Well this is one of the biggest debates going on between people and I wonder how other LIEs view it and what do ESIs think about the LIE view on it.
I have never been able to make sense of the SLE or EIE view on this subject, alongside LSI. EIEs for example seem to care the most about prestige, LSIs seem to like that, SLEs seem to like expensive cars for their speed and power. EIE women i know also love buying expensive shiny clothing and things, which LSI also approves of. SEIs like expensive things for their home decoration similar to SLIs who also pay alot for their clothing and things.
My IEE friend buys huge cars and likes to impress people as a doctor and his SLI wife approves of it.
On the other hand the ILI doesn't seem to give a shit about luxury and can only speak to his computer while SEE is somehow materialist which the ILI doesn't care about much either!
How does this algorithm work??
But I can't say all betas are materialists and all gammas are not can I?
With me as LIE it has never been about money for the sake of money and I have never viewed success as having money. My LSI father always said as a rule, life is all about money, everything is money, and even though his extreme Ti would make sense in its own way, it still is not the way I naturally think.
To me anyone who has a worthy idea in this short life is a successful person and of course the definition of a "worthy" idea is wether it is useful or not, wether it helps and makes changes for better, or not.
I have no interest in luxury cars or big houses, I would pay more for a car that is environment friendly and useful, but I am not interested in impressing people with my posessions. I much prefer living a small cozy house to a castle. I would not pay for anything golden or any special brand of clothing. ESI seems to despise materialism. But I read in their duality description that their duality based on material benefit, how does this work?
[I will probably add some more later]