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Thread: Video type me again

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    Default Video type me again

    Last edited by Reyne; 03-30-2020 at 08:03 PM.

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    I'll give it a try!

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Thanks for the video, like it I post my reasoning here

    My typing:


    Ni in the beginning about correct prediction and "big picture focus", head in the clouds, imagining consequences, not caring about looks also unless something is necessary to do about it, you use great common sense which is Te. Also Ni: constant worry about the time of the video, did you notice? A critical and individualistic attitude comes through here, which is a strong ILI characteristic. V.I.-wise: man. Look at those otherworldly eyes! You squint often as in mental scrutiny, you have an impressive signature gesture of reflection which is touching and raising your eyebrows in thought. Rapid, unexpressive, non-soft eye traces which is Te-Se over Si and Fe.
    On top of that: NiFi serenity over NeFe quirks (which is something I have ahhhhhlksdjfaölj!!! See the difference?).

    Fi HA of politeness with your point of not offending, "is it right to do it", your explanations of being with friends.

    Se-seeking: a person has to be punished when they deserve it, when you think it's right (again, Fi). Se is only mentioned with Fi so you are 100% Gamma.

    Perfect Fe PoLR elaboration starting at 6:36 with the stadium atmosphere, and opening up i.e. expressing your Fe attitude to gratify and emotionally energize the other person. Si is also a point of weakness -> sickness, very individual focus that goes against your actual well-being while you predict the course of the illness instead. Ip laziness and randomness, see haircut talk reference and overall setup.

    Some unvalued Ti in tackling the function interplay, some Ne concerning perspectives but only in doses.

    Prolonged manner of speaking - you don't value Ne at all! As Ne lead myself, I had to speed up the video to 1.5 to be kept on my toes Your calm Ni flow pieces everything together, if you were a Ne ego type you would follow and generate paths of potential like I do in this post, for instance. IxTx "cold-blooded" tone, a very logical attitude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    Seems like LII is confirmed. Horatio gave me a great explanation!
    don't you think keeping a great explanation to yourself is selfish

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    LII does seem reasonable but so do some other types. It would be more helpful to do a good questionnaire like the one in my signature instead of talking about socionics for 10 minutes. The idea is to get as much raw information as possible without using socionic categories.

    edit: also there were a few things that I would interpret a bit differently. You said you enjoy joking around with your friends but you don't like the conversation to directly be about you. This suggests a preference for Fe > Fi, or discomfort with Fi specifically.
    Last edited by Exodus; 01-22-2017 at 10:51 PM.

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    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    I'm a very selfish person, indeed lol.

    Regarding the pace of my speech... well, at least I don't talk like the former president of my country!

    Right? Right? AM I RIGHT?!?!?!
    Your English is impeccable. No need to worry over it. In response to this post: Italian's are notoriously expressive. Watching you I wonder how much is your actual expressive personality and how much is learned from your society? (Ie: searching eyes). I think that is throwing some people off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Perfect Fe PoLR elaboration starting at 6:36 with the stadium atmosphere, and opening up i.e. expressing your Fe attitude to gratify and emotionally energize the other person.
    Can I ask what that was about the stadium atmosphere in the video?

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Yep, second video definitely affirmed ILI.

    Lots and lots of future Ni temporal allocations and literally Te business logic, you are a natural at these. You liked the "what would you do with x free time and x free money" question the most, that's NiTe.

    Shortly taps into Ti systems and laws as demonstrative at the beginning, but that doesn't return. Values have to be subjective, overt focus on likes and friends and family respect, that's Fi HA. That also transferred to your romantic preferences perfectly with your emphasized politeness/trust vision. Ne possibilities seem accessible when asked but not mentioned otherwise, unless it's combined with future estimations.

    Great evidence of Se valuing: revenge, punishing, violence, sports, travel topics. Also: Game of Thrones is definitely a VERY Se series. The Walking Dead as well. Dual: Crazy badass avenger (Se) who does the right thing (Fi) --> ESFp Sx/So and enneagram 8w7, that kind of archetype. It can't get any more unambiguous.

    Si hidden agenda is out of the game, at 15:00.

    Your friends describe your dark/distant/unexpressive Fe PoLR and independent/lazy/non-constant Ip temperament. Fe romanticism is rejected, practicality (study, money, happiness, simplicity > big unrealistic dreams) is emphasized.

    Instinct: 100% Sp/Sx. Seems to be a reclusive type... enneagram 9 and 5 influence. More on the enneagram 5 side by your choice of career, 5w6 seems like a good shot.

