 fixed second 4 for my self-typing example here, which is what I am.. Someone denying extrasensory perception.. Anything that the 4 feels individuates them from others. Can be appearance too. As an example, I have cried when others think my eyes are too dark to be hazel. There are different perceptions of what constitute as hazel eyes, some believe the eyes must predominate green, and have very little brown.. They are more key like green, with maybe 20% brown)..a

    There obviously is far more to the 4, 5, and 6, than of this. For this purpose, I only wanted to define what separates an attachment behavior seen within the 6, from a 4 and 5 ego/withdrawn testing behavior. To make it quite of simplicity… There is no attachment in the 4 or 5. It’s an evaluation of reality, of if reality lines up to what they want (what their ego wants). Is the social 5 in reality, a very knowledgeable person? Is the social 4 seen socially as a distinct person and for who they really are?

    And again, the 9 I didn’t get into, because it’s an attachment type and has a line to 6. But the 9 will be testing of if people are in reality or not, a threat to their inner security. A 9 detaches and is indifferent and aloof.. But when down to 6, they will be testing what they may have denied. The 9 is the most balanced of any type, so it has less ego /testing than a 4 or 5.

    By testing the reality, the ego type will be able to more deliberately move towards it is that they want (more peace; the 9, more knowledge; the 5, a more distinct identity; the 4).
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    This will be something I make to the public. I believe Gulenko as the enneagram type 6, after some reflection.
    Social 5 isn’t impossible for Gulenko, however, he exhibits many superego and attachment qualities characteristic of a 6.
    Gulenko appears to be very dedicated to improving humanity, calling his school the humanitarian school of Socionics… He also projects quite a bit, a hallmark of a 6.. He types nearly everyone an LSI or EIE, and projects his own experiences and ideas of those types out unto the other. He clings to Socionics and is attaching to a community to likely ensure his own security. A 6 core would also be far more versed in managing his school than of the withdrawn 5.
    Whilst LII has Fe suggestive, Gulenko is very public about things that you wouldn’t expect out off the most withdrawn of any type.
    Most people have a very superficial understanding of the type 6. It is not just about needing or wanting support; it’s about attaching to something systemic to allow more predictability and a stable sense of self. Gulenko even had said he had issues with communicating and attached to the idea that’s apart of him being an LII… He is using a system to predict things in others and to justify things in himself and others..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  6. #6
    Riley and Bunny together forever HicksHawking LukaDoncic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    —Why Social 4 can Confuse for a 6–

    I feel it is best I break it down, since I wrote such a.. Monstrous post that also turnt into my own life story (always happens)..

    But before you continue any further reading this post, read this:

    People who don’t have an understanding of that triad do not have an understanding of the enneagram whatsoever. That, along with the intelligence centers, are what makes up each type’s core fear. And.. The enneagram bases on the core fear/ego fixation. So if you don’t have an understanding of that concept, you don’t at all understand the enneagram.

    I wanted to talk about how a social 4 may confuse as a 6 by this. I already have written about it, but it is such a big issue, that I feel the need to drill this into the psyches of enneagram enthusiasts.

    An attachment type is reliant on others for their identity. It is the external measure and attachment to societal normalcies when social variation is the focus. A social 6 will be dependent on some religion, group, cultural model.. To determine their identity. It can also extend to a systemic metric like typology, but they will be very impressionable to the opinions others have of them and sway. They will oscillate in their self-view…

    A social 4 does in a way, look for approval and acceptance.. But rather than the direct acceptance for how they measure up to societal standard and attachment values, it is THEIR OWN ideal and image they have created, they are looking for others to value.

    A social 4 as myself will feel worthless if others do not see their self-image.

    This sounds attachment-like, and it is this reason why many ignorant and not as intuitively understanding studiers of the enneagram confuse a social 4 for a 6.

    I cannot emphasize enough that a social 4 doesn’t rely on others to craft their identity.

    I am never looking to be told who I am, attach myself to some crafted label… I constantly look for others who will value the image I’ve made for myself as a broken, spiritually gifted girl.. Who has syntactical giftedness…

    A social 4 shouldn’t be that hard to distinguish from a 6, but many people don’t have a good intuitive understanding, and they learn more mechanically.. And because of this, it takes them longer to study and they thus, don’t have as much time to learn.

    I feel innately worthless without others valuing my talents, experiences, and self-view.

    You can say that a social 4 attaches to others in the sense that they are reliant on others to determine their self-worth. Of others accept/value the self-identity a 4 has created for their own self, the social 4 feels less painful emotion of unworthiness. Whereas no one seeing the social 4.. It makes the social 4 disintegrate more to 2, where they will give to get in hopes to be appreciated for who they are, and may result to manipulative tactics for others to be forced to see their self-identity. I’ve done this through making my profile picture of myself crying… I’ve done it through that manipulative probe question I explained yesterday, which then gives me the opportunity to explain, and thus show my self-identity…

    A 6 disintegrates to the 3, and also will try impress the community. But unlike the 4, I feel it will base more on outer metrics; NOT an internal self-image.
    The unhealthy social 6 would concern with their status in the community, focusing on their reputation so as to not lose the community support…

    Just because a 4 is reliant on others for their self-worth amidst ill health, doesn’t mean they aren’t a 4.. This is actually expected for the social variance of a 4, and the 2 line. And it isn’t in an attachment way. The reliance on others is to accept what has been defined in the inner of a 4. An attachment type doesn’t have an internal, independent definition. A social 4 externalizes their own internality, and an attachment type that is social will INTERNALIZE the externalities, because they DO NOT have an inherent grasp of an internality.

