So I haven't really made another one of these things. Mostly cause anytime earlier it would've been a forgone conclusion. And may very well still be a forgone conclusion! But Type Me threads are all the rage these days, and I'm nothing if not a sucker for the trends and fashions. So! I'll start first with a few things that complicate my EII typing as my EII typing will for sure be the first major focus of anyone responding here.

  • Not all that conflict avoidant
  • Very and even kinda aggressively competitive if my sports days are any indication
  • Gets annoyed by groups waffling and will take initiative if that's what it takes to get things done right
  • Not really bothered by most things that don't involve someone getting punched in the face
  • just very accepting of people in general

I'm sure there's a list of complications for IEI typing too but why should I do all the work? That's what the thread's for! But I'll assist. Here's a video I made.