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    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Can I ask what that was about the stadium atmosphere in the video?
    He describes his reaction to the fellow crowd members cheering enthusiastically at a goal as different, actually INdifferent is the word.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    He describes his reaction to the fellow crowd members cheering enthusiastically at a goal as different, actually INdifferent is the word.
    If I'm alone in the crowd and no one "draws" me in directly, I would also easily stay indifferent. I'm soc-last.

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    So here is the wild card. When I see your videos I'm seeing INFp. I know myst says differently and she is pretty good at socionics ( on paper). Would like to hear what she is seeing because I'm curious.

    The missing pieces are how you interact with your friends for the Fe. You look like a person who might "come alive" around the right kind of Se.

    Also, you look a bit lost, almost forlorn, in your life right now. Don't bother with Si people, they are only going to feel like a wet blanket on you. Their comforting will make you feel more lost, not less, frustrated even. You need to be around people who make you feel alive by shaking you up and DIRECT contact. Trust me on that.

    I'm not really seeing Balzac the ILI CRITIC. Where are people getting the NT vibes from this guy?? ILI are spaced out and whatever like all Ni types..... yet the most critical type inthe socion. The second most hands on technically inclined, the counter balance to the uber social politician SEE? I'm not seeing that, man. Which isnt a bad thing, it just means you seem NF to me. IEI. What exactly is Te about you?

    Don't listen to the ESE either, they have zero intuition and would have a hard time discerning IEI Fe from a bag of door knobs. Cheering in a crowd is just surface Fe. IEI might not cheer because they view through Ni and Ni might have come to the conclusion sports are a finite endeavour and the crowd of monkeys is fickle. Ni sees the currents of humanity for what it is.... you were probably actually feeling the true undertones of the audience and trying to handle the real Fe, not the painted on enthusiasm of an audience obsessed with self created tribalism. Or some other equally deep thoughts in the moment (stuff like that drives SLE bonkers with amusement - when you get lost in your head space and not experiencing the moment - which is ironic because often times you are discerning the moment more deeply then most people in the crowd could ever hope to achieve). Ni subtypes are chilled out like that. Which I also think you are Ni subtype. There is a reason IEI are the poets and poets see the truth. They are searching and in my personal opinion you are searching as well. Its written all over you. Actually you Fe in your videos strongly.

    Being focused on goals is not type related btw. Being practical about your needs and wants is also not type related. Unless thats all you think you are ALL the time. I don't buy it.

    Great hair cut btw, looks really good on you.

  12. #12
    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    Second video:

    Always looking at other people? That's Fe. And because you are trying to control it sounds like contact creative Fe. An ILI wouldnt even bother. Actually you Fe gesture the whole time, almost elegant about it (not an insult).

    Wanting money and thinking about a practical degree to take is not type related. Its just common sense. I'm taking technical course doesnt make me an NT or ST. Also, you are interested in people and society? Sounds ethical.

    Where do people see your Fe polr? You are being expressive the entire time. Super expressive I bet you have no issues with it in real life. Being shy does not equal Fe polr. Being quiet around your friends is not Fe polr, it could just be that you are an introvert. Disappearing for days weeks months is Ip/Ep nature. The reasons you do it sound ethical not really run through logics.

    You gloss over Fi questions about what your family means to you.

    "A very cold person with a shocking sense humour". Said with a wry smile, yeah ok buddy, make me believe you are a cold person, sure sure. Even the way you said that was Fe ish. Just silent watching could be a Ni subtype thing. "And then I just realize Im killing the vibe". <---- dude that is straight up Fe awareness. Alright listen I think polr is being misunderstood here. Polr isnt awareness OF. Its a LACK of awareness. Its an empty space. Being aware of the vibes you are sending off is a ethical and mainly Fe thing to do. A Fe polr isnt going to be paying attention and when they are its a cause for discomfort. Nothing about what you say sounds like it makes you uncomfortable. It all sounds natural.

    A selfish IEI? unheard of! .... not.

    "It might sound strange I'm pretty smart". Thats not a ILI thing to say. Why cant ethicals be book smart...if they develop discipline? You dont study but you've got potential, for sure. So why are you not IEI again? You might reach your potential if you keep focused .... oh....NOW I see why you claim to be so work, money,school, orientated. Say it enough times you might make it true. You even straighten your back in a "what you don't beleive me?" kind gesture. Alrigjt buddy keep telling yourself that.

    Gentle quiet person. I like those things about you too. No homo.