    2 is an image type that cultivates its sense of self-worth from others. They have an image they want meet up to, but they are always looking for others to reinforce their worth through the acceptance of a lovable persona. And so when a 4 hits 2 qualities, it when especially a social variance, will start looking externally for others to see their own identity as a unique and sensitive person as worthy. Helping behaviors and other manipulative tactics are used to lure in others to have a closer look at the 4’s identity, and if the social 4 can, control the person into seeing their own identity.

    I would say the key differences between a social 4 and 6 are:

    -The social 4 externalizes their own created identity, and a 6 internalizes external opinions others have to help them have an identity.. And this is why the 6 oscillates if they get around too many people and environments…

    -A social 4 when unhealthy isn’t basing on external metrics like a 6 down to 3 would. The 6 is trying gain status and prestige, adapt their identity to the supportive group target, so as to not lose that support (which helps combat anxiety, makes them to feel assured)… The social 4 is trying to get others to accept their own formed view of their self, and is NOT adapting their identity and view; it is remaining.

    This all at least is my intuitive understanding…
    Ya, as far as spirit goes, blazing in mountainous fanfare dragon shard plundering and meaning flourishing, the full infinitude of holistic Zen to charms of the lullaby blooming makes spirit and heaven and ladders to promised land roses are silver dream gates crosses the barrier and grants fountains of joy.
    Raptor lost in 2006 because he was Typhlosion against Brazil, George Lucas, and he had to evolve into that in 2022. 2010 was 2014 with Wesley Sneijder being Wes (Leo in Japan) in Pokemon Colosseum as Goat on the road Lionel Messi. 2013 was 2014. 2016 was 2022 Arceus. 2023 Robin Gosens was 2024 Atalanta, puzzles of force and waves of concentrated torn pages of glass and oceans shining sparkling wizardry and polished gems refracting illuminated doorways of princess staircases wallpaper peace keeping cartridges of Yellow flowers

  7. #7
    The Chosen Prophet. Braingel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    This will be something I make to the public. I believe Gulenko as the enneagram type 6, after some reflection.
    Social 5 isn’t impossible for Gulenko, however, he exhibits many superego and attachment qualities characteristic of a 6.
    Gulenko appears to be very dedicated to improving humanity, calling his school the humanitarian school of Socionics… He also projects quite a bit, a hallmark of a 6.. He types nearly everyone an LSI or EIE, and projects his own experiences and ideas of those types out unto the other. He clings to Socionics and is attaching to a community to likely ensure his own security. A 6 core would also be far more versed in managing his school than of the withdrawn 5.
    Whilst LII has Fe suggestive, Gulenko is very public about things that you wouldn’t expect out off the most withdrawn of any type.
    Most people have a very superficial understanding of the type 6. It is not just about needing or wanting support; it’s about attaching to something systemic to allow more predictability and a stable sense of self. Gulenko even had said he had issues with communicating and attached to the idea that’s apart of him being an LII… He is using a system to predict things in others and to justify things in himself and others..
    There has been a bit of confusion on what I mean by how Gulenko is public (on Facebook, where I shared my sedecology analysis).. I do not mean that he engages private information in publicity. That’s actually an anti 6 behavior, sharing personal information, the 6 fearing it can against them use.. What I mean is that he is asking for the opinions of other people on his personal Facebook to validate the validity of his own systemic takes. If you read his Facebook, you will find numerous times of him asking others for their input about the types… This behavior is extremely attachment-like, and a 5 being a withdrawn type would if they need accumulate information from others, go behind the scenes to accrue such info. They’re a competency and withdrawn type unlike the 6.. I also find it difficult to see the most introversive of any type, have a regular willingness to engage the mass. A social variance of the 5 will have willingness to sometimes, but a regular engagement of community, interacting with various people.. To spread a systemic ideology.. This behavior is incongruent with the 5.
    It’s clear to me that Gulenko is characterized by a sense of duty. A 512 (with their compliant influences) can characterize by a degree of this, but they will be much more withdrawn, less into the bright light to be seen. They won’t as religiously devote and attach to the system, nor will they routinely ask for the input of a made community.. He is asking others who support his own ideology, to validate his ideology… A 5 already assumes their insights valid.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Honestly, I do not believe Sadness from Inside Out to be a 9. I was in an 18-25 shelter a month ago (which is why I was absent in that time, from posting).. And they had played that movie. I had watched it when it first had come out, as well, forced by a youth facility..

    Enneagrammer gets a lot of typings wrong. Kurt Cobain, is for instance, a caricature of the social 4, and is in no way 5. He’d be a 9 prior to 5.. I believe him to be a 497..

    But for why I believe Sadness as a social 4… She is always focusing on what is lacking. She.. Is not very positive outlook. A true 9 wouldn’t always avert as to what lacks….

    Sadness is clearly withdrawn, and so 6 core is out of picture. She is probably a 496.. It’s pretty obvious she’s a double attachment, always trying adapt to Joy, even though she cannot.. It’s just that again, she isn’t that detached from her emotions as would expect of a 9.. She isn’t a positive outlook in any way.. Even a 947, a positive 9 with a 4.. They would be looking at positives way more, and have this sort of dreaminess that does not exude from Sadness.

