@Singu Speaking from a cultural standpoint the "Japanese" (along with most every other "East Asian" culture) are basically all about "not rocking the boat" as it were. On the other hand, Western Culture is all about rocking said boat. Think about it (if you're a Westerner). Who are *our* heroes? Jesus? Dude told the moneychangers and the Pharisees (i.e. the ruling class in his society) in no uncertain terms to go fuck themselves. Socrates? Drank that hemlock because of basic principle (should have tried to spark a revolt IMO but hey, I'm not him even as my type). Leonidas? 300 men vs. a whole army? We got this! Point is, here in the West we've made a habit of lauding those who told their detractors that they're wrong. Far as we're concerned in our culture it was the abrasive people screaming "Fuck You!" that attained the greatest level of success. Why be agreeable? Jesus didn't agree, Socrates didn't depart from his principles to save his life, Leonidas went out swinging...

Culture matters, and in these things that's something people tend to forget. So do people BTW. Bet things would look very different of ol' Nobunaga had managed to not die like he did. California would've become Japan's equivalent to what Canada is to the British. Just putting it all out there in the hopes of sparking more interesting thoughts...