    Not good at sensing things is intuition sorta and not taking initiative is not type related. Depends on the reasons. Needing someone to push and support you is Se DS and HA but also all NTs and NFs benefit from that. Hating chores and paper work is basic LIE IEI IEE LII ILE. Getting people to do stuff for free... goodluck.

    I like your attitude about goals. I have the same attitude. Your thoughts on people working and talking about success are not gamma.

    Alright there you go. If it turns out you are not IEI 5w6 then I'm ok with that. Its just for fun anyway. Regardless, you and I would get along swimmingly I think. I think you are a cool guy. Take care.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    You all made very good arguments for both LII and ILI and I thank you all. But now I really can't decide, I'm confused lol.
    You used to relate to Ti base only and not to Ni base, yeah?

    Sum up how you relate to each now.

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    @Reyne, can I see your video ? I agree not cheering in crowds is perfectly normal for many Fe valuing types and egos. It depends on a context, what you care about etc. Many EIE's for example will feel "above" sport matches, have sarcastic peasant be peasants outlook on them or simply won't give two shits about sports. So Fe egos/valuers don't simply turn into enthusiastic monkeys wherever there's a group of idiots without any critical thought.

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    You seem Te creative, not ethical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    @Reyne, can I see your video ? I agree not cheering in crowds is perfectly normal for many Fe valuing types and egos. It depends on a context, what you care about etc. Many EIE's for example will feel "above" sport matches, have sarcastic peasant be peasants outlook on them or simply won't give two shits about sports. So Fe egos/valuers don't simply turn into enthusiastic monkeys wherever there's a group of idiots without any critical thought.
    This is so true for me. I have been to sporting events and basically just sat there, subtly looking around at all the people. I probably had a neutral expression. I felt so out of place and yeah I thought some of them were acting like idiots. lol I don't like to draw that kind of attention to myself. I like to think of myself as a bit too refined to act like that in public. I have also seen all kinds of types cheering or screaming at the screen in a sports bar or an event. People I would not expect to be so enthusiastic.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post

    So here is the wild card. When I see your videos I'm seeing INFp. I know myst says differently and she is pretty good at socionics ( on paper). Would like to hear what she is seeing because I'm curious.

    The missing pieces are how you interact with your friends for the Fe. You look like a person who might "come alive" around the right kind of Se.

    Also, you look a bit lost, almost forlorn, in your life right now. Don't bother with Si people, they are only going to feel like a wet blanket on you. Their comforting will make you feel more lost, not less, frustrated even. You need to be around people who make you feel alive by shaking you up and DIRECT contact. Trust me on that.

    I'm not really seeing Balzac the ILI CRITIC. Where are people getting the NT vibes from this guy?? ILI are spaced out and whatever like all Ni types..... yet the most critical type inthe socion. The second most hands on technically inclined, the counter balance to the uber social politician SEE? I'm not seeing that, man. Which isnt a bad thing, it just means you seem NF to me. IEI. What exactly is Te about you?

    Don't listen to the ESE either, they have zero intuition and would have a hard time discerning IEI Fe from a bag of door knobs. Cheering in a crowd is just surface Fe. IEI might not cheer because they view through Ni and Ni might have come to the conclusion sports are a finite endeavour and the crowd of monkeys is fickle. Ni sees the currents of humanity for what it is.... you were probably actually feeling the true undertones of the audience and trying to handle the real Fe, not the painted on enthusiasm of an audience obsessed with self created tribalism. Or some other equally deep thoughts in the moment (stuff like that drives SLE bonkers with amusement - when you get lost in your head space and not experiencing the moment - which is ironic because often times you are discerning the moment more deeply then most people in the crowd could ever hope to achieve). Ni subtypes are chilled out like that. Which I also think you are Ni subtype. There is a reason IEI are the poets and poets see the truth. They are searching and in my personal opinion you are searching as well. Its written all over you. Actually you Fe in your videos strongly.

    Being focused on goals is not type related btw. Being practical about your needs and wants is also not type related. Unless thats all you think you are ALL the time. I don't buy it.

    Great hair cut btw, looks really good on you.
    "The Administrator" = ESTj = LSE (Te-Si)
    "The Humanist" = INFj = EII (Fi-Ne)

    The Administrator is very hard working; he rationally spends his time and does not like getting distracted by extraneous talk. He is very practical and economical. He strives to be competent in business issues, accumulating necessary information on problems interesting to him. He tends to take on too many responsibilities. So he needs The Humanist, which can suggest, which actions are most promising. The Humanist willingly helps in this work, doing it diligently and qualitatively.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    @Reyne how exactly do you want a significant other to express her emotions in more detail? That would be helpful Is it that you could mirror/channel/resolve these emotions, or what to you want to provide in return? And another question, what is the reason behind you valuing this expression, in other words: why do you need it?