    In every single response she has given nearly, it is of what is lacking. A 9 being a positive outlook type, even when 4 fixed.. They will not 24/7 focus on what lacks, and will focus more on what presents. It’s just the 4 fix adds a glumness.

    Enneageammer just pretends 469/496 is non-existent, and types them all as core 9’s…

    Another thing.. I sort of hit it already with her not being detached from her emotions.. Is that she’s pretty reactive. Her emotional reactions aren’t hitting a sort of freeze.. They are immediate and triggered right away, she has an over-active amygdala. Even though a core 9 with a 4 and 6 is a double reactive, it still leads non-reactively, and she’s clearly reactive.
    Joy is a triple positive outlook… And Sadness opposes her. They are not supposed to be sharing characteristics, and it is why they fundamentally clash. Sadness identifies with virtually nothing positive. Focus on suffering and an inability to marry positivity is quintessentially 4.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Makes me pissed that people like Gulenko and the people behind Enneagrammer make typology reductionistic and ignore the root of essence. And I am only focused on myself, not all their or any community member’s bs. I wish people would know better, and to be able feel and think for their own self..

    I just wish that people would look at things holistically, and wouldn’t assume that what they see is the entirety.. I made a metaphor for this, that I have put in a book I am writing..

    I’ve said my piece, and I don’t plan to really be active here.. Until I finish my own enneagram and typology things, and write of my book.. I would come back for the few who did value my essence, and who didn’t make presumptions on me.

    Most people aren’t worth my time.. And I was never their own, and they are lesser mine with how they decided to see me. And I won’t forget.. And the people who will make fun of me for what I’ve written here, they can go and fuck their own selves and live in their own delusions and false reality of how they live life. It is a guarantee that living in this way will result in one fucking over.

    I don’t need be in your mind, and you most certainly need not be in mine. It’s on you if I occupy your mind, I don’t force it. And I don’t want it, and if you want it, it’s all on you. To judge someone whilst they are at their lowest isn’t an okay thing. To humiliate things not fault of their own, and to expect the impossible out of one. It reflects a mind that had been judged and has not known compassion, which is sad… But it becomes a choice if one doesn’t try know otherwise.. Especially when they have been shown their falsified reality wrong. It’s a choice of choosing comfort over metamorphic pain.

    And I have tried, and am trying. And it is this that paves my way to a more meaningful life and to transcend when a day becomes its time to.
    The ones which have wounded me out of delusion will one day come to see their actions misplaced, and their actions will form scar and no longer wound, and result further in my transformation. My blood stained and marks where I was and will show how much I’ve grown.
    What I’m doing now will one day shed light on what’s deluded, but now is not the time and it will remain clouded until my will breaks through and all has down-poured and come out of.
    Last edited by Braingel; 12-09-2022 at 10:48 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Makes me pissed that people like Gulenko and the people behind Enneagrammer make typology reductionistic and ignore the root of essence. And I am only focused on myself, not all their or any community member’s bs. I wish people would know better, and to be able feel and think for their own self..

    I just wish that people would look at things holistically, and wouldn’t assume that what they see is the entirety.. I made a metaphor for this, that I have put in a book I am writing..

    I’ve said my piece, and I don’t plan to really be active here.. Until I finish my own enneagram and typology things, and write of my book.. I would come back for the few who did value my essence, and who didn’t make presumptions on me.

    Most people aren’t worth my time.. And I was never their own, and they are lesser mine with how they decided to see me. And I won’t forget.. And the people who will make fun of me for what I’ve written here, they can go and fuck their own selves and live in their own delusions and false reality of how they live life. It is a guarantee that living in this way will result in one fucking over.

    I don’t need be in your mind, and you most certainly need not be in mine. It’s on you if I occupy your mind, I don’t force it. And I don’t want it, and if you want it, it’s all on you. To judge someone whilst they are at their lowest isn’t an okay thing. To humiliate things not fault of their own, and to expect the impossible out of one. It reflects a mind that had been judged and has not known compassion, which is sad… But it becomes a choice if one doesn’t try know otherwise.. Especially when they have been shown their falsified reality wrong. It’s a choice of choosing comfort over metamorphic pain.

    And I have tried, and am trying. And it is this that paves my way to a more meaningful life and to transcend when a day becomes its time to.
    The ones which have wounded me out of delusion will one day come to see their actions misplaced, and their actions will form scar and no longer wound, and result further in my transformation. My blood stained and marks where I was and will show how much I’ve grown.
    What I’m doing now will one day shed light on what’s deluded, but now is not the time and it will remain clouded until my will breaks through and all has down-poured and come out of.
    there is one more thing I want put out: people just don’t understand how an IEI in model G would be as a 4, and winging towards ESI in the benefit ring. IEI can certainly be 4, as it has Fi minus.. And Fi minus aligns well with 4. It is not only just Fi minus, but demonstrative. The Ni plus.. With the focus on an idealized future will result in much animosity towards others (Fi minus, condemnation for them).. Which.. Is the case for my own self, and why people have confused me as an Fe minus..
    But.. I don’t have Fi plus, I am condemnatory, I hold grievances.. Fi plus readily forgives and overlooks, which is in no way me. (One could’ve seen how much I’ve held grudge towards Vex and North Star)..
    And my Si isn’t PolR, as I value internalizing positive sensations and am even in an aromatherapy course, take CBD to internalize such.. And every time I have a massage, I in aftermath want spend awhile reaping it all in me. My Ni is certainly plus, with my idealized idea and foresight of the future I see inside, and I frustrate at it conflicting the outer reality.

