@Cosmic Teapot Thank you for the mention, however I do not believe I have any useful insights. I'm not confident enough in my understanding of socionics to type someone with confidence. I can identify excerpts from the questionnaire which differ significantly from how I would answer, but I'm not sure how useful it will be for typing. It could be enneagram related, or I could be incorrect in my ILI self-typing.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What are your values, and why?
Autonomy is pretty important. I don't want to be controlled and I don't want to control others either.
I generally don't mind being controlled. In fact, I tend to find it endearing and complimentary when someone wants to control me. I definitely wouldn't have listed autonomy first on my list of values.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
I guess I kind of answered this in the previous question, a friend is essentially someone who takes a genuine interest in me. I’m not sure I set the bar too high, if someone talks to me, asks me questions, and wants to hang out with me consistently then they’re a friend. I’m not as sure about romantic relationships as I’ve never actually been in one, but ideally there would be physical attraction and personal compatibility. It would be nice if they were emotionally protective and mentally stimulating too, though I don’t actually have any standards set in stone
I have a higher standard of friendship.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
I’m not really sure. I don’t think I get into a lot of conflicts with other people.
I conflict with a fair amount of people. The general stated reasons are that I'm not affectionate, I'm self-absorbed, and that I do nothing.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
People usually seem to think I’m pretty smart, especially when I was in middle/high school because I would do well in math competitions or tests. I also skipped a grade in math which was pretty rare in my high school. I like that I’m pretty calm and relaxed and am able to figure things out quickly.
I did horribly in school, but most people who know me do describe me as intelligent.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
Career-wise I’ll be an actuary, then save some money. If I get enough money I may retire early. I don’t live for work. As for other goals, I may consider travel to see if there’s somewhere else I want to live. Ideally I would want to do something important in the future as well but I’m not sure what that would be
I'm probably more materialistic. This may be instinct related.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
Not sure exactly. One thing I’ve noticed is that often people will overestimate the risk of something negative occurring. Like people overestimating the risk of a Muslim terrorist attack. Some people were afraid for my brother when he was going to Togo, Africa which seemed a bit absurd to me. Or when people are more scared of getting on a plane than riding in a car. It’s completely irrational.
I'm the opposite. I'm the neurotic who will overestimate the risks of negative things occurring. I will harp on the potential ways that things can go wrong, even if I understand that the chances of something going wrong are very low. As I construct this post, I'm catastrophizing about the many ways it could all go wrong. This may be enneagram related.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What is something you regret?
I kind of regret flipping some kid off in 6th grade. I started with all my fingers up then counted down until only the middle finger was left. Of course I got in trouble then lied about not knowing what it meant. It’s not something I’m proud of but I was pretty young then. I don’t even remember why I did it in the first place to be honest
I have more serious, nagging regrets.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
I’m not sure I can say a whole lot has changed since I was a kid. Then again I don’t really remember it all that well. Maybe I’ve gotten moderately more sociable. But maybe not so much
I have changed greatly since I was a kid.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
What was your high school experience like?
I just kind of went to classes. Occasionally I would be in the same class as people that were on the tennis team with me and I would get along pretty well with them. I didn’t hang out with a ton of people, and I may have given off the impression that I didn’t want to be bothered. I actually overheard some of my brothers friends talking while I was going to sleep about how it seemed like I was someone who could live by myself somewhere, end up with a bunch of money and not spend it. I would kind of prefer not to end up completely alone though
I had a significantly worse high school experience, though this is probably more related to circumstance.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
Talk about a significant event from your life.
I’m drawing a blank here
I would not draw a blank here.

Quote Originally Posted by AbZero View Post
How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
This one seems a little vague. People live, try to survive, and die. One problem I see is tribalism, which can lead to looking out for your own group at the expense of others. It often seems like some who are very patriotic are quick to ignore the wellbeing of those outside their circle
I'm probably more tribalistic, though I'm not patriotic.

Other than that, I basically relate to everything else, especially the inertia and lack of socialization. I will say that this person seems to most likely be a 1D Fe type and an irrational type (irrational in socionic terms, not actually irrational).