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    Default Type My Friend (Member Questionnaire)

    I'm uncertain of my friend's type, so I asked him to fill out the member questionnaire. He gave me permission to post it here. Thank you for the assistance.

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is subjective, it's a feeling you get from looking at or experiencing something either purely on an aesthetic level or on a deeper one. You can see beauty in a face, in art, in a concept, a story etc...

    What are your most important values?
    My ability to feel empathy and a desire to help others. I value honesty with those I care about.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don’t hold any real belief in god for many reasons, though the main one is probably that nothing has ever happened to me that shows me that god could exist, the idea of god itself has always come from people.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I dislike all forms of suffering so I dislike war in that regard. I feel that it is likely inevitable though, but even so it’s best if we work together to minimize the suffering caused by it. Power is when you have agency over your own life and/or the life of others.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I enjoy long conversations about the feelings of others, why they think the way they do, what caused them to think this way etc… I also enjoy theoretical ideas and concepts, such as enjoyable things that may happen in the future.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I’ve always had an interest in drugs, both those used by doctors and more recreational ones. Most of the focus on my body comes from fear, I’m somewhat of a hypochondriac. I also have a small interest in body mods and fashion, anything that sticks out or seems less human.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    I’ve always been bad at maintaining a habit of doing chores. I tend to do them as and when I feel like doing them. I like the idea of having a routine but I can never rely on my emotional state to actually have one.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don’t really watch films or read books.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cry when I feel I’ve upset someone or when I see something suffering. I enjoy watching comedy and it makes me smile. I smile when me and a friend both talk about doing something fun, I also smile when I’m nervous.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I don’t think I ever have.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I dislike many things about myself. I have a fear of people, I can’t be self motivated without the use of drugs, I dislike many human traits and feelings. Other people probably think I’m weak because of my anxiety and my poor ability to stand up for myself, the anxiety makes it hard to think around people so I often appear somewhat dumber than I really am.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I like that I’m honest with myself, I like that I hate myself if that makes sense. I don’t have many strengths.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I guess I need people to give me a reason to do things. I need other people to help me see why I should and shouldn’t do things. When I do want to do something but don’t have the motivation I need people to help push me along.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    When there’s something I want to do but there’s something I don’t have that I need to do it. I can’t rely on myself to want to do it in the future so if I can’t do it now I know I probably won’t want to do it later. If I want to cook something and I don’t have an ingredient I often feel stuck. This often makes me feel stressed and like I shouldn’t have even tried. I feel stuck when the only way to get something done is to talk to people, my social anxiety always holds me back.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike closed minded people or people that make strong emotional opinions not based on facts. I hate it when people pick and choose whatever facts support their argument. I hate it when people can’t see double standards. I hate it when people think they’re right all the time. I can get along with most people but I enjoy being around people who are like me in some ways or people who stick out from the norm.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Sex is something I’ve always wanted but rarely got. The main thing I want in a partner is honesty and an open mind. I’d rather my partner says something bad about me if that’s how they really feel rather than keep it to themselves. I want a partner who understands me and who I understand. If they have the same interests as me it’s a plus but by no means a must.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would want to plan and research everything before I had a child. I wouldn’t want the child to end up like me in that they find it hard to be happy. I would want to teach them some of the things I value like honesty and compassion. I would want to make sure I have everything is my life managed and planned like my financial status and emotional state.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Sometimes my immediate reaction is anger but I dislike it when I have that reaction and try to fight it. I would want to know what lead them to that belief and try to see the logic behind it. I probably wouldn't try to change their belief but I would point out flaws in their logic if I saw any. I’d much rather have a discussion about it than a fight. beliefs that differ from mine can often be interesting once you dig deeper and see why they believe what they do.

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I make most of my friends online. I find it better this way since I can be 100% honest with them about myself from the start and if they go away it just means they weren't really my friend. IRL I have problems opening up to my friends and showing my true feelings so I don’t always feel like they’re really my friends.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I normally just keep to myself around other people and make minimal effort to interact with them.

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    You say that you are uncertain of your friends type. Do you have any suggestions or additions that could be helpful?
    Your friends says that he does not have many strengths. I highly doubt that. Everyone has some strengths and as his friend I'm sure you can name some. That would be very helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is subjective, it's a feeling you get from looking at or experiencing something either purely on an aesthetic level or on a deeper one. You can see beauty in a face, in art, in a concept, a story etc...