    People have misunderstood me horribly. My metaphor I made would put it well into context, but now is not my time to share it, and for the few who would want see, they will need await my book.

    And, most people are oblivious as to the benefit ring leanings.. And most have an idea of the classical IEI 9 who leans LII, whereas an IEI winging ESI.. More than perfectly capable of being 4, and also they will be more frustrative.

    What people don’t realize with 4, is that it’s a “heaven type”. It idealizes and has an inner vision for how the world to be. This in no way conflicts Ni plus. Fi minus has a hard time moving on… And the core 4 is known to wallow away in grievances. Holding unto the identity of their past troubles, and not as easily overlooking fault.

    4 is an introversive type.

    It would make sense its negativity would manifest through an introverted function. 4 is a negative type, and so it would make sense for the base or the demo to be negative.. Essentially, an introvert.. Since I would imagine both cannot be the same charge.
    Last edited by Braingel; 12-09-2022 at 11:28 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Honestly, I do not believe Sadness from Inside Out to be a 9. I was in an 18-25 shelter a month ago (which is why I was absent in that time, from posting).. And they had played that movie. I had watched it when it first had come out, as well, forced by a youth facility..

    Enneagrammer gets a lot of typings wrong. Kurt Cobain, is for instance, a caricature of the social 4, and is in no way 5. He’d be a 9 prior to 5.. I believe him to be a 497..

    But for why I believe Sadness as a social 4… She is always focusing on what is lacking. She.. Is not very positive outlook. A true 9 wouldn’t always avert as to what lacks….

    Sadness is clearly withdrawn, and so 6 core is out of picture. She is probably a 496.. It’s pretty obvious she’s a double attachment, always trying adapt to Joy, even though she cannot.. It’s just that again, she isn’t that detached from her emotions as would expect of a 9.. She isn’t a positive outlook in any way.. Even a 947, a positive 9 with a 4.. They would be looking at positives way more, and have this sort of dreaminess that does not exude from Sadness.

    In every single response she has given nearly, it is of what is lacking. A 9 being a positive outlook type, even when 4 fixed.. They will not 24/7 focus on what lacks, and will focus more on what presents. It’s just the 4 fix adds a glumness.

    Enneageammer just pretends 469/496 is non-existent, and types them all as core 9’s…

    Another thing.. I sort of hit it already with her not being detached from her emotions.. Is that she’s pretty reactive. Her emotional reactions aren’t hitting a sort of freeze.. They are immediate and triggered right away, she has an over-active amygdala. Even though a core 9 with a 4 and 6 is a double reactive, it still leads non-reactively, and she’s clearly reactive.
    Joy is a triple positive outlook… And Sadness opposes her. They are not supposed to be sharing characteristics, and it is why they fundamentally clash. Sadness identifies with virtually nothing positive. Focus on suffering and an inability to marry positivity is quintessentially 4.
    One thing I also thought of is sadness has a really big sense of inferiority. Also a 4 trait, with feeling inadequate (shame/heart). Social 6 can feel insecure, but it isn’t a feeling of systemic inferiority. They may feel incapable, but it stems from anxiety, not a feeling of being flawed fundamentally.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    I also should clarify that it’s an inability to marry positivity OUTSIDE.. The inner world can be idealistic with fantasies that quell the shame. (Which is how a 4 can be Ni plus).. These fantasies involve the 4 individuating from the rest, and having more novelty… Fi minus would further condemn others to separate.

    These fantasies involve the 4 individuating from the rest, and having more novelty… Fi minus would further condemn others to separate. Fi has largely do with outside relations and how it impacts the inner world and emotion, the distance. That would be an outside evaluation mean. The Fi component will view those people as getting in way of their Ni plus vision… The distance between the self and ideal also can make the 4 IEI frustrate at their own self and feel lowly of self..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    I tried to write that earlier, but it was glitching, so.. yeah..
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I also should clarify that it’s an inability to marry positivity OUTSIDE.. The inner world can be idealistic with fantasies that quell the shame. (Which is how a 4 can be Ni plus).. These fantasies involve the 4 individuating from the rest, and having more novelty… Fi minus would further condemn others to separate.

    These fantasies involve the 4 individuating from the rest, and having more novelty… Fi minus would further condemn others to separate. Fi has largely do with outside relations and how it impacts the inner world and emotion, the distance. That would be an outside evaluation mean. The Fi component will view those people as getting in way of their Ni plus vision… The distance between the self and ideal also can make the 4 IEI frustrate at their own self and feel lowly of self..
    Essentially, the Fi minus feeds the introversive core of the base. Yes Fi is an introverted function, but as I explained, it evaluates largely outside, of how things out of it relate to it inside. It just rather than expresses it out, expresses it more in.. But the behavior is nevertheless same. And, IEI has creative Fe and can turn that on and express the inner sentiment when feeling like such. The Fe is positive, but it still is an expressive function. It isn’t as if everyone expresses positively, at all times. That wouldn’t be a human. When you have a 4 core presenting, you have a very reactive persona. The Fi minus would inevitably bleed through some of that Fe.. It’s just that it would be done in a different mannerism than an actual Fe minus. It would have a sort of romantic undertone to it.. It would express more in a poetic way, rather than just raw emotion. And people cannot see this as easily, whether it’s subtle or raw emotion, merely over internet text.

