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Thread: hotelambush Extended Questionnaire v0.2 (AbZero)

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    Default hotelambush Extended Questionnaire v0.2 (AbZero)

    Tell me about yourself.
    Right now I'm a college student majoring in Actuarial Science. I usually play tennis a couple times a week. Don't socialize much

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    Studying Actuarial Science. I started it because Actuaries are paid well and there's a lot of projected growth in the coming years. I'd always been pretty good at math and statistics in high school so I thought it would work well. Admittedly part of the reason I chose it was also because I didn't figure I would have to deal with other people so much which is partially true. It seemed pretty convenient, so I just went with it. I like that pay grade tends to increase with more exams that are passed, though I admit sometimes the subject matter isn't too interesting and it can be difficult to study the amount that's required

    What are your values, and why?
    Autonomy is pretty important. I don't want to be controlled and I don't want to control others either. Also respecting personal boundaries. Can't really think of anything else right now

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Sometimes tennis. I like that partially for the fitness and partially because I've been playing for awhile and like feeling competent. Sometimes I just listen to music or read a little bit. Browse the internet for things I'm interested in like socionics. Occasionally I will work out. I play civilization with a friend once a week and play some other games too. I sometimes go through periods where I try out different things like creating rules for a board game or write stories in a notebook but most of the time laziness kicks in and I just perform the activity requiring the least amount of energy, which is listening to music or watching netflix while laying in bed

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I generally like my family. My parents raised me in a good environment, and I get along well with my brothers. I don’t know about friends, I guess it depends on how close you have to be to be considered a friend. I guess it’s people who seem to take a genuine interest in me. I kind of dislike when people push back engagements that were previously made though I guess it’s sometimes legitimate

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I guess I kind of answered this in the previous question, a friend is essentially someone who takes a genuine interest in me. I’m not sure I set the bar too high, if someone talks to me, asks me questions, and wants to hang out with me consistently then they’re a friend. I’m not as sure about romantic relationships as I’ve never actually been in one, but ideally there would be physical attraction and personal compatibility. It would be nice if they were emotionally protective and mentally stimulating too, though I don’t actually have any standards set in stone

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I’m not really sure. I don’t think I get into a lot of conflicts with other people. Sometimes my dad would get a little frustrated while I was growing up because I wasn’t as industrious as he would’ve liked. He seems to have mellowed out a little bit since then

    How would your friends describe you?
    Not sure if they would say much beyond me being quiet. I don’t disclose a lot of information about myself to other people. To be honest I’m not completely sure

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People usually seem to think I’m pretty smart, especially when I was in middle/high school because I would do well in math competitions or tests. I also skipped a grade in math which was pretty rare in my high school. I like that I’m pretty calm and relaxed and am able to figure things out quickly.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Well like I said before I don’t talk a lot, so sometimes people will comment on that. I think there was even someone who compared me to Link, not saying anything. Once someone said I was being aggressive when I answered his question. When I asked him what he meant, he said I wasn’t being very friendly and said I could do something fun like call him amigo or something. I didn’t know how to respond to that

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I’d like to think I can manage most of it on my own, but I would like help in getting connected with other people

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    Socializing can be a bit of a chore. I tend to find that I do best when I’m alone and tend to especially struggle at dealing with strangers. Stuff that’s considered a chore traditionally doesn’t tend to be terrible since they’re so easy I can just think about something else. I do tend to enjoy solitary activities, but I like playing games with people I know

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Career-wise I’ll be an actuary, then save some money. If I get enough money I may retire early. I don’t live for work. As for other goals, I may consider travel to see if there’s somewhere else I want to live. Ideally I would want to do something important in the future as well but I’m not sure what that would be

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    To be perfectly honest, I probably wouldn’t work. Would probably just try to make sure the money is invested in some stocks so that its value increases. If I have more money than I need, I may give the extra to family or to a charitable cause or something to help develop infrastructure in poorer countries. I’d probably mostly just engage in hobbies, maybe try some computer programming and try to make some games or something. I think I’d engage in a lot of leisure activities though

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    Don’t really know how to answer this one.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    The only way that I’ve decorated my room at college is by hanging up a poster on the wall. I do chores when it becomes necessary. It’s not very enjoyable but it’s not like it’s hard

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Usually I don’t interact with them much if I don’t think I’m likely to see them again. I’m not very open with strangers and prefer to limit interaction to what is required. If it’s someone I think I may see I’ll just ask them some generic questions about themselves. I’m not really one to initiate contact with people I don’t know

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    If someone insults me I’ll probably try to ignore them and walk away. A lot of times what people want is a reaction, so I try to deny them that. I try to avoid doing anything that may escalate the conflict. I’ve never had to deal with a physical confrontation, but I’d probably try to avoid it if possible. If I can’t get away for whatever reason then sure I’ll fight back

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    Not sure exactly. One thing I’ve noticed is that often people will overestimate the risk of something negative occurring. Like people overestimating the risk of a Muslim terrorist attack. Some people were afraid for my brother when he was going to Togo, Africa which seemed a bit absurd to me. Or when people are more scared of getting on a plane than riding in a car. It’s completely irrational

