I am not sure on his type, really. I like ILE for him, but he seems pretty organized and "together" (but then he is in his 40s and has been in the military for 21 years...).

I feel very comfortable around him. On our first date I sat down and almost knocked my chair over and then dropped my fork on the floor. He laughed and asked "are you nervous." I said "of course I am nervous, that's half the fun" and he laughed. We had a very easy interaction from the beginning, good conversation, and great chemistry. I have known him for two months now and he is inconsistent with communication, but fairly steady still. He will check in, ask me to check in when I get home when I travel, etc. But we have gone stretches of days with no communication. He is open about himself (does not mind personal questions) and with his space (invites me over, doesn't mind when I check out things and walk around, etc.). But he is also good at drawing the line (when he needs to sleep because he has to get up early, etc.). He is flexible and spontaneous, his life plans are not set in stone.

But he is also fairly aggressive and very confident (in almost an SLE-ish way). I say this because my idea of the more "timid and nerdy" ILE does not apply here. He is not at all helpless or unable to take care of himself. He has some care-takerish tendencies ("should I start your car so it's warm when you are ready to go?" - granted this could also be a subtle way of making sure I leave because he was tired. ).

He is charming in a bratty, straightforward way and is not at all complicated. I feel comfortable telling him when i feel frustrated. I don't feel like I have to be on my best behavior.

Does that sound ILE? I will say again, I feel very comfortable and non-anxious with this guy. I like him, I could see it go somewhere, but I am much more patient with regards to seeing it play out.

Ultimately it does not matter, but in these dating efforts, I do see patterns emerging - ITs keep me intrigued, but can easily make me feel intrusive and are too protective of their space and time. I hate having to walk on egg shells. EFs are incredibly fun at first, but the charm does not keep me interested. Constant charm attacks don't do much for me beyond date three (too much talk). Fellow IEEs are great fun, but too similar to take it beyond friendship for me. ETs are the most attractive initially, but can easily make me feel patronized (EXTjs much more so than EXTps). I don't think I have dated an IF lately. For some reason they stay off my radar.