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    So here is the wild card. When I see your videos I'm seeing INFp. I know myst says differently and she is pretty good at socionics ( on paper). Would like to hear what she is seeing because I'm curious.
    I don't see him affecting the Fe atmosphere actively like Fe creative does it. In the video that I looked at a bit I see 4D Ti more than anything. My previous typing of him is LII and the video doesn't contradict it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    I'll try my best explaining what I understood about this.

    I thought I was LII because talking with you we saw that I value Fe. Because when I have a relationship I want the other person to express her emotions, especially the bad ones, when she doesn't feel good. This seemed Fe-ish. And I feel pain when she doesn't do it.
    Before we talked, I didn't consider Fe because I was sure that I valued Fi, because of MBTI stereotypes. About Ti, we talked about my thoughts about changes and rules if I remember well.
    So, yeah, you helped me understand the functions in a better way, and after that, I looked into LII descriptions and I could relate to them.

    Later I made the video, and I got typed both LII and ILI, so I started looking more into ILI too. I actually didn't really consider Ni-leading until that moment, because of MBTI stereotypes. I started reading more stuff about ILI too, and it made sense.

    Then yeah, wacey told me I may be IEI, and I started reading descriptions of IEI too. I never considered the possibility of being Fe creative, so this surprised me. And actually it surprised me even more that I could relate with IEI too.

    If I must write the precise reasons why I can relate with Ti and Ni, then I don't have much to say. I would just write some basic stuff and say "I can relate to this".

    Oh, man. I feel like I can relate to all the types you suggest me. I also can't remove the MBTI bs from my head. I feel kind of sorry for letting you lose your time.
    You're being quite evasive here lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    I admit it. I wrote that huge message just because I didn't want to say that I have no clue about the functions, lol. I don't know how to answer and I have to think and learn more about it.
    But I can try answering other non-socionics questions
    Well, as I said before, good luck with more learning about it and yourself.

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    I'm going to tentatively agree with LII, though it's not 100% clear. From where I'm standing it is blindingly obvious that you don't value . You clearly prefer a lighthearted, joking, even superficial way of interacting with others. Attention to deeper, long-term commitments is almost completely lacking. Neglecting one's relationships is typical of Alpha NT types, but you mentioned that you do want to get better at it, perhaps suggesting Fi Role.

    That being said there are some things that seem unusual for an LII. One is your obsession with revenge, more typical of an valuing type. Your comfort with telling shocking jokes and preference to "not sugarcoat things" is another one (Beta?). Can you elaborate on the revenge theme? What is an example of revenge in others and what is your reaction to it? The main other types I would consider are IEI and ILE (@wacey makes a lot of good points for IEI above). I'm not sure I would say you are expressive but you do seem more comfortable with drawing attention to yourself than Fe suggestive would imply. And definitely being reclusive or keeping to one's self is typical of Ni leads.

    The evidence for intuition is also fairly clear: dislike of mundane things, enjoying thinking about the "what if you were rich" question, doubtful and overthinks things (Ni > Se).

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    I forgot to mention another example of subdued Fi -- you joke around about your weaknesses and foibles in a way that is very atypical for Serious types ("I suck at Se", "I'm lazy" etc.). I suppose this shows that you don't value character or take it seriously. It also somewhat points against Fe suggestive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post

    I tried avoiding talking about this because it will sound really stupid and it hurts a little bit.

    I'll explain the revenge thing talking about my shool times. At school I was very quiet, as always, so it sometimes happened that a few people just showed a total lack of respect.
    My mentality was like this: "I don't care about being perceived as strong, but I really don't want to be perceived as weak. So if someone tries to embarass me in front of other people (fear of being humiliated and not wanting to be perceived as weak) I'll have to show that I can hit back, and harder)."
    Sounds very stupid but it made sense inside my head.

