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Thread: INFjs, blood, gore, and violence

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    I was looking for the bio of T. Dreiser (I had no idea about him and his works) and just to support the ideas on Fi I expressed above, here's what wikipedia says about him: "His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency." And even his life was far from the idealized holiness often mistyped for Fi.

  2. #2

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    Quote Originally Posted by ooo View Post
    I was looking for the bio of T. Dreiser (I had no idea about him and his works) and just to support the ideas on Fi I expressed above, here's what wikipedia says about him: "His novels often featured main characters who succeeded at their objectives despite a lack of a firm moral code, and literary situations that more closely resemble studies of nature than tales of choice and agency." And even his life was far from the idealized holiness often mistyped for Fi.
    (quoting this because it's much shorter than the stuff above)
    Wow, yes, overreactions like what you describe are really grating to me, and the people who do it are usually annoying.
    I personally don't like purposeless violence or gore. I don't like Game of Thrones or Vikings-- yet, Penny Dreadful was and still is one of my favourite shows of all times and it has plenty of guts and glory. With the former, it feels like gore is simply there for the shock factor, whereas with Penny Dreadful, all of the horrors the characters endured were fleeting agents of despair; darkness with a direction.

    I was watching Gerald's Game with a few classmates one week ago. This was the first movie that actually made me go pale, even paler than I already am, and nauseous. I had to go out and fill my head with shiny happy people's stuffs just to even momentarily erase the thought of whole pockets of skin getting torn away as Jessie tried liberating herself from the cuffs. That, was too much. Maybe the psychological aspect of it was what contributed to me seeing everything as so repulsive, too.
    I was also pretty sick when I read the book-- I remember almost throwing up as I read about Gerald's corpse being devoured by a stray dog within the span of three. Detailed. Pages.
    I also can't stand gore that involves the eyeballs. No, not in a million years, no.

    And I see where you're coming from with the Fi bit but I'll have to ruminate on that for a bit longer.
    You pass the exam, Lady Ooo
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    Clarice Lispector

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