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Thread: Emotional Expression differences within types

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    Melodies from Mars~
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    Default Emotional Expression differences within types

    It seems that Socionics only defines strength and value, not the quality or even quantity of emotional energy.

    I think that people's brains within even one type have all sorts of different variances in chemicals, plus their cultural upbringing probably contributed to how they act around groups or individually... So this might help define the personality more by their energy qualities and how they actually perform socially:

    [EFNi] Spiritual-Passionate-Aesthetical (Stereotypically EF with Ni preference)
    [EFSi]Goofy-Experimental-Fun (Stereotypically EF with devalued Se)
    [EF]Dramatic-Social-Expressive (Stereotypically EF with valued Fe)
    [IF] Sincere-Silent-Empathetic (Stereotypically IF)
    [ISF]Caring-Loyal-Romantically-traditional (Stereotypically ISF)
    [INF]Melancholic-Intuitive-Introspective (Stereotypically INF)
    [EN]Exploratory-Infatuated-Dreamy (Stereotypically EN)
    [IN]Introspective-Aloof-Observing (Stereotypically IN)
    [NT]Ironic-Cynical-Intellectual (Stereotypically NT)
    [ST] Down-To-Earthy-Simple-Stabilizing (Stereotypically ST)
    [ES]Proactive-Responsive-Practical-minded (Stereotypically ES)
    [ET] Rational-Objective-Investigative-Persistent (Stereotypically ET)
    [IT]Logical-Literal-Neutral (Stereotypically IT)

    ok added a few more... it felt like it was missing temperaments based on I/E and N/S

    just random examples of how emotional expression varies, not really any official list

    How would you describe your own emotional spectrum and how it compares to your type? Do you think that they're mostly the same? Do Static types and Dynamic types have substantial differences in their mood volatility or can you have a very emotionally charged LII who varies in mood? Do you have a particular kind you adore and are attracted to, especially in duals?

    I think that I can only relate to a limited spectrum of emotional expression myself, and so that allows me to understand why I don't like a certain person even if they have a desirable type. For example, I don't really relate to EFNi or EF or know how to enjoy conversing with them, so of course that means if my dual is ESE, I will have to find one that is more EFSi-ST or EFSi-IF or similar.

    edit: oh and I forgot to state that I think I am Ti oriented yet highly emotional, not necessarily aware of my relations with others, so Fi is just not really possible. I do lots of Ethics related things but what it comes down to is not how emotional you are but rather how you interpret and react to the world. I'm good at the interpretation of ethics, not the responsiveness or effortful use of it which is what most people focus on, and what is used in type descriptions. I'm an LII with INF-IT-EFSi emotionality.
    Last edited by chrys; 02-03-2017 at 02:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Most commonly: EFSi + NT + INF
    Less frequently: IF, IFSi, IT, EFNi
    Rarely to never: EF, ST, ET
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

  3. #3

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    Not too terrible. I definitely like the idea of tracking emotional patterns.

    [IS] is missing from your list. I would put the "Down-To-Earthy-Simple-Stabilizing" for [IS], actually.

    For [ST], it would just be something to do with practical concreteness and toughness and sensory involvement. I leave it up to you to figure it out but I am very definite that "Stabilizing" or "Simple" is not to be part of it.

    So for me, my default is IS+IT (yeah what you called ST, I call IS here).
    I also very easily get into and maintain ET+IT+IS.
    Easily and quickly move into ES+IT (where IT is kinda secondary).

    Can "pretend" IF and ISF if needed.
    Don't like IN much for too long but I can have it for short times.

    I would never want to be EN, that's just not a functional mode for me emotionally. (It's fine if someone else is that.)

    Ooh and ideal dual is EFNi of course, EF/EN/IN/INF/NT features are all ok along with it. Maybe EFNi-NT is best, not sure.

    PS: I get it that you think this isn't correlating with type much but I do think there is some correlation. Unless you just want to twist everything by using very general and vague wording always. What do you even mean by: "I'm good at the interpretation of ethics, not the responsiveness or effortful use of it which is what most people focus on, and what is used in type descriptions"? Then, "very emotionally charged LII who varies in mood", if I take your wording literally along with the adverb "very", and assume this as the default state, I do not think such can exist along with Ti leading while keeping normal functionality.
    Last edited by Myst; 02-06-2017 at 05:13 AM.

  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Most commonly: EFSi + NT + INF
    Less frequently: IF, IFSi, IT, EFNi
    Rarely to never: EF, ST, ET
    EFSi: most commonly your default, everywhere, IRL too?

    Here on the forum I've seen you as IT, NT, a bit of IS(see my redefinition of that)/IF/ISF, and short bursts of EFSi.

