Socionic type

Don Quixote (Intuitive-logical extravert, ILE) Basic dichotomies Rationality 7 - Irrationality 10 Extraversion 9 - Introversion 8 Sensory 3 - Intuition 14 Logic 9 - Ethics 8

Description author - psychologist Elena Zamanskaya

Dons are completely unusual representatives of socion, endowed by nature with great intelligence and ingenuity, restless character and a great interest in how life works.

In the world, they feel like a fish in water and are ready to endlessly learn about various phenomena, getting to the very bottom - to those general mechanisms that underlie the nature of things and phenomena.

Perceiving the world as a treasury of various kinds of information, Dons are able to comprehend the patterns of any phenomena and their interconnection. It gives them great pleasure not only to explore how the world works, but also to imagine what it will be like in the future - with the power of their thoughts, Dona is able to overcome not only distance, but also time.

The Dons' extraversion manifests itself in the ability to think in global categories, in the ability to figure out how to change the world in the interests of the human mind and development.

Intuition allows them to be flexible, to see a lot of opportunities and alternatives for development, and creative structural logic helps to think both paradoxically and objectively.

Whoever Don is by the nature of his activity, he constantly learns the world, being carried away by a bunch of strangers and seemingly opposite things. Although it is precisely the spread of interests that gives them the opportunity to learn such information about the world that cannot be obtained with a standard education. The incredible diversity of the surrounding world inspires inspiration in the Dons, a desire to generate new ideas. The joy of being is expressed in the realized need to explore, in the constant switching from one task to another.

But with the implementation of their ideas in life, Dona experience certain difficulties. It is difficult for them to break away from the constant process of mental activity. They are also repelled by routine, painstaking finishing of a beautiful concept or fine-tuning of a scheme. What is already known does not inspire as much as something that is still unknown to them. And in the worst case, Don's life is burdened by an endless series of unfulfilled tasks and unrealized plans. Despite this, the Dons, being carefree and cheerful people, rarely get discouraged, hoping for the best in the future, or resting in fantasies, intellectual discussions and hobbies.

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The most difficult area of ​​life for Don is human relationships. In this area, they often get trapped, putting others in an awkward position by not observing the generally accepted conventions of communication.

Dons are extremely independent people who value freedom, perceive life as an adventure, not afraid of ups and downs, so the stability of family relationships often seems too frightening to them. And the experience of a broken heart makes you lick your wounds for a long time, deprives you of the usual trust in the world and peace of mind. In addition, the Dons, seeing the abilities of people remarkably, do not see the attitude of people towards themselves. And because of this, they either fall into idealism, loving all of humanity, and in a partner seeing a wonderful ideal that suddenly collapses at one moment. Or, having made a mistake in a partner, they pull the strap of the relationship out of a sense of duty, more and more freezing their feelings.

Dons need a partner who will accept all of their so large and logically chaotic world, who will not be horrified by sudden impulses, testing the relationship for strength. In such a person who will open to them a whole world of wonderful feelings, the perception of subtle sensations, will take responsibility for the relationship on himself, will be kind, unobtrusive, and will value freedom no less than Don himself, he will be able to find not only a close soulmate and an attractive sexually attractive partner, but also an associate, ally, inspirer and faithful accomplice in all his fun, games and ventures.

There is another area of ​​life that the Dons dream of freeing themselves from. This is everything related to the organization of life, health, cleanliness of clothes, neat hairstyles, and the like. And they are waiting for a person who will share with them their ability to directly perceive the sensory aspects of being and take care of themselves. It is also important that such a person can teach Don to rest, relax, gaining strength for a future active and full of bright events life. After all, Don, as an addicted nature, can forget about rest and sleep, he can not notice the accumulated fatigue, and can only be surprised at the apathy that has come from nowhere. Inertia, a decline in life activity will help him overcome good support, funny jokes, and, of course, some new hobby.

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Until the end of life, a child lives in every Don, especially in a creative and happy Don. As a child, little Don gives a lot of trouble to others. This is endlessly asking questions, arguing and inventing something dreamer. But besides the hassle, it also brings great joy. Playful, addicted, arguing and joker, Don is often the center of the company, the initiator of games and adventures.

