Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
If it looks like a duck, squaks like a duck...it might well be a duck. How many INTJ professional poiliticians do you know?
Are you implying that every professional politician is ESFp or similar? Sheer nonsense, although I would agree that ESFps are probably over-represented in that profession.

As for INTj politicians, I can easily list two:

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa

And Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi, who's probably an INFj but might also be INTj; anyway very different from ESFp.
Actually I have met Prodi and he is ENTP. Merkel is ISTJ IMO. Mbeki could well be INTJ.

Again though, Prodi is an Economist, Mbeki some sort of intellectual, not sure about Merkel.

Its' not the fact that he is a politician that makes me think ghe is ESFP, but the way he speaks, his mentality makes me think ESFP. Each type is capable of making a living as a politician but they would speak diffrenetly, reflecting their types, within the confines of the profession.

As I say in my other post: look how stupid the comments of the ESFJ PM of Hungary have turned out to be. He meant them to gain favour with the people but in fact he turned them against himself, and quite violently.

Look at Robesperrie, the quintessential unfortunate politician: he was beheaded in the very device that he created by the same people that he brought to power.