Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Help them get dressed in the morning, help them bathe, when they lose their underpants spontaneously throughout the day, help them find their underpants. If they set something on fire, put it out for them, and remind them to bathe.
Haha this is so true.
My ESE-Si mother does all those things for my ILE-Ti brother...

Though this advice is better for when you are already in a relationship with an ILE.
In that case, I would add the general "Clean up after them" phrase.

When it comes to seduction, I'd say it is more about being a pleasant, calm, merry individual that is fascinated by and eager to listen to whatever the ILE has to say, especially when it comes to their hobbies and discoveries. Laugh with them, make them feel warm and cozy and relaxed. Be a safe haven they can go to whenever they feel like it. Have an "inviting" and "welcoming" vibe about you. And of course, dress well, but comfortably.