    What are your most important values?
    My ability to feel empathy and a desire to help others. I value honesty with those I care about.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I don’t hold any real belief in god for many reasons, though the main one is probably that nothing has ever happened to me that shows me that god could exist, the idea of god itself has always come from people.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I dislike all forms of suffering so I dislike war in that regard. I feel that it is likely inevitable though, but even so it's best if we work together to minimize the suffering caused by it. Power is when you have agency over your own life and/or the life of others.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I enjoy long conversations about the feelings of others, why they think the way they do, what caused them to think this way etc. I also enjoy theoretical ideas and concepts, such as enjoyable things that may happen in the future.
    This and the rest of the questionnaire indicates low sensing functions therefore intuitive feeling type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't really watch films or read books.
    What else does he like? Does he have a favorite artist or musician? Hobbies? How does he spend his time?

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    When there's something I want to do but there’s something I don’t have that I need to do it. I can't rely on myself to want to do it in the future so if I can’t do it now I know I probably won't want to do it later. If I want to cook something and I don't have an ingredient I often feel stuck. This often makes me feel stressed and like I shouldn't have even tried. I feel stuck when the only way to get something done is to talk to people, my social anxiety always holds me back.
    At first sounds like an intuitive type that needs a kick in the butt, but your friend may be too depressed (or even have a depression )by his anxiety which affects his motivation, energy-level and self-image.
    If he is INFj then his behavior could be Se-Polr and Te-ds in the sense that he needs an ESTj's capability for plans, self-discipline and who helps him with daily chores.

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike closed minded people or people that make strong emotional opinions not based on facts. I hate it when people pick and choose whatever facts support their argument. I hate it when people can’t see double standards. I hate it when people think they’re right all the time. I can get along with most people but I enjoy being around people who are like me in some ways or people who stick out from the norm.
    That's Te-DS. Last Sentence is a strong indicator for an NF-type. In combination with Te-DS your friend is EII.

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I would want to plan and research everything before I had a child. I wouldn’t want the child to end up like me in that they find it hard to be happy. I would want to teach them some of the things I value like honesty and compassion. I would want to make sure I have everything is my life managed and planned like my financial status and emotional state.
    Again, Te-seeking function and your friend values stability. Rather ESTj than ENTj as dual.

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    Sometimes my immediate reaction is anger but I dislike it when I have that reaction and try to fight it. I would want to know what lead them to that belief and try to see the logic behind it. I probably wouldn't try to change their belief but I would point out flaws in their logic if I saw any. I’d much rather have a discussion about it than a fight. beliefs that differ from mine can often be interesting once you dig deeper and see why they believe what they do.
    Introverted thinking. Maybe role function if we continue to see EII as a possibility.

    @Food how does he behave when he is comfortable? Do you agree with EII?
    I don't say this readily but your friend's social anxiety affects his descriptions to the point where I don't think that an appropriate analysis is possible. As soon as he learns to deal with it - and from the bottom of my heart I am convinced he can - his type could change from introvert to extrovert. Or he finds new and unexpected talents that indicate strong thinking functions, higher energy-levels and independece.

    I wanted to add some questionnes from @thehotelambush questionnaire v0.2 but I can't find any options that bypass the social anxiety and give new information.
    Maybe you will find some:
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 03-23-2017 at 12:19 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio View Post
    You say that you are uncertain of your friends type. Do you have any suggestions or additions that could be helpful?
    Your friends says that he does not have many strengths. I highly doubt that. Everyone has some strengths and as his friend I'm sure you can name some. That would be very helpful.
    He asked me what his strengths and weaknesses are once, and I replied "I'd say being intelligent and being empathetic are your biggest strengths. Being impatient is probably your biggest weakness." He's very concerned about hurting strangers that he just met. He said he doesn't want to befriend any more people because he doesn't want to hurt them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio View Post
    What else does he like? Does he have a favorite artist or musician? Hobbies? How does he spend his time?
    I don't think he has a favorite musician, but he likes David Bowie. His main hobbies/interests are cooking, fashion, drugs, and video games. He went to college for programming, but said that not being able to focus and complete things stressed him out too much. He spends most of his time indoors trying to keep himself entertained with videos, games, various things on the internet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio View Post
    How does he behave when he is comfortable? Do you agree with EII?
    When he's comfortable he's more goofy and content, but he's normally pretty serious. I believe EII is most likely as well. Si mobilizing is apparent. I've been torn between EII/LII since I met him.

