Hm I usually try to avoid my conflict type at all costs and it doesn't seem they try to interact with me, so if it's a big place it's generally fine since there's other people around. I personally prefer being in bigger spaces with a lot of people, because you're not forced to interact with people you could clash with. I get along usually fine with Istps but unhealthy ones can irritate me and then they often have trouble with seeing how what they say annoys people, and continue doing it, this is not general to all of them though. There's an isfp in my class and he talks on and on usually, and I tend to space out, but he generally doesn't interact with me besides funny banter bc he is gamma. In some ways ISxPs can act similarly surface level wise but have some diff values. The only type I'd ever or do have real problems in beta is my conflict otherwise it's fine usually and even sometimes I feel weird around some Delta types lol, because they are often silent n quiet and shit, since I'm use to being around more emotive/interactive people and esfps can be more emotive than deltas too. Yeah I can have a prissy bitchy attitude sometimes but I like to lighten up and I have started to try to more..Well LSEs can also like beta humour or just generally can be more emotive I noticed with their fe role.