    What did you do last Friday?
    If I remember correctly I did some studying for an Actuarial exam and watched Kung Fu Panda 3 on Netflix with my parents after browsing for like 20 minutes. I might have watched some anime on Netflix by myself but I can’t say for sure. I don’t remember anything else though

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I don’t know about biggest. Passing a couple of Actuarial exams was important. I scored high on the PSAT and got a little bit of scholarship money

    What is something you regret?
    I kind of regret flipping some kid off in 6th grade. I started with all my fingers up then counted down until only the middle finger was left. Of course I got in trouble then lied about not knowing what it meant. It’s not something I’m proud of but I was pretty young then. I don’t even remember why I did it in the first place to be honest

    Who do you admire, and why?
    I don’t usually think in terms of role models. I guess I kind of like my grandpa because he’s a nice guy and made lots of friends. Unfortunately he’s at the age where a lot of the people he knew are dying

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Lately I’ve been a little bogged down in apathy. I wish I had a bit more energy and was more willing to go out and do different things

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    I don’t hold any, I see no reason to believe in anything of that nature

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    As far as American politics I suppose I lean slightly liberal though I admit that I don’t follow politics very closely

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    I’ve thought about it and I don’t think I have the work ethic for it. It also seems a little risky. I don’t know what kind of business I would start. Something like a board game company would probably be most interesting to me, but those are almost a dying breed and probably wouldn’t make for a solid business strategy.

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I prefer something somewhat solitary. I look for something that makes money, uses my strengths and that I enjoy doing

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    I tended to like the statistics or probability courses because they’re heavily quantitative and it can be applied to a lot of situations that occur in the world. There was also a computer programming course I took last semester I enjoyed and awhile ago I took a game theory class over the summer that I thought was interesting. A lot of the other kids seemed under the impression that we would be playing a game like Monopoly or something though

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I try not to make any promises or take on obligations that I may not be able to keep. I generally expect others to do more or less the same

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I believe it was to visit my grandparents in Florida. I went to the beach and did some paddleboarding which was probably my favorite part as it allowed me to do something active.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I’m not sure I can say a whole lot has changed since I was a kid. Then again I don’t really remember it all that well. Maybe I’ve gotten moderately more sociable. But maybe not so much

    What was your high school experience like?
    I just kind of went to classes. Occasionally I would be in the same class as people that were on the tennis team with me and I would get along pretty well with them. I didn’t hang out with a ton of people, and I may have given off the impression that I didn’t want to be bothered. I actually overheard some of my brothers friends talking while I was going to sleep about how it seemed like I was someone who could live by myself somewhere, end up with a bunch of money and not spend it. I would kind of prefer not to end up completely alone though

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I’m drawing a blank here

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I’d say so. It seems like there’s less pressure with kids than with adults, and if they’re young they look up to you. At least that’s what happened with my cousins. I wonder if that’s just because I was an older kid though. I’m not sure it would be the same if I were a parent

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Educational development is the most important thing. I would want them to be independent and encourage them to try what they want. I would try to avoid imposing any strict restrictions on them

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yeah, I can get a bit lethargic at times. I think the cause is laziness. Sometimes I will work out to stay in shape or try to find something

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    This one seems a little vague. People live, try to survive, and die. One problem I see is tribalism, which can lead to looking out for your own group at the expense of others. It often seems like some who are very patriotic are quick to ignore the wellbeing of those outside their circle

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    I see two main options here. Either change the approach or change the goal. My approach would vary based on the situation, would probably rely on some kind of cost/benefit analysis of the available options

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    I don’t tend to be interested in leadership, but if I’m the best fit for a leader in the situation then sure I’ll take the role. I just think leadership should go to the person most knowledgeable and with the best decision making capabilities with regards to the particular task that needs to be accomplished

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    I wouldn’t say I get angry very often. Even if I do get angry I’m usually able to control it. I got a little angry when I found out one of our dogs died while I was away at college and I wasn’t told until after the semester because they didn’t want to distract me. I understand the motive but I still don’t think that’s something that should be hidden

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Spring Break started, so I get a break from classes

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    I failed an Actuarial Science exam

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    42. The truth is, I don’t really think there is any particular purpose to life. I guess you could say evolutionarily our purpose is to reproduce and spread our genes throughout the population. I’m not sure I really agree with that necessarily. I’m still trying to figure this out myself. I think it comes down to the experience itself more than accomplishing any one particular thing. And I don’t necessarily think you need a purpose beyond appreciating life

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    I’m having difficulty with this one. I’ve gone to many locations throughout the U.S. and have been to Costa Rica and Puerto Rico on vacation before but I honestly couldn’t tell you what place is most interesting

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    I sort of just wear whatever I have. I don’t spend much time thinking about it, I just try to find a shirt and shorts or sweatpants that don’t completely clash and dress for the weather. I don’t dress formally unless I have to

    Do you like surprises?
    I dunno, sure

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    This is plenty long enough. I think I have a pretty good idea of my type now but I want to check. Thanks for reading and feel free to comment

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    SLI...or, maybe ILI. What's your idea on your type?