    And.. That’s where people fail to distinguish me from EIE and IEI… They aren’t seeing how my Fe actually tones, because you can’t see that as easily online. It would only be clear in my poetry.. Even in my more melodramatic pictures.. They have a more romantic theme to them. Where the suffering is glamorized and turned into a form of symbolism.

    It would be quite easy to discern me as IEI>EIE, if people just saw I’m a result type (can’t finish things, can leave right where I left off even after prolonged time, detest schedule). And if they looked at my Si. You can’t just say not being able calm oneself down all the time is Si minus. I have CPTSD and live in an environment that triggers my subconscious. That is a fool’s errand to do. An actual Si minus wouldn’t enjoy sensory experiences, and they wouldn’t seek out their internalization.

    And because the enneagram has largely do with view of self in relation to the outside world.. This fits the demo and base function the best.. And.. IEI fits 4 core perfectly with Fi minus (frustration with incongruence to its inside, the distance between it, and Ni base with the idealized future and then the Fi resulting in the frustration and shame, the distance of itself not being able actualize it.. Then leading to a sense of being flawed, worthless.. And feeling estranged and alienated from everyone else, alone in their own vision and not living in the world.. And instead as an alien). And then perpetuating a cycle of victimhood, and the IEI is a victim erotic style). The 4 core also despises anything practical.. And they are designed as fashionable, probably in due to the Si plus and then Fi minus being critical and discerning.. 4 is very keen to aesthetics, and is judgmental and showing contempt of the boring and unoriginal.
    Last edited by Braingel; 12-09-2022 at 01:15 PM.
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    You got anything written up on e9 / e9w8 / e8w9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Honestly, I do not believe Sadness from Inside Out to be a 9. I was in an 18-25 shelter a month ago (which is why I was absent in that time, from posting).. And they had played that movie. I had watched it when it first had come out, as well, forced by a youth facility..

    Enneagrammer gets a lot of typings wrong. Kurt Cobain, is for instance, a caricature of the social 4, and is in no way 5. He’d be a 9 prior to 5.. I believe him to be a 497..

    But for why I believe Sadness as a social 4… She is always focusing on what is lacking. She.. Is not very positive outlook. A true 9 wouldn’t always avert as to what lacks….

    Sadness is clearly withdrawn, and so 6 core is out of picture. She is probably a 496.. It’s pretty obvious she’s a double attachment, always trying adapt to Joy, even though she cannot.. It’s just that again, she isn’t that detached from her emotions as would expect of a 9.. She isn’t a positive outlook in any way.. Even a 947, a positive 9 with a 4.. They would be looking at positives way more, and have this sort of dreaminess that does not exude from Sadness.

    In every single response she has given nearly, it is of what is lacking. A 9 being a positive outlook type, even when 4 fixed.. They will not 24/7 focus on what lacks, and will focus more on what presents. It’s just the 4 fix adds a glumness.

    Enneageammer just pretends 469/496 is non-existent, and types them all as core 9’s…

    Another thing.. I sort of hit it already with her not being detached from her emotions.. Is that she’s pretty reactive. Her emotional reactions aren’t hitting a sort of freeze.. They are immediate and triggered right away, she has an over-active amygdala. Even though a core 9 with a 4 and 6 is a double reactive, it still leads non-reactively, and she’s clearly reactive.
    Joy is a triple positive outlook… And Sadness opposes her. They are not supposed to be sharing characteristics, and it is why they fundamentally clash. Sadness identifies with virtually nothing positive. Focus on suffering and an inability to marry positivity is quintessentially 4.
    There is no overall adaptability of a 9, in her. Even though she feels bad and wants be less negative as her peers want of her (double attachment), she can’t do it, and doesn’t blend in as a 9 does.. A 9 does this out of a fear of conflict on which their anger arises.. It’s the introjective defense to embody and adapt to others to avoid their own anger.. This is a hallmark of 9, completely absent in Saddness.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by inaLim View Post
    You got anything written up on e9 / e9w8 / e8w9
    Not yet, no. I am writing an enneagram book of my own.. When its time of existence comes, I will put it here.
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    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    There is no overall adaptability of a 9, in her. Even though she feels bad and wants be less negative as her peers want of her (double attachment), she can’t do it, and doesn’t blend in as a 9 does.. A 9 does this out of a fear of conflict on which their anger arises.. It’s the introjective defense to embody and adapt to others to avoid their own anger.. This is a hallmark of 9, completely absent in Saddness.
    Sadness has a wing 5, with her investigating matters, as how she had the books of the other worlds, accruing knowledge for a sense of competency.. I see no 8 or 1 wing whatsoever.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    I’ve a lot to put here that I’ve written and never ended up putting here, as I kept putting it off to post it here. The one that I’m putting below this I wrote today… At some point later on today, I’ll also sift through my other posts…. And post what I want published.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Most people do not understand what a reactive type is.