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    Melodies from Mars~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    PS: I get it that you think this isn't correlating with type much but I do think there is some correlation. Unless you just want to twist everything by using very general and vague wording always. What do you even mean by: "I'm good at the interpretation of ethics, not the responsiveness or effortful use of it which is what most people focus on, and what is used in type descriptions"? Then, "very emotionally charged LII who varies in mood", if I take your wording literally along with the adverb "very", and assume this as the default state, I do not think such can exist along with Ti leading while keeping normal functionality.
    I mean I can interpret emotional signals from other people pretty well and try to see through the words of others for intent or meaning, which might just be me trying to overanalyze Fe rather than being adept at Fe myself. I am not really good at affecting the mood of others beyond how I choose my words to make conversations smoother... Im not really interested in making people feel a certain way, in fact I think my use of Fe is more about keeping their current mood intact and left untouched, I don't really wanna evoke anything within others, I just like pleasant communication really. :3
    So any use of ethical functions for me is not really meant to improve relations or create positivity in others as Im not comfortable with being the one affecting either of those things, Id rather others take initiative in that department but Ill make the process easier at least by being receptive

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    EFNI with the tinge of NT when I'm with the right circle (usually with fellow designers IRL)
    INF/IN by default
    ISF mask for a short time

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frogman View Post
    I mean I can interpret emotional signals from other people pretty well and try to see through the words of others for intent or meaning, which might just be me trying to overanalyze Fe rather than being adept at Fe myself. I am not really good at affecting the mood of others beyond how I choose my words to make conversations smoother... Im not really interested in making people feel a certain way, in fact I think my use of Fe is more about keeping their current mood intact and left untouched, I don't really wanna evoke anything within others, I just like pleasant communication really. :3
    OK I see now. Out of curiosity, do you think you interpret even subtle emotional signals well?

    So any use of ethical functions for me is not really meant to improve relations or create positivity in others as Im not comfortable with being the one affecting either of those things, Id rather others take initiative in that department but Ill make the process easier at least by being receptive
    If all the things you said now are true, kick the ILE-Ne typing in your sig out of there

    Anyway, end of off topic other than that question above.

  8. #8
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    I relate. Why did you mention the NT, SF etc labels twice each line?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chryssie View Post
    It seems that Socionics only defines strength and value, not the quality or even quantity of emotional energy.

    [INF]Melancholic-Intuitive-Introspective (Stereotypically INF)

    (...) I'm an LII with INF-IT-EFSi emotionality.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Exception View Post
    Most commonly: EFSi + NT + INF
    Less frequently: IF, IFSi, IT, EFNi
    Rarely to never: EF, ST, ET
    I just noticed one thing here.

    Why is it that LIIs see INFx as intuitive+melancholy?

    Must be some LII bias.

    (IMO it's LII that's intuitive and melancholic.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chryssie View Post
    It seems that Socionics only defines strength and value, not the quality or even quantity of emotional energy.
    strength -> quantity
    valued -> quality

  11. #11
    Melodies from Mars~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post

    I just noticed one thing here.

    Why is it that LIIs see INFx as intuitive+melancholy?

    Must be some LII bias.

    (IMO it's LII that's intuitive and melancholic.)
    Yea irl people might think I'm a bit cold, distant, melancholic rather than inviting and warm, so I'm not even really a good user of Fi in that I don't support relations well. Emotionally I'm more LII than EII in that I never feel comfortable with verbalizing ethical judgements whether good or bad...even if I am friendly in a way I still don't do anything that makes ME or others vulnerable, I'm somehow very removed in my communication. In that way I find it funny that I type EII even though in reality I avoid using Fi strongly, it's more of a weakness than anything else.

  12. #12
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    The trouble is that affect can vary a lot within a type -- some SLIs are quiet, others are loud, same with EIEs. This is something that "VI" people usually don't get -- they try to type purely based on affect but then you can't recognize "subtypes" you haven't seen before. Could be interesting to list some variants though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chryssie View Post
    Yea irl people might think I'm a bit cold, distant, melancholic rather than inviting and warm, so I'm not even really a good user of Fi in that I don't support relations well. Emotionally I'm more LII than EII in that I never feel comfortable with verbalizing ethical judgements whether good or bad...even if I am friendly in a way I still don't do anything that makes ME or others vulnerable, I'm somehow very removed in my communication. In that way I find it funny that I type EII even though in reality I avoid using Fi strongly, it's more of a weakness than anything else.
    Then why do you type as EII, I don't get it.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    The trouble is that affect can vary a lot within a type -- some SLIs are quiet, others are loud, same with EIEs. This is something that "VI" people usually don't get -- they try to type purely based on affect but then you can't recognize "subtypes" you haven't seen before. Could be interesting to list some variants though.
    I try to VI - when I can, often a photo isn't enough, or when the person is just not someone I can recognize as anything - based on checking for signs of mental state/focus, and sure, also I try to observe emotional pattern/direction of attention emotionally but it's not as simple as "quiet" or "loud". For differentiating between Ethical vs Logical type for example, I try to see if someone's habitually and substantially feeling and expressing even subtle states or if they are more detached and less refined in expression. I also find certain attitudes are type specific - that is, only one specific type will express them, though they may not always do so and not even necessarily every representative of the type - but I didn't see many of those so far. So I don't think I just VI based on affect = type.

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