Quote Originally Posted by Economist View Post
Relatedly, an LSE (whom I even recently called a close friend) has aggravated me to no end by assuming he is always right and I am always wrong, including on Fi matters. Even when I am basically telling him I agree with him on something, he finds a way to misinterpret my words such that I am wrong, because he appears to have some kind of innate belief that no one other than he can be right about anything. It's annoying in neutral situations like arguments where we were just using different definitions of a word, but it pisses me off to no end when he thinks he understands people's true motivations and feelings toward others better than I do. It also inspires pity because he can't even begin to fathom the difference between his 1D Fi and someone else's 4D Fi, but he's so childishly proud of what he thinks is his good Fi.

So yeah, I think immature individuals of all types are frustrating--doesn't matter if they're your dual or not. They are just frustrating in different ways.

I think it's pretty easy to tell the difference between conflictor/dual, regardless of health levels. I basically have nothing to talk about with an SLE; I've never gotten to a close enough psychological distance with an SLE where we care enough about each other to argue (can't imagine how stressful it would be to be forced to be close with a conflictor, e.g., a parent or something). I can talk with immature LSEs for hours still, but there is a lot of arguing or unheeded advice.
What you are describing there reminds me a lot of an LIE-Ni I knew, who was also very certain their Fi was good and so forth...

It's possible that that friend of yours is actually your Semi-Dual, an LIE. Probably Te subtype – those LIEs can easily be mistaken for an LSE.

And yes, it is the most unfortunate situation to be "forced" having to closely interact with a Conflictor parent/family member, etc.
It can be quite stressful. At the same time, I've thought about how I've managed to live with my Conflictor dad (with remarkable difficulties, ofc) – and that by that standard, I could probably live with any personality type. Meaning, if you can manage living with your Conflictor, you probably can do so with any other type, for they will all be much easier to deal with.

And that's just my perspective on the Conflictor issue, but it feels like a preparation for the harshness of the world. "Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" kind of thing.
They'll confront you with your weaknesses and show you how weak you can be, and all that.