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    INTx i think

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    SLI seems like a good bet

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    A cute SLI-Te SP/SX. Need to make my mind up about the enneagram, probably 9w1.



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    I was thinking SLI but I was curious to see if anyone would type me ILI. I think I'm judicious over decisive though

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    I was thinking SLI but I was curious to see if anyone would type me ILI. I think I'm judicious over decisive though
    The dichotomies are largely flawed (especially because of contact subtypes), going after IE comes first.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    The dichotomies are largely flawed (especially because of contact subtypes), going after IE comes first.
    Yeah I think IM elements are most important, I was just using it as shorthand for saying I think I value Si?Ne over Ni/Se

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    Yeah I think IM elements are most important, I was just using it as shorthand for saying I think I value Si?Ne over Ni/Se
    Ahhh gotcha! Yes, this is correct.

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    @AbZero not convinced it's SLI over ILI, but I don't know, not enough info, so I just wanted to add my 2 cents. Reading your questionnaire made me feel like it would be easy to hang out with you with you letting others taking initiative fine (this impression could be wrong but this is where I sensed possible Se seeking). Also I wouldn't swear for the idea that you are delta>gamma. xLI is ok in any case.

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    @Myst Interesting that you also saw the Gamma spirit. I interpreted it that way, sub ---> more production-inclined which is less of a "strong" Delta topic. Isn't initiative as well?
    Last edited by Chae; 06-01-2017 at 11:49 PM.

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    Do some different tests and share your results if you want. Tests provide a much more objective (and therefore reliable) analysis based on the specific required amount of information than the subjective evaluation that some people could do over open questions. That just in case that you are searching for reliability of course.

    About enneagram you seem an evident 5, but only you can speak about your deepest motivations and fears.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-02-2017 at 02:23 AM.

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    I agree with SLI. Unusual to see so much consensus, but it all seems pretty straightforward with you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    @AbZero not convinced it's SLI over ILI, but I don't know, not enough info, so I just wanted to add my 2 cents. Reading your questionnaire made me feel like it would be easy to hang out with you with you letting others taking initiative fine (this impression could be wrong but this is where I sensed possible Se seeking). Also I wouldn't swear for the idea that you are delta>gamma. xLI is ok in any case.
    Actually the truth is I'm not completely convinced myself. I do place a high value on certain Si-related things such as relaxation and comfort but I couldn't care less about other things like aesthetics. Where did I mention others taking initiative? Do you mean the leadership question? Is there anything that would suggest Gamma quadra values? If you have any questions that could clarify this for you, I can answer them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    Do some different tests and share your results if you want. Tests provide a much more objective (and therefore reliable) analysis based on the specific required amount of information than the subjective evaluation that some people could do over open questions. That just in case that you are searching for reliability of course.

    About enneagram you seem an evident 5, but only you can speak about your deepest motivations and fears.
    Well even tests are limited by the fact that the questions still run through the subjective interpretation of the individual (and also give you a limited number of choices which allows for less nuance). That sociotype test that includes the images usually gives the result LII-Ti. Here's a link to another test I took: The top result was SLI but ILI wasn't far behind. The results indicate judicious(peripheral), serious(descending), and democratic(egalitarist) which doesn't match up with any of the quadras.
    Attached Images Attached Images

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    My impression from the questionnaire was SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    @Myst Interesting that you also saw the Gamma spirit. I interpreted it that way, sub ---> more production-inclined which is less of a "strong" Delta topic. Isn't initiative as well?
    I meant Se initiative specifically, I was talking about my own impression of OP as Se ego.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    Actually the truth is I'm not completely convinced myself. I do place a high value on certain Si-related things such as relaxation and comfort but I couldn't care less about other things like aesthetics. Where did I mention others taking initiative? Do you mean the leadership question? Is there anything that would suggest Gamma quadra values? If you have any questions that could clarify this for you, I can answer them.
    I don't mean the leadership question, just a general sense of something from reading your entire questionnaire. And, you just come off as a bit more removed than I'd expect an SLI to be, with that you remind me of the ILI guy I used to know pretty closely, but this is just an impression from the questionnaire, I don't know you.

    All Ip temperament types are pretty relaxed so that on its own doesn't say much.

    Gamma stuff: you seemed to value the independent enterprising spirit and you also seemed somewhat future focused. Tell me if I'm wrong with that.