At school, when teachers try to teach discipline and painstaking homework, Don begins to desperately get bored and therefore naughty even more. Many Dons are too direct for our school and therefore often become a real punishment for teachers. In addition, they literally grasp educational material on the fly, overtaking others, and patient waiting is not included in their circle of merits.

In high school, Dons, as a rule, find their own style of communication with teachers, their own ways of preparing assignments (or rather, it would be unprepared to say), they are respected by fellow practitioners because of their ability to solve the most difficult problems and, to be honest, confuse teachers , thus bringing relaxation in the tedious course of school days.

The best way for Don to learn is to actively participate in the process, exchanging ideas, arguing, sharing his thoughts, ideas and projects. It's easier for Don to “invent a bicycle” than to use a ready-made scheme. It's easier to figure it out on the spot and come up with something than to learn! They need democratic teachers who value students' individuality, ability to think, and create an atmosphere of creative search in their classes. Dona remembers such teachers all her life and remembers them with great gratitude.

For their children, the Dons strive to create a similar atmosphere. They are democratic parents who play and are carried away with their children. The best contribution to education on their part is to instill in children inner freedom, the ability to express their opinions, caring for intellectual baggage and a holistic understanding of life. But it is better not to wait for the training of discipline and accuracy from the parent Don. But Dona turns many family events into an interesting and memorable holiday of communication, filled with disputes, exchange of opinions, ideas and easy fun.

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In the company, Don is not too eager to interest others, but most often he finds himself in the center of everyone's attention. This is because by being carried away by himself, he attracts others. And he knows how to interestingly, lively and directly tell about everything in the world, starting with books that Dons read in large numbers, musical novelties or funny incidents, and ending with complex areas of human knowledge. Everything that happens in Dona's company is considered to be their own business and therefore they spare no effort and time to stir up the team. They are ready to take part in any, even the most risky, fun, if only it is not boring. But more often than not, they offer these fun themselves in a resourceful and spontaneous way.

The absent-mindedness of the Dons is legendary. But this is not a tired professorial absent-mindedness, but the absent-mindedness of a person who is carried away, a person who is most interested not in everyday needs, but in a flight of fantasy. Dons to old age retain youthful energy, creativity and curiosity of the child. They are very easy-going and do not hesitate for a long time, preparing for the event, do not plan. Intuition leads them through life, belief in their ability to find a way out of any situation. The extreme situation does not scare Don, but invigorates, forcing him to show his best qualities - courage and resourcefulness. Difficulties do not stop him, Don accepts the challenge. Much more unpleasant is the apathy that can arise in the absence of new impressions, changes, and a sense of development.

All these properties allow the Dons to prefer the unknown new to the well-developed and familiar, traditional. The argument “live like everyone else” does not find a positive response from Don. Such a person goes through life in his own special way, gaining wisdom through his own trials, mistakes and problems. And most often he realizes the uniqueness of his being, as well as perceiving the uniqueness of the life of any other person.

In communication, Don is open and most often active, but sometimes he is thoughtful, immersed in his thoughts. He says what he thinks, but he thinks himself. This is taken by many people for tactlessness, for disrespecting the foundations and authorities. But Don, by his very nature, is an extremely democratic person, giving others freedom equal to his own. It is natural for him to intercede in a dispute for a person who is in the minority and firmly defend his interests, his right to his own point of view. Don is also ardently ready to defend his positions, even if his vision contradicts the vision of all generally recognized authorities. Like no one else, he is able to understand the relativity of truths. And like no one else, he can see what has not been seen by others, see the riddle in familiar things, make a discovery in the familiar.

Dons bring people endless joy of discovery, life next to such a person is interesting, filled with lively spontaneous energy of an exploratory lifestyle. Whoever Don is by profession, education and inclinations, he will bring interest, creative search and novelty to any occupation.

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Attention! If less than 70-80% of the description suits you, then most likely the socionic type is defined incorrectly. Take other tests or choose another method, for example, read descriptions of other types and independently study the basic socionic models, or try to determine your socionic type on our forum "Psychology and Socionics" For more information, see the "Forum Typing" section. Be prepared for conflicting results.