    A reactive type essentially is an ego structure that when ungetting of what wants, will react; 8 will react when they can’t have control or their own territory/autonomy, 6 when they cannot have security, 4 when they cannot have their uniqueness or own experience—self-image, valued by others (which is what caused me to react as how I did in the group I’m taking break from, towards a specific user especially)…

    It isn’t just this automatically impulsive type; you’ve also assertive types who can do this, and they arguably are more, but less emotionally potent (other than 8) when they move towards this. This can arguably make 8w7 the most impulsive type… But it would mostly be in an anger sense, given an 8 will not show their vulnerability.. Unless they are down towards their unhealthful 2 line.

    Reactivity only pertains to the strict not getting of what is wanted…. It isn’t an overall attribute in the core. A triple reactive Tritype will have more to react to, so they will be more impulsive, since more can go towards not getting what wants, with more things reacting to it.. And the core would be what the other two reactive fixes react towards as a guard of the core.

    For a reactive type to react.. They need something actually, to react to…..

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    I will have to add more overtime, as it will require a lot of sifting through my old Facebook posts I’d made in several Enneagram groups… And even to my own personal FaceBook profile. I know the one I wrote about 4’s line to 1 and 2, and strong Fi correlation… And I’m going to be retrieving of this next. And I wrote a lot about withdrawn hexad and autism, and hyperlexia… And how attachment types autism would look and be harder diagnose.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Written January 19th, 2023..

    People don’t realize how much a 4 core, with their 1 and 2 lines that represent both lower and higher health, can advocate.. I’ve been typed as a core 1 before, because of this. (But it’s to be more seen, through the cause. Generally it’s a super ego 4, a 416/461 (social), who will be even more likely to engage this behavior. I also can see 417, the triple frustration type, doing this. But it will always be done through a withdrawn medium; writing— poetry, screenwriting, etc.. Or visual art). The vast majority of 4’s are Fi predominant types, you cannot overlook. 2/3 times, they’re INFP or ISFP… You’ll get an also INFJ 4, then more occasionally, ENFP or ESFP 4w3. And the rarest types of 4’s; the INTJ 4w5 with a 5 fix.. Who is 458 or 451. But this is an exceedingly rare presentation. And generally they are Ni-Fi in OPS…

    4 core is a strongly Fi governed type, and Fi is firmly averted on its inner values, emotions and morals…

    River Phoenix quintessentially is a 4, and I think he possibly could’ve been social. It’s possible he was using social to filter his Sp lead, to implore others to preserve of such, so that he could also have those resources preserve.. But he isn’t a socially blinded type. He’s sexual blind.

    This is an article he’d written about the environment…

    Personal note, not apart of my article: This River Pheonix link appears to link to nothing now, and it is glitch or it’s been taken down.. But All one has do is look for his essay on the Earth, with his environmental advocacy… It was published in I believe, a teen vogue or ninteen magazine.

    Link to my post:
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Most people do not understand what a reactive type is.

    A reactive type essentially is an ego structure that when ungetting of what wants, will react; 8 will react when they can’t have control or their own territory/autonomy, 6 when they cannot have security, 4 when they cannot have their uniqueness or own experience—self-image, valued by others (which is what caused me to react as how I did in the group I’m taking break from, towards a specific user especially)…

    It isn’t just this automatically impulsive type; you’ve also assertive types who can do this, and they arguably are more, but less emotionally potent (other than 8) when they move towards this. This can arguably make 8w7 the most impulsive type… But it would mostly be in an anger sense, given an 8 will not show their vulnerability.. Unless they are down towards their unhealthful 2 line.

    Reactivity only pertains to the strict not getting of what is wanted…. It isn’t an overall attribute in the core. A triple reactive Tritype will have more to react to, so they will be more impulsive, since more can go towards not getting what wants, with more things reacting to it.. And the core would be what the other two reactive fixes react towards as a guard of the core.

    For a reactive type to react.. They need something actually, to react to…..
    To my post I’d today written, here is a link;
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Written January 19th, 2023..

    People don’t realize how much a 4 core, with their 1 and 2 lines that represent both lower and higher health, can advocate.. I’ve been typed as a core 1 before, because of this. (But it’s to be more seen, through the cause. Generally it’s a super ego 4, a 416/461 (social), who will be even more likely to engage this behavior. I also can see 417, the triple frustration type, doing this. But it will always be done through a withdrawn medium; writing— poetry, screenwriting, etc.. Or visual art). The vast majority of 4’s are Fi predominant types, you cannot overlook. 2/3 times, they’re INFP or ISFP… You’ll get an also INFJ 4, then more occasionally, ENFP or ESFP 4w3. And the rarest types of 4’s; the INTJ 4w5 with a 5 fix.. Who is 458 or 451. But this is an exceedingly rare presentation. And generally they are Ni-Fi in OPS…

    4 core is a strongly Fi governed type, and Fi is firmly averted on its inner values, emotions and morals…

    River Phoenix quintessentially is a 4, and I think he possibly could’ve been social. It’s possible he was using social to filter his Sp lead, to implore others to preserve of such, so that he could also have those resources preserve.. But he isn’t a socially blinded type. He’s sexual blind.