    Can't exclude SLI from this much obviously and you could be SLI, sure, but in any case I hope this helps.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    Well even tests are limited by the fact that the questions still run through the subjective interpretation of the individual (and also give you a limited number of choices which allows for less nuance). That sociotype test that includes the images usually gives the result LII-Ti. Here's a link to another test I took: The top result was SLI but ILI wasn't far behind. The results indicate judicious(peripheral), serious(descending), and democratic(egalitarist) which doesn't match up with any of the quadras.
    Reinin isn't very good, yeah. I think what's suspicious with this test regarding the ILI option is how your Se was actually low. The overall likelihood of the ILI typing was much higher than it should be for an SLI. And wow, that Fe... I never saw anyone having it that low.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    Well even tests are limited by the fact that the questions still run through the subjective interpretation of the individual (and also give you a limited number of choices which allows for less nuance). That sociotype test that includes the images usually gives the result LII-Ti. Here's a link to another test I took: The top result was SLI but ILI wasn't far behind. The results indicate judicious(peripheral), serious(descending), and democratic(egalitarist) which doesn't match up with any of the quadras.
    That's a pretty bad excuse, actually. All its limited, including our understanding and comprehension, but that doesn't mean that a subjective analysis won't be by fact, always less reliable than an objective one. Of course, only if interested in external structures and reliability of sources (as a Te I suppose you are).

    Tests are created to force YOU to provide certain information that can be analyzed by predetermined measurable and quantifiable patterns. I'm not saying that tests are infallible, I'm saying that tests are objective and based on theory and are created by experts on the matter, things that hardly you'll find in the opinions of ppl, especially in this forum. On the other hand, socionics is not the easiest of the personality theories and it's constructed and implemented through several alternate theories and sometimes even without consensus over definitions.

    On the other hand, if you want to get more "reliable opinions", dismiss opinions based primarily on Feelings and Intuition, since these functions don't work with factual information, reality or observation, but abstractions and possibilities. Obviously the ideal is always the opinion of an expert (and an expert will probably make you do a test), but we don't have an expert at hand, so If you want a much more objective view based not merely on possibilities, tangents and assumptions but, reality, then appeal to Sensor and Thinkers... and here appear also some problems:

    Ti lacks of synthesis and get troubled by big amounts of external information, which often results on trouble in providing an analysis based on global view.But they are good in specific information and pin pointing specifics.

    Te is more or less the opposite. Te would provide a general analysis of global external information but don't expect too much attention to specifics.

    Se provide observation of generalities and factual global view, and its good in describing reality. But can become impulsive in its assessments, and will seek for imposition more than mere evaluations.

    Si will observe the details but will always strive for economy. Don't expect too much attention to your observable particularities or an huge effort when there are a more easiest, handy and reliable ways and tools for doing the work than us.

    If you consistently score LII then probably you are LII. If SLI (and not only in aimtoknow test but others as well), then its SLI, you should know. As long as I see, the link and the pics that you attached several times, are all the same result of the same attempt.

    Here more options:

    Finally my naughty opinion:

    When reading your stuff I thought that you could be LII (no joke), since I don't see too much Sensory valuing more than being lazy and we all know that everyone (no matter the type) can enjoy leisure. Also, the fact that your responses seemed particularly and conveniently projected towards SLI, extremely well fitted in some cliches, almost unnatural (to someone with your functions results, I've almost the same results so noi), and the consensus just shows the prey eating the bait , and the Ti Se users, naturally, notices the detail but eat it anyway, .

    Obviously, its pretty easy and usual to consciously or subconsciously trying to project certain image about ourselves without being influenced by your previous knowledge. Thats another reason why open questionnaires are less reliable compared to an 80 questions test that make you think deeply and objectively on your real preferences over your self projection. So actually why I think that you could indeed be an SLI its not for this questionnaire but for previous occasions that I've seen when you were talking with someone about her type (pretty clever moves btw, I'm usually less subtle, and good observational skills on details, I've only seen them on other SLIs as well).

    Anyway, I share my scores that are more or less similar as yours so you can compare:

    Attachment 10618Attachment 10628

    The other tests should help you too.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-21-2017 at 12:59 AM.

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    Not quoting the person above, so they don't have to read this. So, with that disclaimer out of the way, commenting on bits in general:

    "Ti lacks of synthesis and get troubled by big amounts of external information, which often results on trouble in providing an analysis based on global view."

    When I have covered everything for building a system and thus ave a good understanding, I have no problem providing such an analysis.

    "the Ti Se users, naturally, notices the detail but eat it anyway"

    I personally said I see ILI a bit more than SLI...

    But that test posted now is very interesting. That's one point towards SLI for OP.

    With this, I'm out of this thread, I won't have time for getting deep in typing, sorry.

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    I think SLIs can be pretty good at bit more technical version of aesthetics. Let's say font design, layouts or even circuit diagrams (yes, there are people who judge them how good it looks) etc.
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    Quote Originally Posted by unsuccessfull Alphamale View Post
    I think SLIs can be pretty good at bit more technical version of aesthetics. Let's say font design, layouts or even circuit diagrams (yes, there are people who judge them how good it looks) etc.
    Crafting design essentially yes

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slugabed View Post
    That's a pretty bad excuse, actually. All its limited, including our understanding and comprehension, but that doesn't mean that a subjective analysis won't be by fact, always less reliable than an objective one. Of course, only if interested in external structures and reliability of sources (as a Te I suppose you are).

