The forum psychologist strikes again

Huxley (Intuitive-Ethical Extrovert, IEE)

Rationality 6 - Irrationality 11
Extroversion 12 - Introversion 5
Sensorika 2 - Intuition 15
Logic 4 - Ethics 13

The adviser is convinced that the world is ruled by talent, ability. A representative of this type has a vision of the potential of others, and at first sees a positive, and only in time - a negative. He sees people "through"; Notices all the unusual. He has the makings of a good psychologist, especially with regard to psychological diagnosis. From the Advisers are obtained not only good psychology-diagnosticians, but also wonderful psychologists-trainers, but analysts are relatively mediocre. The advisor has the ability to influence others. He constantly seeks harmony in his life, first of all - the harmony of human relations; However, in search of the ideal, separation from reality is possible, from those emotions that are so necessary to him. It is not practical, but appreciates practicality in others. Very sensitive, sometimes even sentimental. Can look strong-willed and persevering, but for a long time it is not enough, because it's only his social role. Persistence and will can manifest spontaneously, but no more. Strong efforts for him are tedious. It is extremely subjective in assessing people and events. Denies the "dry logic". A sober, logical approach for him is practically closed, all contacts are built on the principle of "pleasantly unpleasant." Generous, sometimes to recklessness. He does not pay enough attention to his health, rest, cares of self-service (unless he raised these issues in the system or made his profession). He does not like to get decent pay, etc. (For himself, for others just inclined and able to achieve much). On these issues needs to be adequately supplemented. Not a businessman and not a businessman, a poor production worker. The adviser is careless about the time, but he likes to control others in this area. Maybe, for example, do not notice the time, having a watch with you. Optimistic, often - infantile; Has a rich imagination. Tends to be enthusiastic and extravagant in deeds, clothes, etc. Has great creative potential. Passionate, obsessed with emotions; Knows how to light and move on the affairs of other people. Sphere of professions: theoretical and humanitarian; Culture, humanitarian education and upbringing, cinema, theater, advertising, literature, journalism, politics, drama; Medicine (especially diagnosis of internal diseases), practical psychology; Organization of excursions, etc.