    What made me consider LII is that he doesn't seem to use Fi often enough for a base function, and I have a difficult time seeing him as having 3D Fe, but that could just be social anxiety. I showed him descriptions of Fi and Ti from, and he said he highly related to Ti base while not much relating to Fi base. He even saved the description of Ti base and has used it to show others what he values. He also related to the description of Fi role. He dislikes having to reveal his personal feelings to people, to the point of avoiding getting help or talking about extremely important issues. When someone once tried to illicit his personal feelings and opinions, he recoiled and was very uncomfortable with it. After we voice chatted for the first time, he said he was disappointed that the conversation lacked joviality, which I interpreted as Fe valuing. He also doesn't have clear likes and dislikes, has few personal sentiments or opinions, and rarely ever makes an ethical judgement. Although I suppose much of this could be attributed to being depressed/anxious, or I could be misunderstanding how IEs work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    He asked me what his strengths and weaknesses are once, and I replied "I'd say being intelligent and being empathetic are your biggest strengths. Being impatient is probably your biggest weakness." He's very concerned about hurting strangers that he just met. He said he doesn't want to befriend any more people because he doesn't want to hurt them.
    I think LII is possible and even more likely than EII. (based on his views on war.) He does not take a definite stance against it but accepts the rationality behind it and wants to minimize the damage and cruelty. I suppose an Fi-Leading type would condemn any form of violence (particularly as Delta Se-Polr).
    Not wanting to hurt any more people and thus not befriending them is not type related. That's a form of reasoning that leads back to his insecurities. So I won't take that into account when it comes to typing.
    His impatience is uncharacteristic (for LII and EII ) though. Does that come from low self-esteem or is he someone that prefers quick results and decisions?
    I know ISFp's that are impatient in the sense that they like to solve problems as soon as they appear. What speaks against ISFp?

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    I don't think he has a favorite musician, but he likes David Bowie. His main hobbies/interests are cooking, fashion, drugs, and video games. He went to college for programming, but said that not being able to focus and complete things stressed him out too much. He spends most of his time indoors trying to keep himself entertained with videos, games, various things on the internet.
    I'd like to point out that "hobbies/interests are cooking, fashion, drugs, and video games" also fits to an Si-leading type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    When he's comfortable he's more goofy and content, but he's normally pretty serious. I believe EII is most likely as well. Si mobilizing is apparent. I've been torn between EII/LII since I met him.
    This is from Gulenko's description of SEI:
    The SEI is usually friendly and pleasant in communication. Very considerate of his own conveniences and those of others. Attentive and caring in relation to his close ones. Often takes the position of the "golden mean" in a work group. Loves beautiful objects and images, and a familiar, comfortable atmosphere.
    Emotional, internally attuned to others, responsive. Seeks to cheer up others with jokes, games, witty comments, and clever retorts. Tries not to get drawn into debates and arguments, wants to be in good relations with everyone. Knows how to negotiate with people in an informal environment.
    Hides his own problems. Shows courage and optimism. Won't make promises if he's not certain that he will be able to carry them out. Wary of people who are intrusive and who could take away his time.
    Works at a pace most convenient to himself. He works productively only if he is working for himself and for the people he's interested in. In other cases, the SEI won't burden himself too much and will try to avoid strenuous expenditures of effort. His productivity is heavily dependent on his mood. Will try to evade boring but necessary work.
    Obviously does not fit completely since your friend is very withdrawn. After ILI the SEI is one of the most critical in the socion and uses his Ti as hidden agenda but not as cautious as a LII (his first reaction to disagreement is anger and not a step back to maintain a sense of objectivity). What speaks against Ti-leading is the fact that I don't see any orientation at researching, reading or interests that have a strong TiNe trait. So SEI > LII

    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    What made me consider LII is that he doesn't seem to use Fi often enough for a base function, and I have a difficult time seeing him as having 3D Fe, but that could just be social anxiety. I showed him descriptions of Fi and Ti from, and he said he highly related to Ti base while not much relating to Fi base. He even saved the description of Ti base and has used it to show others what he values. He also related to the description of Fi role. He dislikes having to reveal his personal feelings to people, to the point of avoiding getting help or talking about extremely important issues. When someone once tried to illicit his personal feelings and opinions, he recoiled and was very uncomfortable with it. After we voice chatted for the first time, he said he was disappointed that the conversation lacked joviality, which I interpreted as Fe valuing. He also doesn't have clear likes and dislikes, has few personal sentiments or opinions, and rarely ever makes an ethical judgement. Although I suppose much of this could be attributed to being depressed/anxious, or I could be misunderstanding how IEs work.
    @Vespertine Could you give us your opinion on this if you have the time? I don't have enough understanding about Fi to make a competent judgment on whether EII is still a possibility. I think SEI > LII > EII is more likely. The opinion of an actual EII would be very helpful.
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 03-23-2017 at 12:28 PM.

