Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
I can fake being happy, or at the very least, wear a neutral expression and respond in a way that is appropriate to the situation, even if I am dying inside. It depends on the stakes involved. I don't like bringing other people down. If I am around kids I can fake enthusiasm for their sake. I would rather just stay home if I am not feeling up for being around people but some things you can't hide from. I can fake "not caring", about someone or something, when I care deeply but not really the opposite. Even if I cannot fake caring about someone, I can still be kind to them. I don't consider that being fake though. I can't fake love, empathy or compassion.
Hmm as an IEI.. I have the potential and ability to fake virtually anything... but it just takes too much energy to fake in the long-term. And I'd feel guilty about it. I would probably say a lot of white lies... But fake love... probably not. I would have harder time faking happiness and pretending that I'm happy...