Plus minus FeNi

The strongest aspect of your personality is your ability to experience strong feelings and emotions. You posses a complicated spiritual world packed with contrasts and contradictions. You will sacrifice many things for the sake of genuine, deep feelings. You have a very poetic nature that allows you to express your experiences in an extremely vivid manner. You have the intrinsic potential to be an orator, to captivate the attention of a large number of people. You are a clear-sighted and judicious person. You can easily sense potentially major crisis and know well what to do in order to avoid it. You often forewarn others about impending troubles. A sense of responsibility towards others is at the core of your personality. You are a person of principle.

You are somewhat inflexible to change and therefore find it difficult to adapt in new societies. You can also show excessive formality during interaction causing you even more problems. You often have a great interest in economy and business matters. You are unsure in your aesthetic taste, especially where your appearance is concerned. You get suspicious of others opinions and advice concerning your appearance. You do not always pay as much attention to your health as you should. You can become so immersed in your work or interests that you can forget about following a healthy routine.