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    I suppose SEI with social anxiety is also possible. I took his interests in fashion and cooking to be Si mobilizing, didn't consider that it could be base. He never seems "at one with his environment" though, and has great difficult relaxing and enjoying pleasure in the moment. It's something he struggles with and talks about wishing he could do all the time. He also doesn't have a strong grasp on his health or his internal bodily sensations, and talks about wishing he had clarity in that regard. He does prefer quick decisions and actions. He dislikes reading most of the time because he can't focus long enough to enjoy it. We've considered that he might actually have ADD. Also, his sensing appears to be very weak, as if he has no Se at all. I have difficulty seeing 3D Se.

    I also have a hard time seeing him as a member of the "socials" club.

    "When a group consists of members of this club, but without either of the two quadras having greater weight, its interactions are likely to be based on enjoying conversations over their families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities. It's the stereotypical "women's group", although obviously such clubs formed only of men also exist, with common activities and interests usually focused around sports or, depending on the age structure, partying, clubbing and the like. "

    The only thing in that description which applies to him is cooking, maybe travels. He would find everything else revolting.

    He's also extremely disorganized, and seems to have a strong grasp on Ne. He's always jumping around to random new ideas, coming up with novel ways to try things, tuned in to things that are weird and different.

    Also, not sure if this is relevant, but he's a nihilist and his favorite philosopher is Nietzsche.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post

    I suppose SEI with social anxiety is also possible. I took his interests in fashion and cooking to be Si mobilizing, didn't consider that it could be base. He never seems "at one with his environment" though, and has great difficult relaxing and enjoying pleasure in the moment. It's something he struggles with and talks about wishing he could do all the time. He also doesn't have a strong grasp on his health or his internal bodily sensations, and talks about wishing he had clarity in that regard. He does prefer quick decisions and actions. He dislikes reading most of the time because he can't focus long enough to enjoy it. We've considered that he might actually have ADD. Also, his sensing appears to be very weak, as if he has no Se at all. I have difficulty seeing 3D Se.

    I also have a hard time seeing him as a member of the "socials" club.

    "When a group consists of members of this club, but without either of the two quadras having greater weight, its interactions are likely to be based on enjoying conversations over their families and personal relationships, artistic and sensorial interests such as cooking, gossip, and group social activities such as parties, dancing, travels and sportive activities. It's the stereotypical "women's group", although obviously such clubs formed only of men also exist, with common activities and interests usually focused around sports or, depending on the age structure, partying, clubbing and the like. "

    The only thing in that description which applies to him is cooking, maybe travels. He would find everything else revolting.

    He's also extremely disorganized, and seems to have a strong grasp on Ne. He's always jumping around to random new ideas, coming up with novel ways to try things, tuned in to things that are weird and different.

    Also, not sure if this is relevant, but he's a nihilist and his favorite philosopher is Nietzsche.
    Agree. Also, in his questionnaire he wrote that he has trouble with sensing functions. That's unlike an SEI.
    However: Disorganized, impatient, (emotionality in disagreements, )does not read a lot: speaks against LII but I can see it as a byproduct of his social anxiety and ADD-like traits.
    @thehotelambush what do you think about LII?

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    SLI stuck out to me. I didn't get the impression of EII or another other low-Sensing type.

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    Has this person taken the sociotype standart test, the, or the aimtoknow test?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
    Has this person taken the sociotype standart test, the, or the aimtoknow test?
    He scored as EII on the test ages ago.

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    Low Se / high Ni is almost a certainty: fearfulness, difficulty with motivation, preference for the internal world, feeling out of place. Of all the introverted intuitive types LII is by far the least likely though, I find it unlikely that an LII would like to have "long conversations about the feelings of others." There is too much Fi in general for Fi Role. EII could work but Ni lead too (so either Fi demonstrative or Fi mobilizing).

    And by the way, I don't find this questionnaire terribly informative so if you want me to comment on someone's type please use the questionnaire in my signature.

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    To describe the difference between Te in SEI and LII.
    LIIs use exhaustion regarding their systemic views and need someone to break them from it while SEIs just need help regarding its use. I don't find them very similar.

    Same can be said about Se.
    Winning is for losers


    Sincerely yours,
    idiosyncratic type
    Life is a joke but do you have a life?

    Joinif you dare

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    A realist, needs motivation. SLI seems close

    I guess I need people to give me a reason to do things. I need other people to help me see why I should and shouldn’t do things. When I do want to do something but don’t have the motivation I need people to help push me along.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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