The way I understand duality is like this innate understanding of shared values... which has the potential to be greatly compatible and an energetic, positive relationship. But it's just that... a potentiality. You can still be emotionally fond of somebody who causes mental misunderstandings, and you can still despise somebody that 'gets you' on a primitive compatible level. Socionics at its core is just about how information is absorbed. There are SLEs I've been very turned on by sure, but I made the wise decision that involving myself with them wasn't worth the emotional pain and heartache. (Pain's more trouble than love is worth like Demi Lovato says hehe) Reality is complicated with many different parts and it of course doesn't mean that dual will magically work out. If you were to ask me that generally speaking, am I personally fond of hunky chad SLEs more than boring jesus freak business logic LSEs.... of course I say yes. But I know everything isn't about me and I can see the value in those types of people as well... and even grow to like some of those types.

You'll usually want to instinctively fuck your duals, that's why people make a big deal out of it. Heterosexual sex is the reason we all exist. Heil the alpha str8 man lol.

God, most people are idiots when they are into somebody and its really pathetic for humanity to observe. Though I get crushes too easily at times I pride myself in never stalking somebody and I try to have another sassy independent gay man slap the stupid out of me. Love is dumb. too much like war, just on the different side. If somebody nabs my heart, I have the wisdom to know that it's just that, my heart... really a small part about somebody and the bigger question is, do they have my respect, my intelligence, my brain, my body- my same lifestyle values, humor/values about money/travel/interests etc. How useful are they? If the answer to most of these things is NO then its time to move on. They aren't worth it. /baggage reclaim girl lol.