    This is an article he’d written about the environment…

    Personal note, not apart of my article: This River Pheonix link appears to link to nothing now, and it is glitch or it’s been taken down.. But All one has do is look for his essay on the Earth, with his environmental advocacy… It was published in I believe, a teen vogue or ninteen magazine.

    Link to my post:
    Since this website is Socionics, I want say that for a core 4, generally it will be an IEI and an ESI who are a core 4. Core 4 is a very world rejecting type…. And if you’re going by Model G, which I see Model G lining up to the enneagram more than socionics type itself, Fi minus is the most 4 core related, I feel, and especially when it’s 4D.

    Ni plus befits the idealism and fantasy of a 4 core.

    A 4 core can be mistaken as Fe minus. Everyone this summer when I’d gotten sick was putting me to Eie. They were misconstruing my disintegration to 2 as minus Fe, where a 4 will be expressing their Fi minus more out.. But if you actually look back, everything I was expressing negatively themed my own self and life, rather than the global world (Fe).
    Last edited by Braingel; 02-24-2023 at 07:58 PM. Reason: Put “before” instead of “befits”.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Since this website is Socionics, I want say that for a core 4, generally it will be an IEI and an ESI who are a core 4. Core 4 is a very world rejecting type…. And if you’re going by Model G, which I see Model G lining up to the enneagram more than socionics type itself, Fi minus is the most 4 core related, I feel, and especially when it’s 4D.

    Ni plus before the idealism and fantasy of a 4 core.

    A 4 core can be mistaken as Fe minus. Everyone this summer when I’d gotten sick was putting me to Eie. They were misconstruing my disintegration to 2 as minus Fe, where a 4 will be expressing their Fi minus more out.. But if you actually look back, everything I was expressing negatively themed my own self and life, rather than the global world (Fe).
    Gulenko’s IEI is a core 9. It isn’t the IEI, who can be a 4, who leans towards ESI in the benefit ring. The IEI who leans LII is a 9 core or a 592…. The ESI leaning IEI is a 461/9, or a 649/1….

    An unhealthy 4 core IEI would be mistyped Eie, and the ESI would probably be mistyped SEE; both Fe minus types. Because the 2 line will look pseudo Fe minus.. And 2 in general is very 4D Fe (base, demo).

    This is why even non-Gulenko typists, as @Exodus had typed me an Eie, prior to meeting me before realizing I’m IEI. It’s 4’s line to 2 that can make me mirror Fe 4D.. The amount I put myself out there is why (even though all my content, which Exodus had written in his analysis, is all about MY own inner world, rather than outside).. Gulenko people weren’t focusing on this, as much, and were determined to type me leading function a negative charge, instead.

    Gulenko never typed me anything, but his students put me to EIE and ILI.. Fi plus doesn’t fit; I’m condemnatory and hold resentment, which is what a 4 will do, being an image type, whose emotions base past. But the vision for a 4 is future, with it being a frustration type, which fits Ni plus…

    As I said, the only thing model G is good for is enneagram. Model A is better for everything else. The +/- focus, I really feel speaks to enneagram… The +/- isn’t really emphasized in Model A..

    I don’t believe IEI and ESI the only types whom can be 4… But.. Fi plus is forgiving. It moves on, puts past grudge behind. This isn’t at all what a 4 core is about…. 4 is the least forgiving type, and is well-known to brood over emotional hurts than of any type, longer. And emotional hurt is a personal thing, and it’s inside; Fi. It’s negativistic there.. 4 is idealistic for a future where everyone is authenticated (Fe global).. And where their own pain matters and makes of meaning.

    IEE is more likely be a 4w3 than EIE, because of its negative Fi…. Fi plus really isn’t that core 4….

    I’ve long dwelled on hurts with my family, never forgiving and making up.. And this also is evident in how I still feel contempt and hatred for how Vex and North Star are. That’s 4 core’s grudge.. And it’s also translating to Fi minus…

    Beyond Fi, there’s also substantial issue with me as an Si- (and especially PolR). My physical illness can mimic this, but I enjoy internalizing pleasant sensations; aromatherapuetic oils, I often soliloquize “Mm” when eating delicious food.. I love to be embraced and really crave being caressed and comforted (just not from people who have hurt me and whom I dislike), I watch ASMR… Most of my music that isn’t dark wave or depressive 80’s is all soothing meditation music and rain sounds….

    This is something no EIE would value, even if they were of harmonizing subtype.. They wouldn’t want become an aromatherapist as I am.. They’d ignore pleasant sensations.. Wouldn’t melt away in a heaven feeling when submerging a warm bath, having an orgasmic taste of food…

    If people had type me a negativist, IEE would be a lot better of a typing.. With Fi minus, Ni plus, and Si plus…. Se minus..
    I see pattern that the extinguishers share same charges all around … With its perceiving or judging lead and creative that is the other. It’s a different way to see out world, with the function introverted or extroverted to your base, also negative as your own is of theirs, but the base is positive in one whereas the other has it negative.. Just they still have all same charges. It makes sense with the quasi opposing one’s own direct flow of function, and so then the mirror flips this, I suppose, I see it in my mind… So cognitive groups must share same charges.. And then positivist or negativist.. With the dual being in another group completing those same charges, but with the lead of +/- its dual isn’t…

    Another thing better of fitting with IEE is that I am clearly an irrational, as well as result type..