    Tests are created to force YOU to provide certain information that can be analyzed by predetermined measurable and quantifiable patterns. I'm not saying that tests are infallible, I'm saying that tests are objective and based on theory and are created by experts on the matter, things that hardly you'll find in the opinions of ppl, especially in this forum. On the other hand, socionics is not the easiest of the personality theories and it's constructed and implemented through several alternate theories and sometimes even without consensus over definitions.

    On the other hand, if you want to get more "reliable opinions", dismiss opinions based primarily on Feelings and Intuition, since these functions don't work with factual information, reality or observation, but abstractions and possibilities. Obviously the ideal is always the opinion of an expert (and an expert will probably make you do a test), but we don't have an expert at hand, so If you want a much more objective view based not merely on possibilities, tangents and assumptions but, reality, then appeal to Sensor and Thinkers... and here appear also some problems:

    Ti lacks of synthesis and get troubled by big amounts of external information, which often results on trouble in providing an analysis based on global view.But they are good in specific information and pin pointing specifics.

    Te is more or less the opposite. Te would provide a general analysis of global external information but don't expect too much attention to specifics.

    Se provide observation of generalities and factual global view, and its good in describing reality. But can become impulsive in its assessments, and will seek for imposition more than mere evaluations.

    Si will observe the details but will always strive for economy. Don't expect too much attention to your observable particularities or an huge effort when there are a more easiest, handy and reliable ways and tools for doing the work than us.

    If you consistently score LII then probably you are LII. If SLI (and not only in aimtoknow test but others as well), then its SLI, you should know. As long as I see, the link and the pics that you attached several times, are all the same result of the same attempt.

    Here more options:

    Finally my naughty opinion:

    When reading your stuff I thought that you could be LII (no joke), since I don't see too much Sensory valuing more than being lazy and we all know that everyone (no matter the type) can enjoy leisure. Also, the fact that your responses seemed particularly and conveniently projected towards SLI, extremely well fitted in some cliches, almost unnatural (to someone with your functions results, I've almost the same results so noi), and the consensus just shows the prey eating the bait , and the Ti Se users, naturally, notices the detail but eat it anyway, .

    Obviously, its pretty easy and usual to consciously or subconsciously trying to project certain image about ourselves without being influenced by your previous knowledge. Thats another reason why open questionnaires are less reliable compared to an 80 questions test that make you think deeply and objectively on your real preferences over your self projection. So actually why I think that you could indeed be an SLI its not for this questionnaire but for previous occasions that I've seen when you were talking with Delilah about her type (pretty clever moves btw, I'm usually less subtle, and good observational skills on details, I've only seen them on other SLIs as well).

    Anyway, I share my scores that are more or less similar as yours so you can compare:

    Attachment 10618Attachment 10628

    The other tests should help you too.
    I agree tests give something more objective to go by but I would hardly say a multiple choice test makes you think harder about your type than a questionnaire. You will note that above I didn't say tests weren't useful, I was just stating some limitations. I would say the quality of tests is more important than the quantity. In any case on those tests I got(in order):
    LII (looking at the recent test results it seems to be biased towards giving an intuitive type)
    ILI (intuition and sensing were pretty close I suppose)
    SLI (6-11 on rationality-irrationality, 4-13 on extroversion-introversion, 9-8 on sensing-intuition, 16-1 on logic-ethics)

    I don't know if any of those tests are particularly accurate but maybe you'll get something from it.

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    @Cassandra and @Cosmic Teapot, any ideas? Maybe also the ILI experts @Resonare, @Daddy Lessons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    @Cassandra and @Cosmic Teapot, any ideas? Maybe also the ILI experts @Resonare, @Daddy Lessons.
    I was summoned to share my humble opinion...and I have none. I don't have the time to read trough all of that.
    I'm sure Cass and the others will be more constructive.

    @AbZero, In case you feel confident in typing other people, especially the people close to you, it's a good idea to examine what qualities you like about them. What problems in your life makes you seek their council? What about their behavior irritates you?

    My SLI friend gets irritated by ESE's and EIE (duh). But more by the EIE because he isn't concerned about hygiene (bad breath and so on. But not all EIE's of course!!). She tries to point that out to him.However, since he doesn't appreciate that kind of "help" they both dislike each other. What she hates most about him, is his scheming (Ni), manipulating people and making unnessecary drama.

    The SLI recently got insanely interested in philosophy but she doesn't know where to start or where to find good resources. She needs an IEE like Chae to come up with a lot of different topics, people and concepts to investigate.
    SLI's are a bit like cats imo. They are attentive to cleanliness, even when they look like slobs for a day. They love comfort and will provide that for their guests without making a fuss about it. They are rather subtitle like offering tea and then somehow cookies appear. It doesn't mean that they're proper 24/7 but they do focus on the dusty floor, or the smell of clothes and, when they care, won't hesitate to tell you when you stink, lol.

