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Thread: Si Calmness vs. Ni Calmness

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    scio's Avatar
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    Default Si Calmness vs. Ni Calmness

    Hi y'all!
    So I'm pretty sure I'm an IEE so I figured I'd make my first post in the Delta forum.

    I'm just curious.. How would an Si dom's clamness differ from an Ni dom's?
    They both have a soothing effect paired with Ne.
    I'm not sure if I'm making sense right now, I'm really tired while I'm writing haha.

    What are ways to spot Si being used instead of Ni?
    I find it weirdly hard to tell the difference sometimes, especially when Ni doms have Si as their role.
    Please let me know if you have any feedback!

  2. #2
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Aweh... sleep

    The difference is in confidence. Si lead is very sure about whatever is going on perception-wise, the calmness is very solid. Think of Chris Hemsworth speaking - just like that. Ni lead is unsure and can be very invisible, it's not soothing as Si but more placid in nature, a contemplative calmness. Ni as the base can be overshadowed by the creative quite a lot imo, whereas Si is more apparent, since it's sensory-based.

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    Honorary Ballsack
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    Ni is a web that has captured interdimensional beings. Si just captures insects.
    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Aweh... sleep

    The difference is in confidence. Si lead is very sure about whatever is going on perception-wise, the calmness is very solid. Think of Chris Hemsworth speaking - just like that. Ni lead is unsure and can be very invisible, it's not soothing as Si but more placid in nature, a contemplative calmness. Ni as the base can be overshadowed by the creative quite a lot imo, whereas Si is more apparent, since it's sensory-based.
    You are correct in that there is a difference in confidence, but the confidence comes from very different angles. doms get their confidence from their direct link to the physical world as it pertains to themselves. The types have a more sublime direct link to the physical but ya can't knock the mirror perspective that can better register how the world inflicts itself upon their own perception of self. That counts for a lot all things considered. types can go with the flow a bit too easily if we get down to it. types? You'd have to get em' drugged up a bit before they'd get as reckless as an dom. (As an aside, this is probably why booze and drugs are so popular. It gets the "introverts" out of their shells with minimal effort. Just hand em' the chemicals necessary to get that secondary/creative/ignoring extroverted function to become more dominant!!!)

    The dom, on the other hand, gets their confidence from their damn near precognitive abilities due to a similarly direct link to temporal perception as it regards their own selves. "Time" belongs to them, they perceive it, and they act in accordance to its flows. Thus, things tend to go very well for them so long as nobody tries to screw their plans up by being (to them) completely random. Even then, however, things still tend to work out as they tend to have plans D and E fully formed in the event of unforeseen anomalies and/or occurrences. The first plan, after all, rarely survives first contact. Only a fool has less than three other plans ready to go if X, Y, or Z pop up to fuck you over. Each plan only deals with each variable but hell, give us a break. If XYZ was a combination lock that equals 1000 potential combinations at the very least (i.e. if we limited each variable to only 0-9). Human brains can only process so much damnit...

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    Si types know a lot about their internal physical states, Ni types know a lot about their mental states.

    Si is physically harmonious, Ni is mentally harmonious.

    Si will try to change your physical states, Ni will try to change your mental states.

    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    (As an aside, this is probably why booze and drugs are so popular. It gets the "introverts" out of their shells with minimal effort. Just hand em' the chemicals necessary to get that secondary/creative/ignoring extroverted function to become more dominant!!!)
    Well an interesting thing, S types have a harder time changing their moods, while N types have a harder time changing their physical sensation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Si types know a lot about their internal physical states, Ni types know a lot about their mental states.

    Si is physically harmonious, Ni is mentally harmonious.

    Si will try to change your physical states, Ni will try to change your mental states.
    Funny, that's exactly how I've always seen it. Sensory types are always concerned with the physical, Intuitive types always seem to focus on the mental.

    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    Well an interesting thing, S types have a harder time changing their moods, while N types have a harder time changing their physical sensation.
    Can confirm. For instance I don't feel any pain from an injury up until the point I actually see it (i.e. it's easier to screw with me mentally than physically). I imagine an type would be very acutely aware if some unseen object cut them. Me? If it's sharp enough to not rip my flesh I probably don't really feel it and even if I do it doesn't really matter until I see that my environment is suddenly (and for no good logical reason IMO) splattered with blood as far as my mental state is concerned. Even then, I only start to feel the pain once I actually lay my eyes upon the source of all that blood (i.e. the cut upon a given part of my body).

    Though this may also be an sp main thing. After all, it's way better for you to only "feel" pain after the "combat" phase of the encounter is over. Natural selection would select for that given Human capacity for violence. Even so, I've "unexpectedly" discovered injuries many a time and only upon the moment of discovery did I begin to feel pain. It's hard to explain but perhaps my own focus accounts for that. It becomes like the old paradox. If a tree falls in the forest with nobody around does it make a sound? Likewise, if the silent blade cuts the flesh of the blind man distracted in a game/task does he really feel the blade?
    Last edited by End; 02-16-2017 at 05:21 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Aweh... sleep

    The difference is in confidence. Si lead is very sure about whatever is going on perception-wise, the calmness is very solid. Think of Chris Hemsworth speaking - just like that. Ni lead is unsure and can be very invisible, it's not soothing as Si but more placid in nature, a contemplative calmness. Ni as the base can be overshadowed by the creative quite a lot imo, whereas Si is more apparent, since it's sensory-based.
    I realized after the fact that I wrote clamness and I was just way too out of it
    Yes, I can absolutely see that. That is where ISTps get this "strong, silent confidence" I suppose?
    Ni would be more toned-down, they are almost walking ghosts in the sense that they don't give off an immediate presence in the room

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    I can also attest to the fact that it is SO easy to fuck with me mentally. You can pretty much trip me up on anything, I will endlessly question it all day. I can't help but find a reason to overthink vague language for an extremely long time. It is torture. I barely know when I'm bleeding until after the fact as well. Unless, of course, it is very painful.
    I think this is why people think I'm literally out of it as a human lol. I don't notice anything physical around me.