    I don’t adhere well to routines, and come to stress and even despise the person trying enforce on me, routine. I want things done my own way of cycle… My written word and poetry, and all the philosophical insights I’ve come at me on own.. Out of emotional burst of inspiration.. I am always dreamy and in my own imagination… But I don’t ever just set routine.. And every time I’ve tried routine myself to write, I’ve fallen out.. I wish I could be as this, as I’m inert and unproductive.. But it is what is.
    Last edited by Braingel; 02-24-2023 at 11:21 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    This is why even non-Gulenko typists, as @Exodus had typed me an Eie, prior to meeting me before realizing I’m IEI.
    Slight correction. I typed you IEI (with low certainty) before meeting you, but I became sure of it when I met you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post
    Slight correction. I typed you IEI (with low certainty) before meeting you, but I became sure of it when I met you.
    I forgot, that you’d typed me this before.. You changed it from Eie to IEI 1 star after hearing me in voice chat overtime..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post
    Slight correction. I typed you IEI (with low certainty) before meeting you, but I became sure of it when I met you.
    I also don’t like Model G, to be clear, for anything but enneagram. I have observed in the few descriptions I’ve read of Gulenko, that he’s actually trying to capture enneagram type. +/- is very much more aligned with enneagram than cognitive operation and focus itself… More than Model A, Model G can help accurately determine someone’s enneagram type, is what I see.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    I also don’t like Model G, to be clear, for anything but enneagram. I have observed in the few descriptions I’ve read of Gulenko, that he’s actually trying to capture enneagram type. +/- is very much more aligned with enneagram than cognitive operation and focus itself… More than Model A, Model G can help accurately determine someone’s enneagram type, is what I see.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post
    Plus and minus captivate positive outlook with 4D functions in a way.. Or frustration can also be have a leading function of positive, but then its intense 4D function can make it seem more negative, since the fantasy of frustration keeps inside and isn’t of visibility (which it would be harder see in an introvert).. World rejecting is very frustration triad, and 4D Fi minus in model G, is very 4 core…. More positive outlook in a Tritype would be alpha extrovert (“positivist”)..

    It is a lot to entail and I’m writing a lot, in my book of the enneagram..
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Exodus View Post
    Gulenko also tries correlate socionics to nervous system, which isn’t suited for cognitive operation itself, but it can very much correlate to the enneagram, where the emotional and Limbic centers within one unleash energy to engage the world and that directly perceive and process the energy.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    He tries use socionics to depict certain neuroses.. Neurosis is of the enneagram. Certain deprivation of functions may also stress someone, and perhaps push them to their line of disintegration into the enneagram.. It interconnects in this way, I see… But the enneagram concerns the emotional body, rather than mental, which is what cognitive operation inclines towards; the mental sphere within one.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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    How he believe accentuation can occur, and dcnh change, this also is more in line with integration and disintegration… Than a fixed socionics combination, standing throughout a lifespan.
    I am in my head; not society.

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    Hey Braingel. Glad to know you're still alive. <3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Plus and minus captivate positive outlook with 4D functions in a way.. Or frustration can also be have a leading function of positive, but then its intense 4D function can make it seem more negative, since the fantasy of frustration keeps inside and isn’t of visibility (which it would be harder see in an introvert).. World rejecting is very frustration triad, and 4D Fi minus in model G, is very 4 core…. More positive outlook in a Tritype would be alpha extrovert (“positivist”)..

    It is a lot to entail and I’m writing a lot, in my book of the enneagram..
    Why not just use Alpha elements in Model A?

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    Gulenko's +/- are not good. You should not use them and should forget them entirely. Look into hitta's version (and other users that have expounded on them).
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Not yet, no. I am writing an enneagram book of my own.. When its time of existence comes, I will put it here.
    Release it with some free online publisher so you can make some cash.

    You can charge like 5$. People would pay it.
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    I have a question. Do you think an ILI or LIE 4 is possible in your understanding of the signs and model G?
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    I have a question. Do you think an ILI or LIE 4 is possible in your understanding of the signs and model G?
    I don’t, if it’s by model G, because whilst it will have Fi minus, the Fi is 1D… In Model G, and only on Model G, the NT that can be a 4 is ILI, especially a normalizing… But they’re going to have to be a VERY specific combination of 4, because ILI has Fi plus….

    The way it can be possible may, is that ILI is world rejecting still, so that is with 4… They’re going to have to be a more focused Fi, and that’s why I’m saying normalizing..

    Ni minus is about focusing on the past partially.. So they can hold unto traumas, but it isn’t going to be about holding personal resentments like Fi minus..

    They would HAVE to be a 458/451; a rejectionist or competent 4. Or else it’s impossible with the Fi plus. (Rejectionist makes them not as emotional or focused on resentment, competence will make them abstract more so less likely to hold hurts)…

    overall, ILI fits 5 and 6 core way more.. 6 is very Ni minus….
    Last edited by Braingel; 02-25-2023 at 07:35 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by lavos View Post
    I have a question. Do you think an ILI or LIE 4 is possible in your understanding of the signs and model G?
    The types that fit 4 core the best in model G are IEI and ESI.. World rejecting types with 4D Fi minus.

    IEE can fit 4w3.. But it will have be a Tritype as 479, because it’s a world accepting type with valued Si… It has Fi minus, so this is what can make it of possibility…
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

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