    In Stratiyevskaya's description of conflict relations between ESE and ILI, on her blog (it's all Russian), she describes that one of the things the ESE hates about ILI is his tendency to play with people like puppets or chess pieces on a board.
    I've never seen my SLI do anything like that. Obviously I can't read her thoughts but she isn't interested in long-range planning. She's more "spontaneous" and when I dated an IEE, that spontaneity was exactly what he searched for (I got a rebuff from him. I'll die alone).
    I think if you have thought processes that involve planning and manipulation, there is a high chance that you value Ni and that you're ILI.
    Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 06-07-2017 at 08:46 PM. Reason: pardon my horrible Engllish

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    Please share some ILI insights with us @Food

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic Teapot View Post
    I was summoned to share my humble opinion...and I have none. I don't have the time to read trough all of that.
    I'm sure Cass and the others will be more constructive.

    @AbZero, In case you feel confident in typing other people, especially the people close to you, it's a good idea to examine what qualities you like about them. What problems in your life makes you seek their council? What about their behavior irritates you?

    My SLI friend gets irritated by ESE's and EIE (duh). But more by the EIE because he isn't concerned about hygiene (bad breath and so on. But not all EIE's of course!!). She tries to point that out to him.However, since he doesn't appreciate that kind of "help" they both dislike each other. What she hates most about him, is his scheming (Ni), manipulating people and making unnessecary drama.

    The SLI recently got insanely interested in philosophy but she doesn't know where to start or where to find good resources. She needs an IEE like Chae to come up with a lot of different topics, people and concepts to investigate.
    SLI's are a bit like cats imo. They are attentive to cleanliness, even when they look like slobs for a day. They love comfort and will provide that for their guests without making a fuss about it. They are rather subtitle like offering tea and then somehow cookies appear. It doesn't mean that they're proper 24/7 but they do focus on the dusty floor, or the smell of clothes and, when they care, won't hesitate to tell you when you stink, lol.

    In Stratiyevskaya's description of conflict relations between ESE and ILI, on her blog (it's all Russian), she describes that one of the things the ESE hates about ILI is his tendency to play with people like puppets or chess pieces on a board.
    I've never seen my SLI do anything like that. Obviously I can't read her thoughts but she isn't interested in long-range planning. She's more "spontaneous" and when I dated an IEE, that spontaneity was exactly what he searched for (I got a rebuff from him. I'll die alone).
    I think if you have thought processes that involve planning and manipulation, there is a high chance that you value Ni and that you're ILI.
    You're already constructive, don't worry Thank you for sharing your explanations here.

    Yes about showing attention to taking care of oneself in contrast to being sort of a master of puppets with a plan. SLI: do your best right now - ILI: do your best for the future.

    Ohh nooo ;~~~; His loss, though! Rebuffs can be useful in knowing who's right for you, mutually, the benefits will still show. Be confident in even dying alone, that's how you came into the world already. Independence is attractive to good people. You have many years to come so hehe, some opportunity will arise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    You're already constructive, don't worry Thank you for sharing your explanations here.

    Yes about showing attention to taking care of oneself in contrast to being sort of a master of puppets with a plan. SLI: do your best right now - ILI: do your best for the future.

    Ohh nooo ;~~~; His loss, though! Rebuffs can be useful in knowing who's right for you, mutually, the benefits will still show. Be confident in even dying alone, that's how you came into the world already. Independence is attractive to good people. You have many years to come so hehe, some opportunity will arise.
    That's very sweet of you, Chae.
    He's a great guy and will find someone who's better for him
    Yeah and I'll just be my usual self

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    Not enough info, but I think there might be a democratic undertone in the questionnaire.