    Something like 6 years ago a classmate always "challenged me". It was some kind of weird rivality. We hated eachother but we didn't really admit it. It was ok actually, there wasn't a problem for me. We actually kind of started becoming friends. It could have been a funny rivality.
    But one day he tried humiliating me in front of the other classmates. He failed, since I got the sympathy of most of the people, but I got really mad and just started punching him. I felt betrayed, because I didn't expect that.
    Like, you know, I don't really care if you say some stupid stuff to me. But if you try humiliating me in front of other people I totally lose control.
    I thought "if you don't hit back, other people will try to humiliate you too".
    And it actually worked, since despite being very calm and not social, nobody tried to mess with me again.
    Oh, keep in mind that I was 15 years old. Of course I now know that it was a stupid thing to do.

    But actually a few years later something similar, but not very heavy, happened again. Well, very small similar things have happened a few times, but they're not very relevant.

    So yeah, my biggest fear is being humiliated in front of other people. Another huge fear is being betrayed.
    And I actually am very competitive in an indirect way, and I start being direct only if I'm forced because of annoying situations or if someone challenges me.
    ok, I think IEI is plausible. Usually Alphas find rivalries and interpersonal conflict stressful rather than be funny, that sort of goes against their quadra values.
    Last edited by Exodus; 01-27-2017 at 06:28 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post

    I tried avoiding talking about this because it will sound really stupid and it hurts a little bit.

    I'll explain the revenge thing talking about my shool times. At school I was very quiet, as always, so it sometimes happened that a few people just showed a total lack of respect.
    My mentality was like this: "I don't care about being perceived as strong, but I really don't want to be perceived as weak. So if someone tries to embarass me in front of other people (fear of being humiliated and not wanting to be perceived as weak) I'll have to show that I can hit back, and harder)."
    Sounds very stupid but it made sense inside my head.

    Something like 6 years ago a classmate always "challenged me". It was some kind of weird rivality. We hated eachother but we didn't really admit it. It was ok actually, there wasn't a problem for me. We actually kind of started becoming friends. It could have been a funny rivality.
    But one day he tried humiliating me in front of the other classmates. He failed, since I got the sympathy of most of the people, but I got really mad and just started punching him. I felt betrayed, because I didn't expect that.
    Like, you know, I don't really care if you say some stupid stuff to me. But if you try humiliating me in front of other people I totally lose control.
    I thought "if you don't hit back, other people will try to humiliate you too".
    And it actually worked, since despite being very calm and not social, nobody tried to mess with me again.
    Oh, keep in mind that I was 15 years old. Of course I now know that it was a stupid thing to do.

    But actually a few years later something similar, but not very heavy, happened again. Well, very small similar things have happened a few times, but they're not very relevant.

    So yeah, my biggest fear is being humiliated in front of other people. Another huge fear is being betrayed.
    And I actually am very competitive in an indirect way, and I start being direct only if I'm forced because of annoying situations or if someone challenges me.
    The other predominant aspect in this dyad is involutionary sensing of experiences (Si), which is the creative function of LSE – on this aspect the LSE strives to not let in anything that may destroy the already existing order, harmony, and way of life; he wishes to distance from physical and and psychological irritants, to preserve the wholesomeness and beauty of relations, of the person, of the world around him. If harmful elements are brought up for discussion, they are usually mentioned as something that needs to be eliminated from one's environment, from one's personality or personal relationships.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    There will never be a type that will fit OP if picking based on these little bits of stuff. No type will ever fit perfectly using this method.
    @Reyne I really suggest you just take your time considering how Ti base fits or doesn't fit for you in terms of most of your life up to this point. (Or whatever other base function you also see as possible for yourself.)

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    @Reyne the problem with the quadra values is that half of it won't fit well, the half that's for your superid. (You may be drawn to it though even if it doesn't apply to you as you are.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    That's the reason why I'm struggling with quadras. I'm trying to get as much info as possible about clubs, temperaments, communication styles and romance styles because they seem to be a little bit more specific. I narrowed it down to:
    Cold blooded/sincere

    Well, I only confirmed the results of this thread... but hey! It's better than nothing, lol. At least I'm 100% sure I'm an introvert (I already knew this...) and an intuitor (I knew this too... ****, I'm wasting my time, lol).

    I'm struggling especially because the clubs, communication styles etc descriptions are pretty short. That stuff is good... I wish there were more descriptions about it.

    At this point I already have read all the type and quadra descriptions. I'll try to understand the Reinin dichotomies, hoping they will help me rule out at least one of the four possible types.
    Reinin will not rule out anything. That's just A LOT more waste of time to check out Reinins.

    Just go back to Ti, Fi, Ni as base functions vs as demonstrative functions.

    Oh and as for Cold blooded/sincere, look at whether you'd want Te or Fe. Which one provides for better interactions.

    PS. I still see LII for you.

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