    I disagree with the mood switching, though. My moods change all day long. I wonder if that is either linked to Fi creative or just being an Extravert and so I am more vulnerable to external sources?

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    @Singularity thank you. That was a very easy way to understand it

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    simple shortcut, calmness in mind vs calmness in body.

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    I would also add that Ni has some sort of internal integrity and consistency... that's why they're usually kind of ideological. Which I think straightens out the Se that is "always on the go" and deciding something.

    Quote Originally Posted by sockpuppet View Post
    Ni would be more toned-down, they are almost walking ghosts in the sense that they don't give off an immediate presence in the room
    That's funny, because that's the exact description of Ni and N in general... S types take a lot more space, N types seem hardly present. Si will calm you down by being present, Ni will calm you down by not bothering you or not being bothered.

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    I wouldn't associate calmness with Si or Ni unless you are referring to fixed references - somewhat intransigent. They can successfully operate in a fair amount of chaos and appear calm because they can navigate stormy seas. However, I visualize them with hair triggers when stressed, and really ready to react.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    I've never seen or experienced an Ni lead having a calming effect on an Ne lead before.
    The Ni itself does nothing "soothing" for them. When I am around my ILE-Ti brother for instance, I notice how he mostly expects Fe reactions from my side – laughing, smiling, loud exclamations. Or he expects me to be "caring", a soft touch on his head, or cleaning up around him, haha. When I am just being myself, zoning out and similar, he tries to pull me out of that mindset by asking if I am okay and talking to me. My SEE sister on the other hand has regularly demanded me to hang out in her room with her, me not having to do anything. I was curious about what she'd get from it, for I'd just sit or lay around and do nothing, and we wouldn't even talk much, but she'd just like my presence somehow. (Or she'd suddenly start throwing and kicking me around for fun, haha, but that's another story. She finds that kind of interaction amusing, she'll tell me to lay on my side and not move, and then she'll kick my butt, or pile a bunch of pillows on me and sit on top of me, haha. It sounds weirder than it really is... xD)

    I've found that Si lead types can be calming to Ne lead types, and Ni lead types can be calming to Se lead types.
    That's mostly how it works. Besides that, I've noticed that Ne Demonstrative gets calmed down by Si Demonstrative types, and Se Demonstrative gets calmed down by Ni Demonstrative types.
    Those are the connections that result in some form of relaxation. Both ENxx and ESxx people are (usually) constantly "on the edge" or "on the go" in some way or another (this effect is the strongest for Inert subtype individuals); the former mentally, the later physically. So those types benefit from either strong Si or Ni, not really both IEs and not always from the same kind of type – they need to have a good ITR to be able to calm down under their influence.
    Last edited by Olimpia; 02-16-2017 at 09:26 PM.
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    Ni gets calm post transaction (Infp/IEI - Ni : get real! you know it's a dangerous world don't you? so what the hell are you doing sitting on your ass about it?!) VERSUS Si is already calm pre-transaction (Estj/LSE - Te: so what are you busying yourself with these days? makes it seem a breeze in the park) ime of course

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    Quote Originally Posted by sockpuppet View Post
    I can also attest to the fact that it is SO easy to fuck with me mentally. You can pretty much trip me up on anything, I will endlessly question it all day. I can't help but find a reason to overthink vague language for an extremely long time. It is torture. I barely know when I'm bleeding until after the fact as well. Unless, of course, it is very painful.
    I think this is why people think I'm literally out of it as a human lol. I don't notice anything physical around me.

    I disagree with the mood switching, though. My moods change all day long. I wonder if that is either linked to Fi creative or just being an Extravert and so I am more vulnerable to external sources?
    Like I said, it has to rip at the flesh for me to instantly know something bad just happened to me physically. This is why people are innately opposed to being cut on by "blunt" and/or "rusty" things. Those will almost certainly tear at your flesh rather than cut it cleanly. It hurts like hell even if you're like us and don't register pain like most people. Bump into a sharp edge by accident? Meh, it only matters if blood starts covering the surroundings. Bump into a rusty edge? Well, that's gonna tug and thus get us to start looking for what just tugged us. Oh my, that's a cut that's bleeding profusely. That should hurt more than OH YES YES IT HURTS MEDICAL SUPPLIES NOW PLEASE!!!

    Also, having in the ego block will make you more aware of it and how it changes in regards to external stimuli. Introverted functions are always well aware of how the outside world inflicts itself upon them. How they take it and deal with it is ultimately individualistic. Just because you share the same type as someone else doesn't even mean you'll get along in the end because you've lived VERY different lives and while you may share a lens those individual experiences will color, scratch, tinge, etc. it in ways that may render them incompatible. Sadly, there is no objectivity in this particular field of pseudo-science. That's just my two cents though .

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    Si calmness: "Not worrying about anything because I just ate 100 cookies."
    Ni calmness: "Not worrying about anything because I'm not on this planet."

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