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    @Cosmic Teapot Thank you for the mention, however I do not believe I have any useful insights. I'm not confident enough in my understanding of socionics to type someone with confidence. I can identify excerpts from the questionnaire which differ significantly from how I would answer, but I'm not sure how useful it will be for typing. It could be enneagram related, or I could be incorrect in my ILI self-typing.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What are your values, and why?
    Autonomy is pretty important. I don't want to be controlled and I don't want to control others either.
    I generally don't mind being controlled. In fact, I tend to find it endearing and complimentary when someone wants to control me. I definitely wouldn't have listed autonomy first on my list of values.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I guess I kind of answered this in the previous question, a friend is essentially someone who takes a genuine interest in me. I’m not sure I set the bar too high, if someone talks to me, asks me questions, and wants to hang out with me consistently then they’re a friend. I’m not as sure about romantic relationships as I’ve never actually been in one, but ideally there would be physical attraction and personal compatibility. It would be nice if they were emotionally protective and mentally stimulating too, though I don’t actually have any standards set in stone
    I have a higher standard of friendship.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I’m not really sure. I don’t think I get into a lot of conflicts with other people.
    I conflict with a fair amount of people. The general stated reasons are that I'm not affectionate, I'm self-absorbed, and that I do nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People usually seem to think I’m pretty smart, especially when I was in middle/high school because I would do well in math competitions or tests. I also skipped a grade in math which was pretty rare in my high school. I like that I’m pretty calm and relaxed and am able to figure things out quickly.
    I did horribly in school, but most people who know me do describe me as intelligent.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Career-wise I’ll be an actuary, then save some money. If I get enough money I may retire early. I don’t live for work. As for other goals, I may consider travel to see if there’s somewhere else I want to live. Ideally I would want to do something important in the future as well but I’m not sure what that would be
    I'm probably more materialistic. This may be instinct related.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    Not sure exactly. One thing I’ve noticed is that often people will overestimate the risk of something negative occurring. Like people overestimating the risk of a Muslim terrorist attack. Some people were afraid for my brother when he was going to Togo, Africa which seemed a bit absurd to me. Or when people are more scared of getting on a plane than riding in a car. It’s completely irrational.
    I'm the opposite. I'm the neurotic who will overestimate the risks of negative things occurring. I will harp on the potential ways that things can go wrong, even if I understand that the chances of something going wrong are very low. As I construct this post, I'm catastrophizing about the many ways it could all go wrong. This may be enneagram related.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What is something you regret?
    I kind of regret flipping some kid off in 6th grade. I started with all my fingers up then counted down until only the middle finger was left. Of course I got in trouble then lied about not knowing what it meant. It’s not something I’m proud of but I was pretty young then. I don’t even remember why I did it in the first place to be honest
    I have more serious, nagging regrets.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I’m not sure I can say a whole lot has changed since I was a kid. Then again I don’t really remember it all that well. Maybe I’ve gotten moderately more sociable. But maybe not so much
    I have changed greatly since I was a kid.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What was your high school experience like?
    I just kind of went to classes. Occasionally I would be in the same class as people that were on the tennis team with me and I would get along pretty well with them. I didn’t hang out with a ton of people, and I may have given off the impression that I didn’t want to be bothered. I actually overheard some of my brothers friends talking while I was going to sleep about how it seemed like I was someone who could live by myself somewhere, end up with a bunch of money and not spend it. I would kind of prefer not to end up completely alone though
    I had a significantly worse high school experience, though this is probably more related to circumstance.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I’m drawing a blank here
    I would not draw a blank here.

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    This one seems a little vague. People live, try to survive, and die. One problem I see is tribalism, which can lead to looking out for your own group at the expense of others. It often seems like some who are very patriotic are quick to ignore the wellbeing of those outside their circle
    I'm probably more tribalistic, though I'm not patriotic.

    Other than that, I basically relate to everything else, especially the inertia and lack of socialization. I will say that this person seems to most likely be a 1D Fe type and an irrational type (irrational in socionic terms, not actually irrational).

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    @Resonare Ok cool, what statement(s) made you think so? Or just a feeling?

    @Food Great that's already super helpful, you were more confident in evaluating these than you said at the beginning also, don't worry Why would you value talking about significant events in the second last question?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    @Food Great that's already super helpful, you were more confident in evaluating these than you said at the beginning also, don't worry Why would you value talking about significant events in the second last question?
    I wouldn't draw a blank there because I have a very good long term memory. I remember in great detail how I felt and what was going on during many seemingly inconsequential moments going all the way back to when I was about four years old. I value talking about significant life events with friends that I trust, because I believe that significant life events greatly influenced the person I am today, and I would like them to have a better understanding of who I am. I believe that understanding your past and how it influences your present behavior is essential in understanding the self and maximizing quality of life in the future. Self-knowledge is something I greatly value. In my head I have a clear timeline of my life and how events have influenced who I am.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    I wouldn't draw a blank there because I have a very good long term memory. I remember in great detail how I felt and what was going on during many seemingly inconsequential moments going all the way back to when I was about four years old. I value talking about significant life events with friends that I trust, because I believe that significant life events greatly influenced the person I am today, and I would like them to have a better understanding of who I am. I believe that understanding your past and how it influences your present behavior is essential in understanding the self and maximizing quality of life in the future. Self-knowledge is something I greatly value. In my head I have a clear timeline of my life and how events have influenced who I am.
    Thanks for elaborating, this is a very precise benchmark of base right here. You seem to work with purpose a lot internally, do you have a similar approach like this, do you disagree, or does it go beyond that:

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero
    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    42. The truth is, I don’t really think there is any particular purpose to life. I guess you could say evolutionarily our purpose is to reproduce and spread our genes throughout the population. I’m not sure I really agree with that necessarily. I’m still trying to figure this out myself. I think it comes down to the experience itself more than accomplishing any one particular thing. And I don’t necessarily think you need a purpose beyond appreciating life.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Thanks for elaborating, this is a very precise benchmark of base right here. You seem to work with purpose a lot internally, do you have a similar approach like this, do you disagree, or does it go beyond that:
    That's strong Ni only if it's all seen in terms of a meta narrative. I could have written many of his lines on this myself (with a slightly different emphasis overall though) and I'm not strong in Ni, only in Si. Si would not see it in terms of the meta stuff but just sees it by sensing directly the influences of the events.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    That's strong Ni only if it's all seen in terms of a meta narrative. I could have written many of his lines on this myself (with a slightly different emphasis overall though) and I'm not strong in Ni, only in Si. Si would not see it in terms of the meta stuff but just sees it by sensing directly the influences of the events.
    Meta narrative heheee

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Thanks for elaborating, this is a very precise benchmark of base right here. You seem to work with purpose a lot internally, do you have a similar approach like this, do you disagree, or does it go beyond that:
    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

    42. The truth is, I don’t really think there is any particular purpose to life. I guess you could say evolutionarily our purpose is to reproduce and spread our genes throughout the population. I’m not sure I really agree with that necessarily. I’m still trying to figure this out myself. I think it comes down to the experience itself more than accomplishing any one particular thing. And I don’t necessarily think you need a purpose beyond appreciating life.
    I essentially agree with it. I don't believe in the existence of an external, objective purpose. I believe that purpose is a uniquely human, subjective phenomenon. If someone perceives their purpose to be social Darwinian reproduction, and they derive meaning from that, then that is their purpose. You could say that non-human animals follow a purpose to survive and reproduce, but they don't perceive it as purpose. They don't possess brains capable of understanding meaning. They're driven by instinct, not purpose. Some animals are highly intelligent, such as the African grey parrot, but I don't believe any non-human animal is intelligent enough to understand or derive meaning from purpose.

    I think I disagree with this part:

    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    I think it comes down to the experience itself more than accomplishing any one particular thing. And I don’t necessarily think you need a purpose beyond appreciating life.
    I believe that depends on the individual. Personally, I know what would bring me happiness and contentedness in the long term, and I understand the steps necessary to make it happen. I lack the willpower, determination, and confidence to climb those steps. For me, the journey is a struggle that I must overcome to reach my goal. That's pretty much my purpose.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Food View Post
    I essentially agree with it. I don't believe in the existence of an external, objective purpose. I believe that purpose is a uniquely human, subjective phenomenon. If someone perceives their purpose to be social Darwinian reproduction, and they derive meaning from that, then that is their purpose. You could say that non-human animals follow a purpose to survive and reproduce, but they don't perceive it as purpose. They don't possess brains capable of understanding meaning. They're driven by instinct, not purpose. Some animals are highly intelligent, such as the African grey parrot, but I don't believe any non-human animal is intelligent enough to understand or derive meaning from purpose.

    I think I disagree with this part:

    I believe that depends on the individual. Personally, I know what would bring me happiness and contentedness in the long term, and I understand the steps necessary to make it happen. I lack the willpower, determination, and confidence to climb those steps. For me, the journey is a struggle that I must overcome to reach my goal. That's pretty much my purpose.
    Yeah, emphasis on non-objective so you know the element is introverted.

    suggestive in the last paragraph, hence the difference is that you rather refer to the objective accomplishment but one's own path.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
    I agree tests give something more objective to go by but I would hardly say a multiple choice test makes you think harder about your type than a questionnaire. You will note that above I didn't say tests weren't useful, I was just stating some limitations. I would say the quality of tests is more important than the quantity. In any case on those tests I got(in order):
    LII (looking at the recent test results it seems to be biased towards giving an intuitive type)
    ILI (intuition and sensing were pretty close I suppose)
    SLI (6-11 on rationality-irrationality, 4-13 on extroversion-introversion, 9-8 on sensing-intuition, 16-1 on logic-ethics)
    I didn't say that you said that tests weren't useful, if you notice. I was just explaining my point as you did too.
    On a questionnaire typically one would just share what one wants to show, to think on real preferences to define a personality type we need to be forced to choose and be aimed in the right direction.

    I think that almost all the tests are based on the same characteristics (functions, dichotomies, personality descriptions), so quantity provides a good margin to know if a result or option is correct. And you know that "science" its made of systematic observation of repeated events (of course this is socionics and most personality theories are unscientific, but guess you get the point).

    On the other hand, why do you think that the first one ( test) is biased? I score SLI. The same with the test.

    I don't know if any of those tests are particularly accurate but maybe you'll get something from it.
    I get (rather you get) that you score more times Intuitive than Sensor.

    Anyway, I think that the best way of selftyping would be through these:

    1. Tests.
    2. Comparison of the type descriptions and functions (and dimensions) with yourself (Vera Stratiyevskaya for functions and Beskova, Gulenko and Eleanor Berdutina are the most accurately realist descriptions, imo). Also you can compare your relationships, but on that case you'll need to being able to accurately type others or doing tests to them. (there are no videos for intx :(

    3. Meeting and observing persons of the different types (still, its a little bit hard in this site since a lot intentionally use wrong typings, don't show their types and others are really mistyped or confused about their types). So I'd say that the 2 first options are better for socionics.

    Hope that helps.
    Last edited by Faith; 06-21-2017 at 01:01 AM.

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